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Movement caught Nylah's eye on the edge of her vision, movement which seemed to be a Yaga woman in a tree....and shaking her head? Yeah. But who was she shaking it at? Lissa? All of them? Hmm. Was she discouraging them from entering, or...hmm...blargh. Still, whilst the Mothraki kept properly subtle about things to avoid bringing attention to the Yaga woman in her peripherals, she did listen as Lissa seemed to pipe in about leaving. Not to mention having heard Eirhild's comments prior. The ratmen had just told them to come with them, and this area was full of soldiers and the whole Mie situation. It would be a perfect way to see the inside of things, but if they were being seen as suspicious would just walking off (or trying too) be a good idea? Now that made sense, at least within Nylah's own mind.

Rock the boat and it would bring trouble to them perhaps.

She then would butt in, or at least try to as best as she could directly assert herself, to try to seriously cut off Lissa after the secret Raam had the bit about how it: "[M]ight be best to cut our losses here.” (and hopefully before she said any more than that).

"Nonsense! We'd be happy to accept your humble invitation, kind sirs," Nylah said, doing her best to be polite as she addressed the ratmen in a respectful tone, giving a small humble nod to them before continuing, "Please forgive my friends here, the road has been long as we've sought somewhere to do business for many days now. We've no idea of what is going on here, really, but if someone was harboring criminals then I am glad brave soldiers such as yourself are here to keep an eye on things!"

The Mothraki smiled back at the ratmen, putting a hand to her chest and giving a humble nod to them before continuing.

"I am but a humble apprentice herbalist myself, traveling with my companions here to offer my aid to those who need it with what supplies I have collected along the way. A safer method to travel, but the road is fraught with perils in this area it seems.

If it would help us avoid more trouble and prove our intentions genuine, and to avoid causing any more trouble ourselves here, then we'd be happy to come along!"

Which also wasn't a lie, as they'd go through with the act if it meant keeping a lower profile or at least not getting in direct trouble. She had her skills, Lissa was a merchant, and Eirhild was hired protection. Right? Right. Hadn't that been Lissa's plan proper to get a foot in the door anyway?

It was almost exasperating to the core to be switching gears to join along, and now this! But as much as she was admittedly anxious about things, she did her best with her words and tone and such. The best she could do anyway.

She just hoped the other two would...ah...follow suit in this case as she tried to put herself out there as the 'voice of reason' speaking nervously on behalf of 'weary travelling merchants who had been grumpy due to the trip there' for reasons of not wanting to offend. Or something like that. Hopefully. She mostly feared what could happen if they pushed their luck here on the border, especially with an 'invitation' inside having been so 'graciously extended' to them. By armed guards. On the border of a crappy situation they were trying to figure out the workings and issues of somehow in the end.

...They were going to die at this rate, weren't they? They were totally going to die. She really didn't want to die. Or her Mother to die. To Lissa and Eirhild to die either really. Yeah. Death not good.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Eliana, The Cosmic Gypsy


Kiyome, The Draconic Protector

The pain from the bullet inside her organs? Nothing to her. The ones that had pierced her skin might as well have not been there either for all she cared. The enemy soldiers were like chaff, though the fact they could hurt her so easily was something else altogether. And it seemed more and more troops were coming over the hill with support to boot. Heck, even flying jetpack troops! It was a proper military invasion of sorts, and the familiarity of such a thing left a small but deep scowl on the face of the draconic monster girl. She only hoped her mistress was safe, if nothing else, and since it seemed the situation was turning against the defenders more and more by the minute perhaps she should go and-



Her own recovery was interrupted by a giant fireball headed at her, before the surprise Monster Glomp sent them rolling hard back up the hill. Kiyome struggled against the hold weakly, even as the ground around them was set on fire and even the hill itself as they proceeded to outright roll back down it once more. Then the cornfield was on fire. Fire? Yeah the fire wasn't the frustrating part of it all. Any burns would be shrugged off or just not significant in the face of what had just happened. She even cast a personal-time accelerating spell to augment herself to try to assist.

