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"Remember to look at the stars not down at your feet." Inspired me ever since. Rest in peace Professor Hawking
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Awesome, I'd like to hop on the train ride then. Was thinking of playing a monstrous race, though I wonder is there a particular reason why the Orcs, Goblins and Trolls are not playable even with special requests but the Nagas and Harpies are? If you wanna discuss a bit more, we can go into DMs or Discord.

Thanks for the conversation regardless though!
Hello there, is this RP open? Is it a good time for another player to join?

Without ever confirming the result of the cannon strafing run, the six planes already banked away from their target once they unloaded their payload. Normally, radar would do the job whether or not he was dead, but this was just a person, so the squadron would have to rely on ground visual reports. And besides, if they ended up not doing much, well tough luck, they would not risk being slammed with some bullshit magic while they are wondering.

And what do you know, they kept throwing more at them.

Giant monster. Yes, a giant monster, or what appeared more like golem made of earthly materials, towered over the soldiers down on the ground, formed and marched. Anyone caught under their initialization were presumed dead. A presumed death that made the airborne squadron breathe reliefs that they chose the sky as their home. But if that wasn't enough, another threat would sprung up after that golem. A volcano. Or one that looked similar to it. A much worse threat than that golem could ever be. Hell, if these were not to be stopped, they would likely threaten the existence of not only Lingayen, but probably the entire Philippines peninsula, maybe even South East Asia.

"Man, they really want to destroy this land huh?" Cuong said, as his plane levelled out, allowing him to survey the battlefield clearly. "Comrades, better get your thermal settings up. This is gonna be hot."

"It's a desperate move. They know they're losing." Nikolay said with a glare down the volcano. If they couldn't have the place, then they destroy it. Literal monsters. It's the same behavior everywhere.

The more important question is: would they be able to do anything about it? The squadron had been defiant in opposing the Chinese NAs, but for A-ranks like these, they're probably out of their leagues. But that was what defined them. Their ability to go toe-to-toe with the Noble Arms user even without those magical weapons themselves weren't without merit, and even without being able to do much, they could still contribute to the battlefield. Especially after the broadcast from that unknown source.

"She really is holding that golem back." The female pilot of the squadron, Thu, looked in awe as the giant golem was held back, singlehandedly too. But the volcano might need more assistance. Not long after, another transmission from a woman named Regina Meitner, requesting support for the assault on the volcano. There will be no retreating now.

"Confirm. This is Senior Lieutenant Hoang Van Cuong of Lotus Squadron. I assume you are on the beach, Mrs Meitner. Then take your comrades to the northern side of the volcano. Let the lava flow to the beach." Cuong spoke back over the intercomm to whoever could hear them. "Along with every able bodied personnel. We will wrap around to the western side to poke over there."

He cut off the transmissions, but his copilot still had words to deliver. "Comrades, be careful of the heat coming out. If you are unable to punch through yourself, let us know." Nikolay said with a rather thick Russian accent.

The rest of Lotus didn't need further orders. They immediately merged with Cuong's plane in a 'V' shaped formation, flying far away from the volcano to the hills before making a sharp turn back towards the volcano. There, the six planes appeared to slow down, and the planes cycled around and reshaped the formation into a circle. They flew as tight as possible, knowing intuitively that their armament might not be enough to pierce through the volcano individually.

"All missiles switched to unguided mode." Nikolay declared. "Do you think they'll feel the pain?"

"We will see. Open fire, avenge this land."

A calm announcement to a furious missile barrage. While it was by no means numerous like the Chinese ground rockets, steady streams of rockets barrelled in from a group of six aircraft, pummeling the ground on the side of the man-made volcano. Each aircraft took only a few seconds interval before another rocket jumped and roared beneath their wings. All of which covering a relatively narrow area on the volcano.

After around twenty seconds of cloud painting and fireworks, the jets all of a sudden roared their afterburners, rapidly approached the volcano, fired a few more missiles as they neared the craters, before climbing straight upward. The first wave of attack had hit, but even then might not be enough. They would hit those craters again close and personal. The azure planes then spreaded out like blooming petals before diving back down, each craft delivering as much payload as they could, with whatever weapons they still had at their disposals, onto the craters. When they were physically impossible to continue firing without plunging their entire plane into the ground would they level out and distance themselves from the volcano.

