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Eliana, The Cosmic Gypsy


Kiyome, The Draconic Protector

...The healing did not go unappreciated, though Kiyome would simply give a grateful nod back at Nefer in response for that particular bit. Woman seemed to not be able to help herself to certain extent, could she? Monsters or not, magical folk for a surety were just as fickle and varied as anyone in the world of the mundane. Though beyond this her words to the golem-man were true, she did know how to play a good game of Senet when it came down to it. More important than that for the time being, however, was safely and securely attaching the magical slippers her waist and then continuing on with support from the conjured horror minions. She had to make it to where Eliana was before they made any sort of retreat. Though given her mistress' nature, she had almost certainly already resigned herself to sticking around to ensure the civilians were out of here.

If the worst occurred, though, the swordswoman would do what she needed to otherwise.

With her minions running interference to keep off any of the stray enemy soldiers from her personally, she would conjure a few more on the way in and give them further orders: Secure some of the dead enemy weapons along the way, if any, with those most intact or fully intact being preferred. A couple or even three fully-intact weapons, at a minimum, would be an optimal minimum if she could manage it. If not? Then she had the slippers. Any minion who got a useful item would stick near her, whilst the rest would work with those from the other batch to continue to run interference. This would likely be the last she would be allowed to conjure in unless it was to keep Eliana safe, she figured, and so she had the minions supporting her pick up their pace to that end as well.

And then Kiyome and her escort would eventually get far enough into the plaza to see the chaos going on. This included a certain familiar magic and presence standing at the entrance of what seemed to be a shelter. Eliana. Letting the soldiers fight Alex and Lily, or anyone else already there fighting, Kiyome and her escort beelined it toward where Eliana was. Once behind the barrier, the two minions supporting her would be commanded to take any other trophies taken along the way (if any) and hold onto them as they remained with her. As for any remainder?

...They would be sent to go out and kill some soldiers alongside the other defenders. They'd done their job to get her there to where she wished to be. Now they were of no use save for the two staying with her to help her move (and hold onto any other loot acquired along the way, if any, whilst the slippers remained close at hand as one of her hands moved to her own waist to keep a firm possessive grip on them).

As the civilians began to wake, Eliana could hear their scrambling and surprise even from where she stood at the entrance to the shelter. With that in mind she pushed herself slightly further to create a small repulsive barrier at the entrance doorway to prevent anyone getting out from the inside. Otherwise she continued her work on the larger protective barrier being augmented in both strength and layers to keep out both enemy soldiers and enemy artillery fire. She knew her magical energy was dropping to an extent from all of this, but it would be worth it! They just had to get the civilians out of there and it would all be ok. They had to!

But increasingly things were getting worse. The shattering of the remaining outer defenses, as soldiers now poured inside toward their position, and the panicking civilians were just the tip of the greater iceberg. They had no seeming means of escape at the moment, and that was going to be the hardest part. Exist. Escape. Likewise she hadn't heard back from her sword wielding ally for a bit now to boot. Was she still out there fighting on the perimeter? No. If the barriers were falling she'd begin moving back toward where herself, Lily, and Alex and so forth were. She knew that much well enough about the one who served her, even if she hadn't exactly asked for such a thing in the first place nor desired such. But Kiyome was an ally and friend by now all the same, so she couldn't just leave her here!

Then came the visual she had been waiting for. The sight of her compatriot, accompanied by a number of conjured horror minions (two supporting her it seemed), caused the Cosmic Gypsy to let out a reflexive small sigh of relief. At the same time, however, her compatriot as she got quickly closer would have her condition become more and more visible by Eliana's eyes and senses. Not that she didn't have some supernatural sensory capabilities already in her possession anyhow. But Kiyome didn't seem to be in as fighting a shape as she and the minions with her were allowed to pass through the barrier, and whilst the swordswoman seemed to dispatch most of the remainder of her minion escort back out a frown began to pull down on the edges of the Cosmic Gypsy's mouth.

"You're badly hurt, Kiyome, I can tell. You can't even walk on your own!"