Still, she couldn't free herself from Mayra's grip too quickly as the other dragon girl held her there with a small space between them, beginning to gush and speak with a face that looked like a child on Christmas Morning. Utter joy for her assailant, though the incessant speaking seemed to go on without the other so much as seeming to breathe in Kiyome's eyes. But to do this in the middle of a battle, of all things, and to a random stranger?

In other words-

‘Dragon! You’re another dragon-girl, aren’t you!? Are you like me!? Are you like me!? Dragon that was turned into a girl? Oooh, that is so cool! I’m Mayra, also a dragon-girl! I bet you could tell! Do you serve a horror, too? Oooh, I am so happy to have met you! Can I be your friend? I want to be your friend! I love your tail! So sleek and elegant! What are your powers? I can do a whole lot of fire, and I’m really strong, too! Wait, don’t tell me! I want to find out while I fight you! And I want to fight you! Right now! I want to measure our strengths! Can I fight you? I’m going to fight you! I want to see what you can do! Let’s fight, friend!’
The Excitable Living Fireball

-this one was an idiot, wasn't she?

"Yes I am a dragon girl. No I wasn't a dragon turned into a girl. You also serve a Horror? Friends what-..e-eh?! Sleek and elegant?! What are you saying at a time like this?!?! I am under no obligation to-

wait, what are you-


Kiyome leapt up to her feet in one swinging motion as Mayra finally got off of her and took a battle stance, dusting herself off and brandishing her sword. Kiyome's face likewise now wore a sort of exasperated expression, one somewhat mixed with a new scowl of sorts.
An idiot. Just great. She had to deal with an idiot who had superior strength and whatever capabilities she didn't know about by this point. The fire was a given though, that much was clear.

Then the other girl came down at her with an overhead slash attack with a superheated claw. Her precognition saw it coming, and frankly the augmentation had given her the reaction time to get off a second spell that was prepared whilst Mayra was chatting incessantly.

"Save this all for later, after fighting the enemy here! Do that and then we can duel each other!"

Mayra's claw would find empty air and the ground beneath that, as Kiyome teleported herself away right before the attack made any contact. Not that the timing wasn't a bit too close for comfort. The more elegant dragon girl was not personally fast, but between the augmentation of her own personal time still in effect she had enough of a reaction time to use her second spell to teleport out of there. It was, however, enough to get her out of the immediate danger for the moment (she hoped).

Appearing near Penny and within the robot monster girl's line of sight, but placing Penny between herself and wherever Mayra and the enemies were, Kiyome let out a small huff before looking over at Penny proper. She coughed some into her hand before speaking again, her body hacking somewhat due to the sickly nature of her own state of general health otherwise.

"Please be the one leading this defensive operation, and tell me not everyone is an idiot. Please. I was sent to assist your people here on behalf of my mistress, but I am not tolerating constant friendly fire that will keep me from getting anything done around here."

If the robot started talking about how 'she'd be back' or something about a future war or turned on her to shoot her, she was leaving to look for her mistress. She could only take so much stupid in a day. Please. For the love of Thos let someone be competent here!


She had thought having her augmented senses, both mundane and magical, would make entrance into the defended area easier. However, the idea that the defenders would have set up some proper magical defenses had escaped her in the heat of the moment. In her rush she breathed in some toxic spores, after comfortably enough dodging other things on the way in, though it didn't stop her from stopping to save a child from one of the homes in the village. She would continue to violently cough and hack, but would push herself through as she carried the child deeper into the village to try to find some kind of evacuation point for locals. Or at least somewhere she could hide them to go help others and then protect them all from using some kind of barrier.

However, it seemed that her senses of the others here were keen enough. Or at least where they were. They seemed to be helping others, from what she could tell, so it was just a gamble if-

”You’re here to help, right! Thank goodness! Take anyone you find to the shelter! I’ll show the way!"

Thank heavens.

