The catgirl focused as best she could on Narkissa's words, though some reactions along the way were perhaps a given. Narkissa making contact with the goddess who'd brought them here was one matter that raised her eyebrows for a moment, as did their encounter with The Illuminator as well. Her compatriot's words about Novak, the man who'd been with them on the trip it seemed, were not rather encouraging though. Yet the deal struck there with The Illuminator, however, seemed to make little sense. Help find the orb? Really? It was a contradiction of what she'd learned, and something felt fishy enough about that at its core anywho. The very issue with the cultists was also something of note, bringing a frown to Leannah's face as she pondered what it meant in regards to her own suspicions about the mad god.
It seemed they were in quite a predicament indeed, at the very least!
Still, as Narkissa finished and her own turn came up, the catgirl gave a nod and would only speak where she and Narkissa could hear. She would relate in detail her story about praying to Auset-Kythet and the response, as well as mission, given to her by the cute bird goddess. The golden feather would be shown as proof before being hidden back in the, ah, 'location' she'd been keeping it hidden in. She would speak about her adventure in the temple after falling into the pit, from getting up to heading into the library and all of the puzzle solving. She would even show Narkissa the torn journal page she had acquired, before tucking the page back safely away on her own person and hidden carefully within the picture book.
She would recount her eventual contact with The Illuminator, and how in trying to keep him busy she had goofed up and gotten stuck in a game of sorts to learn about The Illuminator's history. She'd relate the whole of the origin story of The Illuminator in turn as well, and what she'd faced that nearly caused her to turn herself into a furry pile of ash. She'd relate the story about the Sage and her conversation with the Sage, and how she'd ended up inadvertently making a statue for the mad god. She'd relate what looked like an engine and the things seen in his divine realm once she got the door open, and how she'd passed the challenge.
But most of all...
"...And this last part is the most important. True to his word, I was given my chance to ask him a question and get a full answer to it. So I asked him what his plans were, full detail, including if Lazhira was involved. Full disclosure.
What I am telling you are the facts I learned. I wanted to ask you to keep this part most of all a secret because...it is big. I don't know everything going on in this village, what's been done, what is being done, etc. I have far from the full story, and it feels like I skipped to the end of the book for the bombshell reveal that no one would believe."
The catgirl took a deep, long breath, mentally preparing herself to say. Auset-Kythet give her strength for this.
"The goddess who summoned us here, the one you prayed to, is Delphiti. Further, the village is placed on top of a seal, one sealing away a part of Delphiti she cut out of herself a long time ago to help save humanity and the world...this part, this aspect she cut out of herself, is literally Delphiti as a Goddess of Conflict. A Goddess of Conflict who has a deep-seated hatred of humanity, and if unsealed has a high but not one-hundred-percent chance of wiping out humanity. When Lazhira mentioned that 'a seal was made' or something a few nights ago, that was what was meant by that bit and was sealed away.
Delphiti wants to take back in this part of herself again, thinks she can control it from the sounds of it. But it is no guarantee. The Illuminator, as much of a pure, unadulterated dick as he can be and probably has been from the sound of things, wants to keep the seal shut because the destruction of humanity would ruin his fun and interests. Not so much good as looking out for himself, but humanity benefits somewhat. However, he is also very angry at all of us that came over from Earth. Hates our meddling with things, according to his own words, and it was easy to tell this anger runs deeper than just amounting to words. I wonder if his influence in the village keeps the seal intact, and so losing his grip here hurts it or something? Maybe. Can't see how 'meddling' on our part would hurt here unless we were causing harm to his plans to keep the seal shut by some means.
I wouldn't put it past The Illuminator to kill half the village if it meant keeping his grip on the seal intact, of that I am more than sure, and he wants to keep the keys to the seal separated and hidden. So having someone help him look for the orb is suspicious at best, because he knows where both keys are. Like maybe some part of himself decided to do its own thing? He is a literal Frankenstein's monster, wouldn't put it past him to be able to break off parts to be in multiple places at once, and his mind is literally a mesh of dead gods. Or maybe it could be the influence of this sealed Goddess of Conflict to cause such a thing or otherwise around here. I don't know, that small bit is conjecture and theory more than anything."
Leannah shook her head, before attempting to sit up again for a second. The strain and tiredness and pain was enough that she would ultimately give up, however, and settle back down. At the least her burns felt better with whatever Lazhira had applied.
"So basically we are caught in the middle of something more 'interesting' than I wish we'd ever come across. Because you're right, completely right, that 'interesting' feels more like a bad thing these days than a good one. Like a curse.
Should the two keys come into contact with each other at all, or likely The Illuminator's grip on the seal fades too much as well, the dangerous part of Delphiti will be released. A Goddess of Conflict unleashed. Humanity is potentially very doomed in such a case, or potentially might not be doomed alternately, and we don't know for sure which result would happen.
Should the seal's integrity be threatened by our actions, somehow, we will get on the bad side of The Illuminator and what would seem to be his cultists you ran into. With the seal seemingly at stake already, and Delphiti wanting to pop it open, I'd venture The Illuminator is already doing things around here to keep the keys and the seal secure. Or trying to. Doesn't explain the paradoxical request to help him find it though, and that is the most fishy and suspicious part of it all. Feels like more than a potential ploy, that is what my gut feeling says."
Leannah grimaced as she moved to the final part, her hands clenching so tight her knuckles began to turn white again.
"But most of all, do not let Lazhira get her hands on the orb or tell her any of what I am about to say. Ever. Not even a touch. And don't let Delphiti or anyone get their hands on Lazhira or know this. It will put her in far more than harm's way, it could maybe kill her, Narkissa...kill her.
...Because the second key to the seal just treated my burns, gave me some food and a hug, and walked away to leave us here in this room to ourselves. Because for some reason, the second key is herself seeking out the first one to 'keep it safe' without knowing the true ramifications. Because it is likely, according to The Illuminator's information, she has been affected by the influence of the Goddess of Conflict...and who knows what other people as well since.
With that in mind, I am not sure anyone would believe what I learned, what I have just told you, or any of it. Could make us look suspicious, crazy, or worse depending on what is going on around here for all I know. The Illuminator knows this, he smirked and questioned what I'd do with all of this information, and so it is a sure guarantee this all could result in bad things happening if we go about blabbing this to people. Do not tell Lazhira especially, as I am not sure how she'd take it all...I don't want to hurt her, but I want to keep her safe.
I want to keep us both alive and safe as well, as best as I can."
The catgirl looked over at her compatriot, eyes filled with some sadness and enough anxiety as it was. She cared about Narkissa, that much was sure, and enough about their own lives to talk about the matter in its fullness and truth to Narkissa alone right now. She did not want to see the village and humanity exterminated, nor the two of them and Lazhira die. Tragedies like this, or so it felt like one, never ended on a perfect note. There was never a perfect solution, though a most correct one could perhaps be found if they played their cards right. Hopefully.
"And that is all I know. Everything, the whole tale of what happened to me and what I learned and all of the details to boot.
Part of me wonders if we can do anything, get anyone to help, cut a deal with Delphiti or something, or...I don't know. Truth be told I can barely keep my eyes open, and it has been a lot to deal with before being spat out of some god's 'divine realm' and into a pile of snow in the woods. Then I found you and Lazhira talking on some stumps."
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