"My apologies for worrying you, Mistress. I got a little patching up from a Healing Artifact someone had out there, at least, and retreated when I could not longer hold the front line alongside the others out there still. Even got at least one trophy for the road with these slippers."

One hand was securely gripping a pair of potently magical slippers tied to the swordswoman's waist, that much Eliana could tell out of the corner of her vision. Where had they come from though? She'd have to ask later, once they made it out of the situation and saved the civilians. Even so, the swordswoman's other hand once again conjured Kiyome's unnaturally long blade back into it as the minions seemed to help her sit down on the ground next to Eliana.

"I don't care! You shouldn't throw your own health away so...so stupidly! I know I asked you to help here as well, but I want you to come back alive as well."

"...Of course, Mistress," the other magical girl said, her voice sounding a bit more somber now than the almost military-drilled yet formal tone she seemed to use around her, "But with the situation turning by the second I would suggest we come up with an escape route before the situation becomes inescapable."

She was well aware. She was...she was very well aware of that indeed.

@Ariamis@Majoras End@Card Captor

Serenity Gates

Serenity had smiled and reached a hand out in return to shake with Hyun, though the sudden appearance of MDP would likewise shock her as she recoiled in surprise. Wait, what was she riding on? Was that a Unipegasus?! Hadn't those gone extinct on Earth over-...never mind. Ultimately the magical maid would follow MDP's instructions as the rest were, trying to conjure some kind of happy thoughts to help fuel the magic that would get them there even faster (she hoped). If Alicia and the others were willing, she follow with them in this case.

And they would emerge onto the other side of a near-hellscape.

Smoke and mist rising from the North, the sight of burning buildings and homes, and sounds of battle and the gunfire and explosions occuring around them that rang and clang out in a horrendous din were just the start. There were also soldiers donning one if the insignias of Wonderland, that she could tell on sight (with a small and visible grimace), but Violet's voice would snap her out of the brief moment of taking things in and back to the mission at hand. That was right. They were here to evacuate people, not make war with-

“This goes against the Beacon code. How can we stand aside while these raiders pillage the homes of the innocent?“


The beacon crest on her kimono glimmered as she let loose her arrow. The arrow’s girth was larger than some trees, and could be more easily compared to a battering ram than a nimble arrow. It flew into the club soldiers near Lil and Alex and smashed them back. It didn’t slow up and instead kept going, going deeper and deeper into their ranks.

Who was this? This person hadn't been with them at the base, nor was this person sent on the mission! On top of that, she seemed to be from Beacon (according to the crest on her body) and was actively trying to provoke them all to attack the Wonderland soldiers. If her presence and actions didn't fool the soldiers into attacking all of them in the process. It was nothing short of a potential disaster if they let this happen, even if the best of intentions were on the line...it wasn't a perfect situation by any means in general.

It was right to assist the afflicted denizens, but at the same time there was also the politics at play that couldn't be ignored. Beacon, for better or worse, could be pulled into an entire war if they did this on their own. They'd be going rogue! And even if helping the civilians here was right, was it right to drag the rest of the chapter and members into this because of the actions of a few who decided for them? There was more to it, dang it all!


Eh? Suwako? Was that the name of this horned girl trying to prod them to action? She couldn't recall meeting her before, though considering how many members were in Beacon and the constant stream of events since her own 'reincarnation' it was not much of a surprise either. Yet this smelled of something fishy, and that wasn't because it literally smelled of fish either.

"Keep going. That's just an illusion, someone trying to drag us into the fight. But we need to get the teleporter set up first. Making sure the civilians are out of harms way is most important." "

Ah. Serenity let out a small sigh of relief from her seat, taking a couple deep breaths to steel herself a bit more as well, though she still felt a small pang of frustration at the very concept. An illusion to try to goad them into attacking Wonderland? Someone wanted them to fight too, that much was for sure. But not wanting to take too many chances, she grabbed her own communicator to use to call Violet back.

"Violet, someone out here just tried to use an illusion of a Beacon member named 'Suwako' to goad us into attacking Wonderland's forces. Alicia was able to see through it, but wanted to send back info just in case whoever did that tries anything else while we're out here. We are still en route to the civilians."