She allowed the other girl to lead her to the shelter, where another local to the area (she assumed) was there to greet her as well. She would deposit the sleeping child with the rest of the evacuees that had been brought over, it seemed, though the artillery shells kept flying in and brought a look of worry to the Cosmic Gypsy's face. Indeed, introductions would have to be for later, though for the moment she could barely even think of talking with all the coughing fits and such she still had.

It was then that the healing orb from a certain 'Hopeful Angel' flew in and slammed into her. The healing blessing rushed through the body of the Horror-Patron'd girl, and suddenly the coughing and so forth would fade rather rapidly from her chest as she felt sweet fresh air once again enter her lungs unimpeded. She'd have to thank her savior later, though, as with a magical barrier having popped up to help with the incoming artillery the gypsy raised her hands up as well.

"Let me erect a barrier as well! Then I'll go with you to find more civilians!"

Eliana would likewise erect a barrier of her own over the town, lying underneath the Angel's own barrier as a secondary defense. It was composed of dark energy, and in effect was intended to literally repel attacks as much as protect from them. It'd hopefully help, at least, rather than make things worse. She would mostly take visual note of what Alexis was trying to do with Lilly, but otherwise take up her own actions due to the ever-shrinking timeframe they seemed to have going on.

Once erecting that barrier of hers was done using her Cosmic spec magic, Eliana would rush off to help evacuate as many civilians as she could help move to the evacuation point. She prayed that she'd be able to save as many more as she could, at least, before the defensive situation came crashing down. She likewise hoped Kiyome was doing well too...


Serenity Gates

As Alicia walked down the hall, she would eventually see a familiar face round the corner. While the face and maid headgear were all most familiar, being that of Serenity, the rest was...ah...well something had definitely changed. Both in body and in attire. It was enough that other girls and magical boys in the hall were looking at Serenity here and there as well as she walked along, though it seemed to make Serenity herself uncomfortable. Not as bad as she used to react, perhaps, but uncomfortable all the same. Yet upon seeing Alicia herself, Serenity's crimson eyes seemed to light up and a smile rapidly come to her face as she ran eagerly over to the Seraph and pulled her into a sudden hug.

"Alicia!"" the bunnygirl maid cried out as she ran over, before unthinkingly pulling the friendly face she'd been searching for into a tight hug for a moment, before letting her go once more and standing back a proper distance to talk to Alicia. Albeit her excitement would fade a little back to more of 'her normal' as she spoke on, "I am so glad to see you! I just got back last night from HQ and I've been looking for the others...and...I have no idea what's been going on here in the last while.

In truth...I was hoping to find you to see if you could catch me up to speed, and see if you needed any help in the meantime as well."

Rounding the corner soon after would be a girl with red hair, dressed in a maid outfit, who seemed to be looking for someone. Upon sighting Serenity with Alicia, however, she seemed to light up and hurry over to the two. She then bowed lightly to the two girls, before turning her attention to Serenity in particular.

"Mistress Serenity! You seem to have found Miss Alicia, though...sadly I had no luck otherwise in finding the other people you asked me to seek out. My apologies."


Snow Wraiths, why'd it have to be Snow Wraiths! At least she'd had her magic to use for the occasion, if naught else, but she didn't like them one bit! She'd somewhat preferred their odd encounter with the troll-like creature in the end. At least it was kind enough to them continue on when she'd asked nicely (and a little sternly), and just seemed to find her pretty. Otherwise things hadn't been very eventful, save she had told her mother she'd be gone for a few days before they'd all left the village...though truthfully it still worried her just to leave her mother back there without those daily visits and bringing a bowl of hot food to her bedside for moral support. Akala had assured her well enough too, but she'd had to tell Lazhira about the change of events after promising they'd catch up at their usual spot when she got back! Yes. It was something, alongside seeing her mother again after all of this, that Nylah felt she was looking forward to.

They could see the Krysa camp set around the Yaga village proper, but all the same the Mothraki took some pause rather than just barge forward. It all seemed benign enough, yet at the same time she had no idea how-

“Well, looks okay.”

