The Xandalian Republic
Sol System, Near Pluto and Kupiter Belt
"The Home's Defilement"
The fateful message from the Meeting Place was all it had taken to get the gears moving, and the Xandalians had already been readying their military forces for deployment. Yet whilst the nation's main plans were already in motion, this matter was something else that required action of the most immediate sort in their eyes. A portion of the readied military forces would be needed to take care of the new issue in this case, however, as the news that had come in not too long ago was urgent.
'Unidentified ships have entered the neutral Sol space and moved away from Earth, seemed to be some kind of work-related fleet instead of a military one. No introductions made, no contact made.'
No one nation had claims to the system of Sol, no matter how human or not they were. The Senate and Republic had agreed to this along with at least a number of the other emergent colonies and nations present in the system. As such, they would adhere to this neutrality being maintained...and enforce it on those who would hold themselves higher than the rest of humanity's far-flung children. No hesitation, just action and force that anyone in the right mind could understand. A fleet of twenty five ships, ranging from mech-and-corvette-laden carriers to a pair of two battleships, all equipped for war and ultimately directed to track down the illegal operations being performed in the Sol System without the consent or approval of those assembled at the Meeting Place.
Back at the Meeting Place, an announcement would be made prior to the small detachment's arrival. Nothing that could be heard well beyond the station, but something made using the local announcement system installed into the Meeting Place itself. The same room Christensen had, frankly, nearly been shot in some time prior.
"Attention, respected ambassadors, envoys, and other representatives of the Meeting Place who have been here or have just arrived for the first time. I am Envoy Valeris, one of the diplomatic staff sent to represent the People and Senate of the Xandalian Republic. I would wish to send greetings to any new nations or former human colonies who have arrived, and invite their representatives to speak with us and the other nations upon this station.
However, this is far from all the news I wish to bring to the attention of all. From the Central Announcement Room I bring far more grave news.
As agreed upon by those assembled here, the Sol System has remained a neutral ground. Yet another new arrival has disregarded these protocols, sending in a potential mining or processing fleet according to the Republic's initial observations from this very station. These new contact have not even made contact with the Meeting Place or those assembled here, and have ignored the neutrality of this system that was once Humanity's cradle by gunning for areas farther out in the Sol System without a word.
Therefore, in the interest of being a responsible member of the international community here and to inform others here ahead of time, the Xandalian Republic is sending in a military detachment to deal with the illegal interlopers. Any who wish to assist are invited to come along, as it is the sovereign right of those nations assembled here at the Meeting Place to maintain the neutrality of this system.
If we have misunderstood the international agreement about these matters, either actively or silently as it has been agreed about the matter, then we invite others to come help explain the matter to us that we may all solidify something about the matter. Further, a live read on the incoming Xandalian Fleet's location in Sol System space will be provided to all nations with a current embassy built onto this station as a means to ensure our sincerity in these matters. Any captured interloper forces, should they choose to surrender, will be returned to this station for judgement by the international community.
After dealing with the interloper forces, and dropping off any international prisoners for temporary holding in the Xandalian Embassy area, the Xandalian fleet will be returning back to Xandalian Space promptly after. Access to any potential prisoners will be made free to the nations here, should any prisoners be acquired, though the Xandalian Republic shall provide security in such a case.
Any issues, questions, or problems that might be had I shall direct to the Xandalian Embassy itself, where discussion over the matter may be initiated and proper discourse can ensue.
Thank You."
Some time later, the twenty-five-strong space fleet would emerge. Gleaming hulls and deployed energy shields and so forth would be visible from the very station itself. And it was a 'small' detachment by Xandalian standards. Even a couple squads of mechs seemed to hover near a couple of the carriers sent over, sleek and shining and yet wielding various weapons made for war. The arrival was not itself an active or purposeful attempt to intimidate or impress others...but hell if it didn't have the potential to make an impression at least.
From here the fleet would rapidly zip away from the husk of Earth and the Meeting Place, leaving it behind as they moved deeper into the former home system of humanity. Past the other planets they would move, scanners looking about the dark expanse of space until by the time they reached the Kupiter Belt they found their prey. And like vultures or mighty birds of prey they would descend wiuthout hesitation and without mercy. None who would ignore everyone else, who would seek to strip and mine the Sol System itself for their own gain without a word, would be allowed to remain without punishment or consequence. An example would be made....and had to be made. If not by them, then by another nation.
The Carriers would deploy smaller ships and mechs, of which came down like innumerable locusts to begin the task of shooting down anything the interlopers had deployed there in the Kupiter Belt and Beyond. The Xandalian Fleet would be making a sweep from the Kupiter Belt all the way to and including Pluto, hunting down anything that they saw mining or processing the Sol System without a care. This, all whilst larger spaceship weapons would be aimed at any larger craft with the intent to cripple them for capture if or where possible along the way. A clean, detailed sweep. The first blitzkrieg the Sol System had seen in hundreds of years, potentially at least, to put those who ignored the rest of the world about them into their rightful place...underneath the international boot heel.
But why so vicious an action? Why do these things? It all would come down to the very mindset of the Xandalian Republic itself. A state that upheld the will of its people and safety and security at any cost, and a state that saw pride in their people and in their growth and in humanity's expansion across the stars. A state too that sought to cooperate with the international community and be a proper part of it, and would seek to be a good citizens in enough of a sense at least, but would exercise their own independent sovereignty and rights.
To all of these ends, for what sense it would all make, the Xandalians would not take the slight against the rights of all the former colonies of humanity's past to the Sol System by having some group decide they didn't want to talk. That they didn't want to listen. It was a breach of what the Republic understood as something the international community had agreed on, for what it had been built up as thus far at least. It was outrageous!
Those that didn't care to check the room, all before they threw themselves into doing things that some might take offense to at the very least, would be disciplined and held accountable for their actions.