This was not good, but reporting back clearly to Violet over the comms about it ASAP was the action she took for the sake of communication. Like Huyn had said, at least to the effect of, they were members of Beacon...and despite the road the two of them in particular saw ahead they had to do their best with that. At the same time, however, the magical maid felt somewhat more trust in those close to her to a certain extent if she were to be honest. Alicia, Aurelio, etc. Those who had stuck by her side and that she had sought to stick by in turn. She had been able to see other good people within Beacon, that much was sure, and it gave her hope moving forward. At the same time, though, there were also those who had taken up the offensive against her merely for her existence...

...indeed, Serenity still wanted to talk to Cardinal Ishtar later and ask her about what had happened back there at the base. If she knew anything about it. Anything at all.

Serenity then looked at where Alicia was sitting, before her mouth opened with a quick question.

"By the way, Alicia, who is Suwako? I didn't get much of a chance to meet some of the other members locally here, at least with everything that's been going on since I...ah...'came to be'."

Not that many had wanted to talk to her either given the circumstances and the root of her existence. A very ugly root indeed. But at least something basic about this 'Suwako' might help in avoiding future deceptions using the other magical girl's visage. Hopefully. Maybe.

Not going to lie, this looks pretty cool and seems to be going well so far!

Am a bit tempted to try my hand at an app maybe, was in something vaguely reminiscent of this years ago I think.


I. Have. Completed my app! Finally!

...Which is no rush to everyone else, but after a three week or so sage of this I am glad to be done with this thing (outside of any potential changes or edits as requested for by the GMs so the app can be approved of course). (@_@)

(Edit: Added "The P.S.I. Bureau" as a part of the nation to address and have involvement in psionic things.)

The Mothraki perked back up, snapping out of her brief spurt of doldrum, wings almost fluttering in brief excitement as she finally realized why Jivka had asked her about the legend in the first place. Yes! That'd be great. Or, well, it could be great! Yeah. Even if it took them around simply new places and new herbs it could be a useful adventure if nothing else! Anything that might get her one step closer to that goal would be worth it.

...It had to be.

"Ah! Yes! I would be honored to join your search for it! As for any ideas, ah...," she said, a hand coming to her own chin as her brows furrowed in deeper thought, "Well, the clue of 'where one finds clouds resting on the ground' could very well mean the top of a mountain I believe. Or some kind of valley or place covered in a fog or mist.

Er, the other bit about being where 'ice burns like fire' eludes me though. Does the ice hurt to touch? Does it truly burn bright like a fire?"

Nylah let out a small sigh. It was a guess, or at least the best one she could make on the fly. Fire was not good to touch, so maybe it was the same with the ice in this legendary clue? Or maybe it glowed like fire or such? Either? Both? Ugh. Maybe Jivka would have some kind of idea or another to add to things. But there was one last little clue that she'd overlooked in her initial thoughts, on second thought, that she felt like she could take a swing and a guess at.

"As for growing in the ‘heart of a glacier’, ah, I suppose that sounds like a cave or path leading inside of a glacier or such perhaps?

That is all I have for ideas at the moment, I'm afraid."



“Well, before you get any ideas its just that. A legend.”

"A-Ah, yes, of course. Apologies..."

Yes, just a legend. A bit disheartening, but at the same time it wasn't exactly a hopeless matter either. There was a direction and description of sorts of the location it was in. Likewise at least some of the information felt like she could make some kind of sense of it. Well, try to at least.

Certainly 'where one finds clouds resting on the ground' could mean a couple of things. It could mean a place covered in a dense fog or mist, for one thing. But it could also mean the top of a great mountain, perhaps, where the earth seemed to meet with the sky. And the latter thing felt like it made some more sense to her, at least for the time being, as a more valid potential choice of location then. In that vein it was also a start in a potential right direction to find this legendary herb, if nothing else.

Meanwhile the other clue of the place being where 'ice burns like fire' was itself more mysterious. Was the place on fire and cold at the same time or something? One could set a fire in the middle of a wintery place, they'd done that just getting there, but on the top of a mountain potentially? Odd. Very odd.