"Maybe one of you should hang back, but I’m going ahead.”
Still Totally A Normal Human, Totally

Wait, what?!

Nylah reached out and grabbed Lissa's closest arm and tried to pull her back. It was a relatively sad attempt given the Mothraki's upper body strength, but all the same she did her best. That was all she could do without using magic and potentially drawing attention to them.

"W-W-Wait! If you go in as a merchant, and they've already against Mie and her people, t-then you could be in danger too!"

What if they wanted to just take all the supplies they could? Or what if this thing with Mie made this more wary? They had to have some idea of things in case it went sideways! They had to think of something! And yet, her compatriot seemed rather determined to head in. Indeed, in the end the boldness of the other girl would win out in the end as Lissa did her thing and Nylah stood back with Eirhild. It would elicit a defeated sigh from the Mothraki girl in general, epseically after the other's insistance that a small traveling merchants with little would be 'less of a target and wouldn't register as a good target'. Or something like that.

Shaking her head slightly, Nylah looked to her other compatriot who was still there for the time being (at least).

Perhaps she could suggest they wait back, in case anything happened to Lissa? Or perhaps they could tail her and play up being visitors from afar or such. She was a Mothraki, not exactly common around here. Plus Eirhild was a dwarf! Maybe that'd work? Or...ah...hmm...

...darn it. She couldn't leave her to just go in alone, could she? That'd be as good as treating Lissa as 'bait', even if it was perhaps safer in her own mind to hang back until Lissa returned.

"As much as part of me wishes for us to stay until she returns, in case anything should go awry...shall we go in with her to assist instead?"

If Eirhild agreed to go along with her, then Nylah would move with her to catch up with and tag alongside Lissa to head into the village. All to keep them together, so at least if something did go wrong they'd have each other in such a case. Otherwise she'd run up to Lissa to catch up and go in anyways.

Nylah would even pose herself alongside Lissa as not just a traveling companion, but a young a traveling apprentice herbalist born far from her homeland who wanted to travel the world and learn the craft alongside assisting her traveling companion! Yeah. That'd work, she hoped, since it wasn't a total lie either. Was something she could confidently say for sure. Plus if things weren't hostile, somehow, then she would also be there with Lissa and peddle her herbalism skills at a rather basic level to help sell the act. Not saying anything she couldn't do, but all to help them out in such a case as they got questioned rather than just being nabbed up somehow.

Albeit if it went sour they'd all be captives potentially. But it was the risk that she felt she was taking now by jumping into the heart of things with Lissa in this case.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

((A mini-plushie of the mini-goddess herself now drops down onto the mini-goddess' head. What will she do? No one but her really knows.))

@Liotrent@Jeddaven So I never got to the edits on the other app, and it got so overcomplicated at concept I just went "blargh". So here, because I am not changing again cause my brain hurts, the final. Final. FINAL. App.

Just tell me what I need to edit or change, if anything! :D


As the others talked, Nylah did her best to get down more of the hot food she had so she could get some more. It seemed Sorcha, despite having said she'd cook for herself and Leuca, was still very hungry indeed. It was simply a hearty simple meal she'd prepared, really, but it seemed to be enough for those in the room in general. It made her somewhat happy in a certain regard, that others could enjoy a meal she'd made. Especially with the cold outside to boot. That made a hot meal and the crackling fire that much more appealing regardless, she supposed.

Yet her mind ultimately was more focused on the matter at hand, even as she got her second bowl and sat down, as both Sorcha and Eirhild had made a good point about the different angles from which they could approach things. At least in her own mind.

“Find a nearby village and ask around.” Sorcha responded simply. “Easiest way to gather information is from the people themselves. They’d have no reason to be hostile to either of you three initially.”
Scary Sorcha

It was easy enough a solution, at least if the locals weren't somehow against them or didn't attack them on sight. Also if they were willing to talk, etc. Though whether they'd be able to talk to Mie in her camp as well after that would be a question, among others, if they even got the chance. It would certainly be more useful in obtaining information from the non-Mie side of things.