Floyd "Flemma" Cloute

"Urgh." Flemma was not liking where this was going. Well, at least there's nothing inside that building for an ambush. From what it looked like, it was just an elevator. Flemma only barely glanced at what the buttons do, as he focused more on his mates who were basically already incapacitated. How on earth were they expecting to fight anything if they were like this. The elevator is too small for a one-trip, they could chill outside then.

The green-haired man touched Milton on his shoulders with the cold metal blunt of his blade, "My friends, you can wait outside for now." He sternly but kindly asked, as he looked outside to his fellow agents, gesturing his head for volunteers. "Come on now. Any daredevils?"

If their plan was to act fast, then some of them better step up to it. He hoped that given the so-called quality of the agents that the agency was bragging about, his fellow colleagues could make a quick decision on this.


Locations: Vikena Estate's -> Guesthouse -> Athletic Arena
Interactions: Fritz @JJ Doe, Leo @Helo, Mina @Tae

Now that he was the acting head of the royal physicians, it wasn't just these doctors that he could manage, but also partly the Institute's resources and influences as well. It is not well-known knowledge to anyone who hadn't lived in Varian for a time, but the Institute of Science is not just a social club of scholars and scientists, but is a functioning part of the government, and whose influence can sway even the king and queen into action. It's an interesting role to be in for sure, and he was no strangers to it.

After the meeting adjourned, John stayed behind for a bit to discuss the transition with the Surgeon Dentist, who had given him quite a bit of paperwork to go through. But as that too was concluded, he was met with someone outside the guesthouse. He looked more of a servant, and John was proven right as the man approached him, introduced himself and informed John about the situation. Apparently Mina was with Leo at the athletic arena, fainted afterwards and was convulsing, and he was needed. Him being needed was a little bit redundant, as John already felt his stomach sink when Mina was involved.

He hopped onto the first carriage with the servant and headed towards the arena. Once arrived, he let the servant took charge as he led the doctor to where the two were at. Mina seemed to be back up on her feet now, which was a good sign, but it had not wiped the subtle worries off his face just yet.

"Lord Smithwood, Lady Blackwood." He nodded to the two of them instead of bowing. "I'm informed of the situation. We should get back to the guest house." He told both of them calmly. That is where the doctors are, and the most convenient to check things up. "How are you feeling, Mina?" He whispered, inadvertently informally, as he held her upper arm, noting her particularly pale face. He then turned over to Leo sternly. "Can you tell me what happened?"
John & Thea

Location: Vikena Estate's Billiard Room

”I appreciate it, really.” John nodded. Seeing how she was much more restrained, willing to admit her fault, and willing to talk, it gave him a little bit of hope. ”Can we…” He gestured to the maid of the estate. Without John finishing his request, the maid stepped aside and let the two into the currently empty billiard room. Thea had taken one more glance at Charlotte before slowly following John into the room.

John waited for Thea to enter before closing the door, but stood right close by the door as he began. ”Well, health-wise, you look ok, so no need for a follow up for today’s canceled appointment.” He said, glancing at her briefly. Aside from swollen eyes from crying, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, giving him a breeze of relief. ”Until the next time you drink too much.”

”Mainly though,” He sighed, looked down on the floor for a brief second with his hand on the back of his head. ”While this might sound like something your mother would tell me to do…trust me, I wanted this out of my own volition.” He said, hoping to clear out any misconception she would have about what comes next, but he knew he could only go so far. He was really banking on her sincerity, or that he thought she would, here. ”I notice you’ve been drinking a lot recently. A lot more than what I’m used to you doing.” He leaned onto the wall with his hand on his wrist. ”Do you want to talk a bit about it? Doesn’t have to be now.”

Thea felt her jaw clench some as he made his assessment, unsure why she initially felt irritation about it. It was good she looked good health-wise, wasn’t it? That irritation was quickly forgotten, however, as his next words hit her. Her gaze fell to the floor, finding it hard to make eye contact with him now and hadn’t realized her arms moved to wrap around herself uncomfortably. She immediately thought of last night, of her drunken confession to Felix, then to today and the letter. She felt panic trying to sink its claws into her, but she tried to fight it off.