But for now she quietly nodded back at Jivka as the Yaga girl finished describing the legend to her.

"As you said, it is certainly quite the story indeed."

Maybe some of what she'd gathered could be used to at least alleviate some of her mother's suffering whenever they got back. At least so she could buy some more time to try to look into this potential lead. Legend or not, even if she could find something even partly like the legend growing in such a place then it would be worth it. Even just to bring about minor improvements toward a cure, or finding part of one, all of it was better than the nothing she'd found so far otherwise on her own.

...Though in some part, she did wonder how things were going for the others right now. Not that Eirhild had much to do sitting there to keep warm, but surely Lissa and Novak were each up to something out there perhaps?


Eliana, The Cosmic Gypsy


Kiyome, The Draconic Protector

The dragon landed on her broken legs with a reflexive wince and mild gritting of her teeth, though standing on her knees she didn't allow herself to fall flat on the ground either. As the golden road dissolved into nothingness once more, and the emerald fountain disappeared once more, her eyes fell on the limp corpse and rolling head on the ground. Turns out this thing wasn't in Kansas anymore, or anywhere else of worth now. Kiyome then looked back at Akhenaten and Nefer before giving an affirming yet thankful nod to the duo.

"Bothersome little pest that was, but in the end it died like the rest anyway.

My thanks for helping me avoid becoming roadkill, and in finishing this thing off. Couldn't have done anything there without you two coming in when you did."

With a light grunt, then, the monster girl then conjured a pair of Horror Minions with one on either side of her. They would each support one of the dragon girl's arms, helping transport her toward the interior of the town. It would be an effective means of transport, at least, though she'd have to use magic to help them more swiftly move past danger due to the invading Spades. Even from a distance the swordswoman could tell the back lines had been penetrated, frustratingly so, as she silently huffed at it all.

Her mistress was not someone who couldn't fight, but the whole situation was becoming worse and worse by the second and she didn't like it. And no obvious route of retreat for civilians seemed to exist either, from what she'd seen thus far, to boot. Bah. Poor logistics was always frustrating to deal with. Even so, new arrivals seemed to be doing some good against the other monsters of note as the obvious giant death robot rampaged about and so forth. At this point she would look back at the duo who had assisted her rather vitally once more as she began to move toward her new destination.

"I'm heading back to see if I can at least help against the mooks getting inside the backlines. I won't be much good against the big ones out here as I am right now anyway."

That was all there was to it really. Truth be told it would be better use working on the mook situation if she could, and having enough magic reserves to spare would assist in that. Frankly making sure her mistress was ok was her top priority regardless of the situation here otherwise. In that vein she'd give silent commands to the minions carrying her back into town...though she'd conjured a couple more minions otherwise as she moved along and give them a proper verbal command.

"You two, tear off those feet off right now and bring them to me intact so I can get those slippers off and keep them. Then stay close and screen against the enemies for us as we go in to find Mistress Eliana."

...Sometimes, there wasn't going to be a golden path going all the way home. Just an old brick road paved with false promises and dangers ready to chew you up along the way. But once you chose a path, all that was left was to keep walking that road until its end one way or another. But she'd take the deceased armless girl's magical slippers as a prize and store them on her person for now, at least, as she continued on her way without skipping a beat.

Well, not literally skipping for obvious reasons, but she wasn't going to take a pause in the middle of all of this either. There was work to be done. Besides, she would conjure more horror minions within the town as or when she came into contact with Spades. Flying minions and standard ground ones alike would be perfect to sick on the foolish enemy soldiers in her mind.

Eliana briefly grit her teeth as she flung up a smaller barrier around the place the unconscious civilians had been placed inside of, using her magic to pull Tina, Ellen, and Alex into the barrier's protection as well. The cosmic gypsy would move closer to the three as she put in the effort to strengthen her own barrier, adding layers and more magical power to it as time went on to shore it up more and more. A repulsing dark energy magical barrier that'd send projectiles and enemy troops flying away and unable to get in. Stronger than her larger barrier, though it being notably smaller made this easier to empower and improve at least. By the time Alex zoomed out to fight alongside an enraged Lilly, Eliana moved to stand right next to Tina and the (hopefully now patched-up somewhat by Alex) Ellen.