And yet...

“We waste time with that though, this Mie lass might be caught between a cave wall and a crystal eater nest.” Eirhild grunted. “Could be best to just go straight there. We know what we gotta do so we don’t need to know much more, do we? Dunno what’s going on here, but we don’t even know if that blizzard even reached the Yaga or Krysa that much, do we?”

The straightforward approach was perhaps the most valuable in regards to time. How much food and supplies Mie and her people had, versus the Krysa and Yaga's own supplies, was something serious. Haruno had fought tooth and nail to get to the village to try to send over help. It was a desperate situation that was only going to get worse. One of the few silver linings to her, off the cuff at least, would be if Mie and her people were more well-prepared than their foes. Then again potentially a far more horrible situation otherwise if the opposite was true, and thus leaned in favor of the Krysa and Yaga.


"...With all of this in mind, I believe it could be best to go there as soon as we can whilst being as prepared as we can. S-Such are my own thoughts at the very least...but in the end we can't be ready for both scenarios completely, and surprises are likely to abound both there and along the way. Yet with the desperation that helped drive Haruno to come here and seek help, and what she endured to do so, it is most clear that things must be bad enough for Mie and her people and frankly everyone over there as it is.

If we wish to intervene and try to save some lives, or even get to the truth of this situation before it solves itself, then I believe we must get moving as soon as we can. That much I feel is imperative enough at this time, alongside a generally cautious approach once we'd get there."

The Mothraki ran a hand through her own hair, before letting her hands rest around her bowl of food once more. She would pause, cooling off and taking a bite using her spoon before looking back up at the others at the table once more.

"With this all in mind I would not think to ask you to leave your charge, Miss Sorcha. But Lissa, Miss Eirhild...would you be willing to come along with me? With the three of us at least, we could scout out things if nothing else.

Whatever we end up doing, I must bring something to my Mother and go see her before we could go though, in such a case as you'd agree to such as request as this one. But I could see if Miss Calra has anything to spare before we leave as well as seek out any spare rations or food we could carry. Then we could meet back here and set out before it gets dark, and make some progress and time while we still can."

It was an idea of sorts. Albeit a tad rushed. But they hadn't the time to ponder for days on end, now when this was all going down. Not when this could be used, in her own theory, to help the village itself and save more lives in the process. Whether the others thought it was a good plan/idea, however, was not something for her to decide. Neither did she want to even try to drag Sorcha away from her charge, especially after that long trip of theirs to get to Dawn in the first place. Miss Eirhild had been with them as well to boot.

Yet...all she knew is that she felt they needed to go as soon as they could at this venture, and between her thoughts and gut instincts it all seemed to be in agreement on it all. Now it was just up to hearing the others' thoughts on it all, etc. If it even was a good plan of action in the first place that she'd just suggested...

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

((Oh no. The cute gift dolphin plush was animated and swam off. It was time to think of another strategy indeed...))

Serenity Gates



The time has come. Days and days of work, setbacks and accidental progress loss, and a gamble in the form of her rerolls. All completed! Finally.

Behold, Serenity's app with the rerolls, fixes, neatening up, and other janitorial work done to get it ready for resubmission! :3

Serenity Gates



She almost flinched at Sorcha's sudden cutting in, save for having tried to mentally prepare herself for it since the woman was standing there and listening to what she'd been saying. She could tell that much....or rather, no, she felt like such a thing was natural for a person such as Sorcha to do anyway. Always an ear to the ground, and somehow familiar in that sense. At the same time, though, the dwarven woman's words were somewhat of a comfort, only to be followed up with Lissa's own input after having helped the Mothraki girl cook the food and get things going. A welcome bit of help, but ultimately this was all small pickings compared to the task ahead.