”I-I don’t know what you mean, you…” She began as she shifted uncomfortably, but trailed off as she realized something he said. He was asking this out of his own volition? Did he actually care about her wellbeing? The thought brought an odd feeling of warmth to her chest which only served to confuse her more. Could she actually speak to him about it? What if? ”I’ll only end up scaring you off as well…” Her words came out as quiet as a mouse, betraying just how broken she felt as tears now slipped down her nose once more and hit the floor.

John kept silent. The droplet did not escape him, but he pretended he didn’t see it. He let a moment pass, carefully choosing his words, considering and reconsidering. In the end, he shrugged his shoulders lightly. ”Yeah I might be scared…” He replied. ”But it’s whatever. I’ll stick around anyway.”

In a way, it is true. His impulses would say Thea’s not scary to appease her, but people did scare him in many ways. Many ways. But what is important is that his feelings don’t matter here. ”It’s not easy. I might not know how to help you specifically even, and you may not know it either.” John sighed. ”But I’d like to see you better. Not cause that’s what your mother told me, but I believe you’re a nice person at the end of the day.”

Not that he believed, but he knew. He had heard the stories. And he cared about it, more than he professionally should, and quite sadly more than the people around her who should have. Her goddamned brother, the duchess, hell even the prince.

His words caught Thea off guard and her eyes shot up to look at him, the shock there evident. Did he mean that? Would he actually stick around even if her problems scared him? Could she actually trust him? She studied him for a long moment, mind whirling as she went back and forth on what to say. What would she tell him? What could she tell him? ”I don’t know if I was ever a nice person, but sometimes I…” She paused, trying to work out her words in order to express things properly. ”Sometimes I truly miss who I was, the one who people turned to for comfort. The girl who everyone always saw as kind and sweet and loving. I miss her…” She paused again, brows furrowing as she thought about this.

But I also hate her.” The truth in this confession felt like a weight being lifted off of her, but also like a stab to the gut. ”That girl hid a lot behind those things and so I’m glad she’s dead and gone, but now I don’t know who I am and no one else seems to either. Who am I supposed to be, John? Because no matter who I try to be, I’m never good enough and I’m tired.” Tears fell freely now and she no longer made an attempt to hide them. This was her, this was the girl who had been beaten down and broken for years and now didn’t know how to pick up the pieces and put them back together.

”I don’t know exactly.” John glanced away for a moment. ”Because I feel like if I say something, it would just be the same kind of pressure that others have put you under.”

‘You are subservient to us.’

‘You are a nobody.’

‘This is why nobody likes scientists like you. They think with a bit of knowledge, they can talk back to us.’

”You said you miss being a kind, sweet and loving girl, but glad that part of you is past you. You’re ok with getting rid of that, is it that you’re living someone else’s image of you then…” John said, and he was about to open his lips to say something but quickly sealed it shut. ‘Or the image of your family’ was what he was going to say. He observed this in her brother Leo too. Living to preserve the veneer and prestige of a dysfunctional family. But saying that might be too much.

Why was she glad that part of her was gone? Thea opened her mouth, but nothing came out for a moment as she thought about what would be proper to say. Then it hit her, even now she was thinking of what was proper to say. ”It’s because that version of me was a lie. I chose to appear happy to keep others from worrying about me. I had to appear that way to keep my mother from having more stress. I had to act like everything was okay to protect Leo. I had to convince everyone I was fine so my father-” She cut herself off there, mouth quickly shutting as she took a deep breath to calm herself as she was getting worked up.

”Appearances mean everything to my family. Go fix your make up. Hide your crazy and act like a lady. You’ve got to keep it together even when you’re falling apart. These were things I was taught from little on, but how much can one take before they snap? This is what I was feeling underneath all of that.” She let out a sigh and looked down, ashamed of herself and who she was.

So now she was swinging to the exact opposite. He wasn’t sure how much of her drinking was actually her being herself, or was it her trying to prove that to herself. Regardless, hearing her confession about her family, despite him already knowing this, only made him angry. Despite his initial positivity towards the duchess, the more he learned about her, her husband and her relationship with her two children, the more he could tolerate her behavior. This was abuse, and family images were no justification.