"Please get inside with the civilians! I'll strengthen and hold up this barrier as much as I can to keep them out from here!"

And she's do that, both improving/strengthening the barrier by pumping in more magic and magical energy as well as improve things by adding additional layers to said barrier as well. All with the aim of putting in as much as she could to improve the defensive qualities of the barrier and its magic. She would protect these lives with her very life, just as she'd always done!

Even so she would quickly use her Absolute Direction to get quick check of the location of her compatriot, however, revealing that Kiyome's sword (the object she was in this instance using the skill to locate and knew about rather well) was getting increasingly closer. Good. She was alive! Thanks the stars. Perhaps she'd be able to assist against the Spades in the town as well!

@Ariamis@Majoras End@Card Captor

Serenity Gates

Hyun was certainly someone who stood by their point of view, at least, and held firm enough on it. At least from what the magical maid could tell thus far. The other girl likewise seemed rather committed to the Beacon and its ideals as well. That much was at least a good sign of sorts, perhaps, when it came down to looking at the potential danger of someone like her 'relapsing' as it were. Well, potentially relapsing. She'd heard a few things at Headquarters about the matter whilst she'd been there, both before and after her 'surprise' upon arrival and after she'd been bailed out proper.

Redemption was not something lightly given either. Much less finding mercy in a world neither of them had shown any to in the past. That much was for certain. Especially with an organization as 'vehement' about their mission as the Beacon was, where those such as the Inquisition frankly existed as a body in the first place as part of achieving that mission in the first place. At the same time, however, she'd found new friends...people who seemed to see her as herself, really, rather than as some repository of incredibly eldritch knowledge and data that would madden anyone else exposed to it too directly.

...She still wanted to ask Cardinal Ishtar later about what had happened at HQ. Her sudden illegal seizure and incarceration and such, etc. But right now wasn't the time for that.

"Well I can certainly say this outfit wasn't my personal choice at least. HQ gave me a Red Coin as part of some compensation for what happened after I first arrived there. The magic in the coin did the rest really, along with another unintended side consequence of the gift...just as long as a certain name isn't mentioned aloud it won't rear its head I hope."

She let out a small sigh, the sound of 'that voice' echoing in her head from memories, before a small smile came to her face and her tone turned more upbeat. No, now was not the time to think about that. Please no.

"I do look forward to working together with you as well, Hyun, and I mean that. Harsh sounding or not, though, you are right that we both are on the road to redemption and earning Beacon's respect...myself far more so than most could ever imagine I think. And I will continue to see that reality of my situation every day and night without a doubt.

Though in truth, I'm glad to have friends here who I can trust and help along their own paths too. I don't often feel I deserve such a thing, anything like that at all even, and yet they chose to extend a hand to me anyway. For that...for them being that light of hope shining in the darkness of what I came into at first...for that I'll be eternally grateful to them.

And perhaps we can one day be friends as well, eh?"

It sounded so sappy. So stupidly sappy and optimistic, like it came out of some random anime or cheap TV show. But she meant it all the same. Alicia, Aurelio, even Penny. Others had extended a hand to her, giving her a light of hope even in the great darkness she'd found herself mentally trapped in after becoming human. She'd feared just being abused and killed by others from day one, and was even more unused to being human. Was that fear all gone? No...not really. But she had persevered thus far, learned some, grown some she hoped, and would do nothing but her best to move forward no matter what came or what happened along the way.

Just one thing, one day, and one step at a time. They'd get there one day! She knew it.

But for now, she hoped they'd get to Bolorton in time to actually help do anything for those being attacked there. Beacon and Wonderland seemed on edgy enough terms as it was already. They were a messy enemy to handle for sure.