In the meantime, Nylah took a couple bites of soup as she finally got to sit down herself after the food was finally completed. She did lightly fidget with her fingers as Lissa called her more of an 'expert' of the area than she was. Which was perhaps true, but...eh. Nevermind.

She lightly shook her head to clear the potentially distracting thoughts, before her eyes scanned over the others in the room. Nylah then seemed to focus back on the fire, after looking about to the others, going back into her own train of thought about the matter. Not being ignorant of what was going on around her, but more just seeming to be that sort of 'well focused and pondering something' once more.

"I agree that scouting the situation out would be best, Lissa, giving us a chance to learn how dire things are and what is truly going on. Yet with no idea on how things will be, I feel we must be prepared to act either way to flee or assist as we scout things out as well. With how much time has passed, we could find ourselves or others in deeper trouble than we came prepared for if we do not think ahead somewhat more."

The Mothraki took another bite of soup, though without thinking too hard on what was in front of her the spoon brought some far-too-hot contents straight into her mouth. Snapping out of things, Nylah lightly panicked and dropped her spoon back into the bowl with a small splash...a little soup on her good clothes too. Drat.

After recomposing herself, eventually, she would turn to look at the others again. Albeit somewhat embarrassed, that much was visible, but trying to focus back on the topic at hand.

"A-At any rate...out there, we should be going with a proper and constant sense of caution, I believe, considering both this situation and what we ran into in the woods some days ago.

Whether the Krysa and Yaga are desperate enough to go after us upon making contact is one matter, but the predators in the woods have been driven to come further out to try to find food. That much I think has become clear enough to myself and Lissa at least, for what I can actually speak about. Even the wolves are more than desperate due to hunger, willing to face down well-armed people simply to try to get a meal.

Further, I've no idea of any of the kin of the passing Elder Beast have remained, or if all we might see elsewise is the Kyrinth's deer...which we must leave alone if we are to not anger our own local Elder Beast here."

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This

Eliana, The Cosmic Gypsy


Kiyome, The Draconic Protector

Thundering explosions and the cracking of bullets but through the formerly peaceful and calm air, and even some distance from Bolorton itself the sounds of what was undoubtedly a battle of larger scale were very much audible. Indeed, before the draconic swordswoman had any clue, her compatriot had begun to pick up on things before she could. A curiosity from the so-called "Cosmic Gypsy" had ultimately turned into more than this as the duo had gotten close, the rising smoke and so forth striking up a notable sense of alarm. Curiosity thus became concern, and as the duo made their approach the haste in which they made their approach had become even greater.


"Lady Eliana!"

The swordswoman's hand shot out as they ran through the open field, grabbing the wrist of her compatriot before she could run any closer. As the other girl's head shot back to look at her, the swordswoman's eyes could not help but glance up at the rising plumes of smoke before looking back down at Eliana's eyes once more. She could see the danger, see it all too clearly, and yet her charge did not seem to care nor hesitate regardless. Even those deep green eyes reflected her compatriot's feelings without any sort of hesitation nor remorse.

She had to at least try, for Thos' sake!

"Mi'lady, we cannot simply charge into this situation! I understand your concern, but if we barge into some uninvolved situation on this scale I worry for your safety. Stirring up any local magical forces would be inadvisable at best, especially since we've yet to reach our destination as Lord Thos commanded."

The other girl returned her words with a silent pout.

"We can't simply leave the people in that village to die! We simply can't! Even if we can only save a few lives...you know how I feel about these things, Kiyome.

Even if we must take a neutral stance, the innocent...we can't just leave them..."

The pleasing in those eyes. The big, soft, bubbly heart no even hiding its presence on her sleeve. That childish pout even. The swordswoman's grip tightened on Eliana's wrist, but at the same time she found herself gritting her own teeth. Again. Again and again and again, and just like that person never a willingness to...no. She came by it honest. So very honest. It was nostalgic in a sense, even now.

It reminded her...

...Crap. Screw it. She'd have to transform, bind her up, and carry her on her back to make it work out like she felt was best, and that would only make things worse.