”I don’t blame you snapping at all, really.” He replied. ”It sucks being royalty.”

He crossed his arms and rubbed his cheek a little. ”You know what, are you free later in the evening? I’ll take you out to a restaurant. None of that obnoxious medical stuff. Just the two of us, chilling, enjoying some good food.”

His next words hit Thea’s ears and she slowly looked back up to John, blinking a little in surprise. ”I…Actually I’d like that very much. Thank you.” She finally said, a small and genuine smile actually lighting up her face now. She hadn’t realized it, but perhaps this was exactly what she’d needed.

”Alright, sounds good~” John replied ecstatically. He was expecting a worse outcome to the talk, but it actually turned out pretty well. ”I’ll be available around 8. From then, I can’t tell you what to do, but try to avoid reading the news or public gatherings. I went to one this morning, and…well…” He burst out a chuckle and a headshake as he remembered what happened. ”They aren’t the best people, let's just say. I’m pretty sure you have better people you want to hang out with as well.” He leaned his head in a gesture towards the door. Charlotte’s a good person. You can tell a lot about her from her worst moments.

”Well, I have someone I need to meet in a bit, so I better get going.” John checked his pocket watch, before looking back at Thea. ”Thanks for hearing me out today.”

Thea’s brow furrowed a little, but the smile remained as she looked at him questioningly. ”Well you’re going to have to tell me about what happened at dinner tonight because now I’m far too curious. I promise I’ll be ready by 8.” She began moving back towards the door, but paused when she was next to him. Before he could protest, Thea threw her arms around him in a hug. ”No, thank you John. Thank you for actually caring and helping me, even though I’m often a bitch.” Just as quickly as she hugged him, she let go and gave him one more smile before heading back out to where Charlotte was.

He was a bit taken aback by the hug, but gave her a bright comforting smile. It felt good helping someone. ”You’re very welcome…” He left that along with a pat in the arm as she went. He’d follow her to Charlotte, but to excuse himself and make his departure from the Vikena estate.

Locations: Vikena Estate's Drawing Room
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Devan @Prosaic, Thea @Tae

The chill-day quickly got complicated, as someone else showed up at Charlotte's place. The one person John least expected, and probably vice-versa from her end. She was in no better condition than from what he saw her yesterday. She immediately tried to back off but Charlotte quickly went after her. John put down his cup of tea and stood up from the sofa as Charlotte was reassuring Thea not to worry over him. He also approached the two ladies over at the door, but slowly and more composed.

"Sorry if the situation gets a little complicated." He raised his hand to steer away from any indication of aggression. A very brief glance at Thea was already enough to him he shouldn't escalate any further. "I was supposed to check up on her this morning, but I have to cancel our appointment due to a scheduling conflict." He lied straight up, but Charlotte wouldn't know that. Only Thea knows, but would she be honest to admit that it was her who cancelled it despite being right after a major hangover? This wasn't the first time he warned that it could have consequences, so she knew.

"Is it alright if we can talk for a few minutes?" He said to Thea softly, giving her a sympathetic look. "I promise you it would be quick, then I'll leave you alone." He was hopeful that she would, but he was giving her a way out if things didn't go as planned. The last thing that she needed was to be pressured right in front of her friend. To Charlotte though, he thought she might find it a little untimely for him to be talking to her about the doctor's appointment during this moment of distress, so he gave her a reassuring but rather ambiguous response. "Don't worry, I know."
Floyd "Flemma" Cloute

Geez...he hadn't been this shaken up since the time he was fighting atop that amusement park contraption. Flemma only just met that guy a few minutes ago, but he should stay the heck away from the wheels, for everybody's sake. They arrived safe though, but not necessarily stealthily either. If WIZARD hadn't already known about the team's arrival, then this reckless display would definitely do, so if anything, they should get ready to catch anyone from getting away from the building...though from the looks of it, it doesn't look like there's a lot of ways to go.