Death? Hallucinations? That wasn't any sort of small side effects to be sure, much less ones to speak so nonchalantly about, yet at the same time Nylah would listen on silently as she picked a good number of leaves for herself as well. She would need to dedicate this all to memory, get it all written down and such later perhaps. Just more ingredients too carefully add to her pouch for the time being though. More to look into, maybe see. If something could be used to lower the risks of these leaves, then perhaps the effects of making the body stronger could be integrated in smaller amounts into some kind of safer medicine? Maybe. It was a thought at least, even if it was an experimental one.

She would be curious to see how Jivka created the particular potion these leaves were associated with, at any rate, and would turn to look at the yaga and give an affirming nod to her offer.

...And then came the final thing.

“You ever heard of ‘Shalfey Blossom’?”

"Legend says its a cure-all for most physical maladies and can be used to make life-extending potions.”

The Mothraki suddenly froze in place for a moment, the shock of the news a bit jolting as Jivka continued. Shalfey Blossom. A cure-all? Life-extending potions? It sounded too good to be true, and yet Jivka had garnered Nylah's full and undivided attention even more so by simply mentioning it.

She would, however, attempt to loosen herself back up and 'relax' again before speaking to the other girl. Control her breathing, get her focus back on the person in front of her, etc. At the same time, however, the chance that she could...yes. She had to learn more. Understand more. Even if it only did so much, a building block toward a proper solution of 'that' was far better than nothing.

"I...haven't heard of it before, really. But you have me curious. What else does your people's legends say about it?"

And its location among those other details as well perhaps. Or potential locations if nothing else. Maybe places it used to or does grow? Whatever she knew, but without trying to be too intrusive or adamant about things. Just keep it to normal conversation. Yes. Because she was rather curious about it now indeed.



The Mothraki felt a certain sense of fascination as she and Jivka made their way into and through the woods around the Yaga village. Indeed, along the way the girl would take careful mental notes, as well as try to gather a large amount of samples of what Jivka showed her along the way. Er, not trying to take everything from the forest mind. Just a big bunch to bring home, maybe even grow a couple of them if she could get them back home to! Yeah. Well, maybe at least. Her gathering along the way also wasn't so obsessive as to slow them down too much either, but enough to try to get as much as she reasonably could for potential future use and so forth.

If she had a choice, she'd fill her pouch of herbs with as many of these picked ingredients as she could! Within reason. Of course she would be at the same time trying to be as mindful as she could to properly separate things like poisonous things and medicinal ones, to avoid cross-contamination, though for all she knew even a poison could have its uses medicinally. At least based on what she knew from Miss Calra thus far, as little as that was...but still! She wanted to become a better herbalist. A better magic user. Better able to help, to heal, to cure, and to fight. And this was just another step on that road, as well as a step closer toward her ultimate goal.

...That one person just needed to hold on a bit longer. Just until she could find something useful for that strange malady. Please. It meant the world to her.

And then, after that, they could finally talk about all the things they never got to say or finish back then.

But for now, she was almost happy to be temporarily removed from the current crisis situation going on. Not that it all could be rushed to some perfect ending, but a small and real breather would perhaps help her own mind with handling it all later. Once they got back of course.

As Jivka pulled down the vine with red flowers, Nylah did her best to keep her wings from fluttering in barely-restrained excitement. She'd been fascinated with everything Jivka was showing and teaching her thus far, rather visibly and even audibly so, and on top of the semi-obsessive sample gathering she'd done along the way she was perhaps very much in her element for a change. Or at least removed from how she'd been back at Jivka and her sister's place.

The Mothraki then moved closer too what Jivka was trying to show her, gingerly and delicately running her fingers over the petals of the flower, all before looking at the others still attached to the vine. She then looked back at Jivka, her eyes beaming with a certain sense of wonder and excitement even now. Whether it all came off as 'adorable and cute' (her natural cuteness was already definitely a thing indeed) or decidedly 'not' cute, though, would be entirely up to the Yaga who had agreed to escort her out there. Yet if nothing else Nylah was doing her best to be a rather eager and attentive student indeed.

"It's beautiful as well! Though what are the side effects?"