Kiyome's grip lightened on the other girl's wrist, before letting out a small but defeated sigh. Eliana, on the other hand, simply beamed back victoriously in return before grabbing the swordswoman's own wrist in return and immediately dragging the disguised monster girl off n thhe direction of Bolorton.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit a miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinute, I wasn't finiiiiiiiiiiiiished yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!"

The protest was of no use.

"Come on! Let's see what we can do! We can talk once we get there!"

Toxic spores, nightmarish creatures and suffering cries, fire, it was nothing short of insanity. Soldiers being cut down left and right, magical girls and monsters scrambling to do anything, and yet the duo had their particular way to go about things. Not that one of them liked it, but the alternative was much worse. So it had been a compromise.

A notable compromise that kept the mistress happy enough at least.

Penny and Mayra both saw as three tanks, escorted by two dozen soldiers, rolled over the distant hill, their cannons targeted at them. Even with their speed, it would take two rounds to reach the tanks.

For a certain swordswoman, that distant hill was not so distant anymore. In fact, she'd transformed and set her sights on the first target to ambush.

In a heartbeat a draconic swordswoman appeared out of seemingly thin air, standing atop the body of the tank next to the turret, a Focused strike from her blade launched at blinding speed as space and time warped themselves. The superbly long sword cleft through at an angle, slicing the barrel and down into the tank itself. A cry of surprise, the 'thunk' of at least one or two somethings inside of the tank, and the gurgling of blood alongside shouting from inside came soon after...as well as most of the tank's barrel landing on its front with a loud THUD at that. A deadly blow indeed, dealing damage to the turret leaving it unable to turn and cutting deep into the cramped tank and striking likely most of the crew inside in the process.


"Hmpf. You see something you like?

You really are fools to get on the striking end of my blade. But let's make this entertaining, shall we?"

...the element of surprise was gone, so she'd have to work for the next attack like that. A punishing, draining blow that for her vast mana pool was generally acceptable.

"The hell-?!"

"Hostile on top of us, open fire!"

Soldiers around the affected tank turned and tried to open fire on her, but in a heartbeat their target disappeared once more. Even so, the cooled air and and dread originating from the Mark of Thos the swordswoman permeated the air, sending a sudden chill down the spines of the shocked soldiers.

"Use extreme caution, hostile is capa- jlghajdlgajkdg!"


A thrust of that sword this time that went through the speaking man's chest and right through the chest of the guy next to him, blood rushing up into his throat and out of his mouth, before the blade was swung and the bodies of the two were cleft through like a hot knife through butter. Rifle fire would turn toward the swordswoman once more, all as she grabbed the severed upper torso of one soldier and used it as a shield to rush two of the soldiers now firing directly on her.

She had to admit, though, it was not going to be a boring day. And with her mistress in a safer spot than this...heh. She could go ham without as much worry. Not that the worry would ever go away. It was enough to very briefly bring a smile to her face for a moment.

"Well...looks like this won't be a total waste of my precious time after all!"

If she got close enough she'd toss the torso at them as a distraction and then use her spec to teleport behind them to try to cleave them both in two with a mighty horizontal strike. Depending on how things went, of course.


Eliana herself would ultimately sneak as best she could and head to the western row, trying to evacuate out anyone she could find. Or at least get them out and in a safe spot for the moment being. She'd promised her ally that much, to try to stay off of the front lines as best as she could. She had no idea if or what anyone else was doing around the village, or if more soldiers and such would pop around the corner, but she was doing her best regardless to get people and keep them safe in case anyone came storming in. Her sensory skills made it a simpler task than most as well...but at the same time the nature of those she was trying to help was eerily consistent. Magically so.

"What is going on here?" she softly said to herself, lips pursing in concern as she left a house with one unconscious child in her arms, "Magically asleep...? Could it be-?"

((OOC: Basically here's room for Lily to run into her, or someone else helping in that area, etc.

Couldn't think of much than a starter here to try to get help Eliana involved. Apologies.

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