Ignoring the low low possibility that the restaurant owner was a poor sod who either could not afford or was too stupid to get a better restaurant location, this was basically a setup. No windows, frugal decorations, no culinary indications, a plain 'totally not suspicious' sign that reads 'Restaurant'? You'd be a fool to believe that this was supposed to be an actual place for a cheap dine-in trip. His teammates might have known that already, but regardless, they wanted in, and they wanted in fast.

"Whoa whoa, hol' up." Flemma quickly called out for the orc as the big guy basically was going ahead on his own without really letting anyone to chime in on his ingenious plan. Others would join later to weigh in their plans, which were all possible before, "Well, I normally would hate to charge into unknown territory that we don't know tinge of what's inside." He sighed as he caught up with his crew, being the first in the transport and also the last one out. "But considering we did all that before coming up with a plan, yeah I agree with the dude here. Gotta be fast."

Flemma reached behind his back and unsheathed his sword in preparation for the upcoming fight. Having no right hand, he rested the blunt side of the sword on his shoulder instead.

Locations: Sorian Park -> Vikena Estate's Drawing Room
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Devan @Prosaic, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy

"I'm not surprised by that actually, even if not for what I saw earlier." John gave an amused grin as he rested his cheek on his hand. "I've interacted with many of these personalities. They're often scary until you learn the venom." The doctor said rather casually, unaware of his peculiar word choices would make him come off. But he was partly right. Snakes are the slim lethal predator until the prey is immune to their poison. John might seem like a doormat to the people who were willing to walk over him, but he could read them fairly well himself.

While the topic of marriage was still in the air, John felt a tug within himself upon hearing both of them lamenting being arranged. He was not exactly in their shoes, since thankfully his parent didn't care much about it. At least not yet. But still, that feeling where your worth as a human being is what kind of prestige you can bring was just...messed up. "Marriage is such a tool nowadays." He replied to Charlotte, shrugging. "I met a colleague while in the fields that's getting married to this older woman who he hasn't even met once. He's younger than I am. All 'cause she's from a noble household so he could have the prospect of advancement."

If John were to be honest though, no one really liked that guy anyway. He had this massively inflated ego of being born in a noble house but not being born into a household that held any sort of power, so he always felt the need to prove himself, or rather give off the veneer of importance. Regardless, his parents were the main driver for this kind of nonsense, not him.

He finished his cup of tea before requesting a refill. As the maid was fulfilling that request, he glanced over to Devan, or rather the newspaper that she just gave him. "Caesonia News is such a waste of a dead tree everyday." He commented, rolling his eyes, remembering reading the same exact garbage that the man was reading this morning.

Locations: Sorian Park -> Vikena Estate's Drawing Room
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Devan @Prosaic, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy

Being gladly invited over to the estate, John found himself quite well-settled in the comfort of the estate. He was more used to the lab or the more communal-styled housing for Varian public servants, but this too was fine. After all, he was quite an adaptable guy. And he needed a bit of rest too from chaos. He was still quite tired from last night, and so he sank almost completely into the red sofa. "Yeah, I dreamt of fighting wolves when I was a kid, and I kinda got the wish." John let out a laugh as he joked back. A rather peasant joke, but he was peasantry, technically, so eh.

Upon being introduced to her cousin, the good doctor gently bowed to Devan. "A pleasure to meet you. I haven't had the opportunity to meet both of you properly, so it's nice to finally sit down and have a bit of a chat." And some tea as well. He'd have enough of the waffles, so a nice delicate tea was the only thing he had. He'd give the maid a nice little thank you as she finished pouring the cup of tea for him. He sprinkled on his cup a bit of tea before swirling the spoon; shielded the cup with his hand as he blew the tea to cool it down a little.

Charlotte asked about his experience the night before, but she asked Devan first, so John glanced over to the man with a curious smile. Once he answered, the doctor gladly continued the conversation in a seamless manner. "It was fun, overall. The night was fairly chaotic, as our royals...well...they get a little rowdy." He shrugged his hands. He ignored the whole situation with Count Damien and all that. "I get quite a dance experience with the Shehzadis, that's for sure. Layla, the eldest one, that's...oooh boy." He chuckled, taking a sip of tea. "We didn't talk much, but she's a great dancer. Perhaps a little daunting at first, but certainly a fascinating personality. I hope to talk to her again at some point."
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