Yeah, those could be a worry for its potential use. On the other hand, this was all just part of the learning process as well. No herb or such was perfect. Just like people, really, now that she thought about it.


((Two more small inflatable full moon balls are thrown into the dialogue box, again, for no good reason.))

Lydianna Schaffen

Oh dear. The young mistress was off in the crowd somewhere, she just knew it! Not that this Serrica was anyone who would shirk from such a thing...much less apologize for it. A far call from the Serrica of the game proper to be sure, and far more financially savvy in what felt like a meta sense to boot, but she'd become accustomed to it all over the years here since her own arrival. Or, well, awakening? It was hard to pin down a word for it all. Even so, she was happy to serve and tag along here for the chance to fulfil her own aspirations.

Magic! Real Magic! This was an academy for the elite, but if she could glean and learn anything it would be superb. She'd also have to try a couple things she remembered about it from the game to boot. Whatever came, she would indulge her new life and live it to the fullest and best that she could! Yet how the eventual letter from Lord Haldblum would change anything, if it did at all, would certainly be something to see in the future. But until that time, she would at least take advantage of her current position in things if nothing else.

...However, this also mean attending to her cousin-mistress, or whoever she was this time around, as best she could as well. And to that end she was calling out whilst searching for her amidst the throng, nearly on her tiptoes as she tried to peer up to find that trademark head of orange hair.

"Mistress Serrica? Mistress Serrica?"

She was shoved aside enough times as it was along the way, of course, but she was used to the treatment by other nobility. Well, those who hadn't had her cooking at least. That much had gained her a sort of rather good reputation as a maid thus far, at least with guests of her mistress and mistress' parents in the past. Something to be proud of perhaps, but-


She never saw who it was, but someone else sent her bowling back onto the ground by running into her. Lydianna fell flat on her back and side, wincing in pain as she made contact with the ground. But none paid any mind, it seemed, to her position, and as she did her best to at least get up onto her hands and knees she felt a slight warmth come to her eyes and flush into her face. It was humiliating...stupid crowds. Then her eyes would look up, landing on a familiar-looking someone walking in her general direction.


Her legs would bend to the sides as she sat up a bit more on her knees and tried to wave at said someone, before likewise starting to call out to them.

"M-Miss! Miss!"

She called out to the girl, one with uniquely peculiar violet eyes, short-cut hair, and seemingly in possession of a general beauty to her as if by design. Well, technically it was by design. Game design. Wasn't hard to recognize her as the girl who was supposed to be the heroine of the entire tale, after all, even if Lydianna herself was just trying to do her job right now.

But right now all she was seeking was a little bit of help for the moment, if possible...


The Mothraki would also carefully examine the shape and size of the dried leaves that Jivka was showing her at the moment as well. Her hands would very carefully and gingerly handle them to get a better look, before laying each bundle back down in turn right where Jivka had placed them. She did not want to damage or crumble up what Jivka and her sister needed here for themselves after all. Indeed Nylah was grateful that she at least knew how to carefully handle something like this after her training so far with Miss Calra.

“If you want, I could show you some. Got nothin’ better to do right now and if I get any more bored I’ll probably go crack a rat skull or two.”

W-Well, if it kept the other girl out of potential trouble at least...

"I'd be delighted to learn, Jivka!"

Nylah genuinely seemed to perk up a bit more excitedly at the prospect of getting to learn more about the local herbs. Not to mention the potential to pick some along the way to boot perhaps.

It would certainly be something to get her closer to what she wanted most to get done in all of this, but was also something that she wanted to learn about in general. Perhaps secondarily a chance to see more of the local area too, she supposed, and if they got lucky they could see something or overhear it maybe? But, eh, that was not the primary reason for agreeing to such an outing as this in all honesty. Didn't want to try to get too far ahead before they all could meet back up and talk again about what they'd learned or such.

Then perhaps they could figure out another move before things got even worse around here. Eventually maybe even meet up with Mie and her people somehow, though doing such without causing themselves or the Yaga any more Krysa troubles would certainly be an issue in and of itself. Ugh.


((A small inflatable full moon ball is thrown into the dialogue box for no good reason.))

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