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Behold, the party mage has arrived and she is in need of assistance. With maybe some attempt at minor entrance comedy given the situation. Whatever works best in the end really. XD
Lillianna Steiner

Unfortunately for the resident of the latest comically-delayed stone sarcophagus to be thrown out of the portal, her earthen vessel had been delayed in its arrival. Yet her vessel's movement seemed to be a tad...off, if only by a small amount. In particular having spun around and tumbled a bit in the air, perhaps due to the delay, before crashing into the ground almost fully on its side as it embedded itself into the spot some guards had apparently once been standing. Certainly a unique crash-landing of sorts, at least, though as the sarcophagus' lid began to pop open it did not slide much before grinding to a halt as it became stuck half-open as part of it sat on the ground.

Rustling could be heard inside as the resident of said sarcophagus woke, though it would soon give way to a more panicked and hurried shuffling as they seemed to realize they were somewhat stu-



A flash of lightning struck the stuck lid with a sudden cracking noise, just barely strong enough to forcefully push the half-opened lid the rest of the way open as it fell onto the ground.

Inside, now visible, was a girl of paler complexion and odd white hair. She donned an odd hat, clothes, and even was wearing a backpack to boot. A strange staff likewise was lying in the sarcophagus with her, ornate and seemingly ancient in design. However, her expression was one of a seeming exasperation mixed with panic as her arms tried to steady her against the lower wall of her stone coffin as she looked around quickly.


Last thing she'd remembered was someone shouting at her, and the brief flicker of a beach umbrella headed toward her. After that, it was all a literal blank. Nothing. Darkness, but instead of some hospital room or the like being the next thing she'd seen, or even the inside of her own room, then the next thing was this: Waking up inside of some stone sarcophagus that was sitting half open. And she felt like she was wearing something else, and other junk was in there with her, and then in her panic some strange knowledge had popped into her head that she'd acted on by pointing her left hand at the half-open sarcophagus lid.

Boom. Lightning. Out of her hand. Suddenly and without warning.

Despite the heavier breathing caused by her initial panic, however, Lillianna Steiner could tell this was not her home. Nor was it the beach. Nor was it a hospital. Nor was it Kansas, for that matter, unless she'd been kidnapped half-across the country, re-dressed for a ren faire, and then stuck in an overly heavy stone box and dropped from a plane before waking up. That final situation in and of itself was so incredibly doubtful it was ludicrous at that! But she could not deny something had happened all the same.

"Hah...Can someone help? P-Please?"

She called out to those nearby to her, from whom she could see from her position at least, in the vain hope that someone might help her get out. Meanwhile the staff that had been in there with her rolled out of the box and onto the disturbed ground with an anticlimactic and harmless soft 'thump'.
An imprecise summary of the last few posts :P

James: what's going on here?

Zell: we all died!

"Hey! You! You're finally awake!

You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there."

Hi from after work, off to bed and brain is gone so have a meme and a link for the road.

No this isn't all I do, but hey all in good fun here OOC. XD

@Saiyan I'm gonna enjoy writing Clive just deadpan staring at Zell for being a yutz

Lillianna, while watching from the sidelines: "...Does he always do this?"

*forgets to specify which one she was asking about*
I'll drop Lillianna's coffin into the world just before everyone leaves town.

How Lillianna's Coffin Wishes It Arrived:

How Lillianna's Coffin Will Arrive In Reality:

@xenon Behold! The completed product. Finally. Did the changes we talked about, added some flavor, etc.

If anything needs fixing just tell me!

@Zool Hey, as a quick question, could your character's crashing plane maybe have caused the death of a character sailing across the Atlantic at the time? If nothing else I thought it could be somewhat ironic if I had something tied in with someone else. Even if it is just the moment of their deaths to avoid anything too big or complex/crazy.

If not that's ok too! I just wanted to ask. :)
Eliana, The Cosmic Gypsy


Kiyome, The Draconic Protector

...The healing did not go unappreciated, though Kiyome would simply give a grateful nod back at Nefer in response for that particular bit. Woman seemed to not be able to help herself to certain extent, could she? Monsters or not, magical folk for a surety were just as fickle and varied as anyone in the world of the mundane. Though beyond this her words to the golem-man were true, she did know how to play a good game of Senet when it came down to it. More important than that for the time being, however, was safely and securely attaching the magical slippers her waist and then continuing on with support from the conjured horror minions. She had to make it to where Eliana was before they made any sort of retreat. Though given her mistress' nature, she had almost certainly already resigned herself to sticking around to ensure the civilians were out of here.

If the worst occurred, though, the swordswoman would do what she needed to otherwise.

With her minions running interference to keep off any of the stray enemy soldiers from her personally, she would conjure a few more on the way in and give them further orders: Secure some of the dead enemy weapons along the way, if any, with those most intact or fully intact being preferred. A couple or even three fully-intact weapons, at a minimum, would be an optimal minimum if she could manage it. If not? Then she had the slippers. Any minion who got a useful item would stick near her, whilst the rest would work with those from the other batch to continue to run interference. This would likely be the last she would be allowed to conjure in unless it was to keep Eliana safe, she figured, and so she had the minions supporting her pick up their pace to that end as well.

And then Kiyome and her escort would eventually get far enough into the plaza to see the chaos going on. This included a certain familiar magic and presence standing at the entrance of what seemed to be a shelter. Eliana. Letting the soldiers fight Alex and Lily, or anyone else already there fighting, Kiyome and her escort beelined it toward where Eliana was. Once behind the barrier, the two minions supporting her would be commanded to take any other trophies taken along the way (if any) and hold onto them as they remained with her. As for any remainder?

...They would be sent to go out and kill some soldiers alongside the other defenders. They'd done their job to get her there to where she wished to be. Now they were of no use save for the two staying with her to help her move (and hold onto any other loot acquired along the way, if any, whilst the slippers remained close at hand as one of her hands moved to her own waist to keep a firm possessive grip on them).

As the civilians began to wake, Eliana could hear their scrambling and surprise even from where she stood at the entrance to the shelter. With that in mind she pushed herself slightly further to create a small repulsive barrier at the entrance doorway to prevent anyone getting out from the inside. Otherwise she continued her work on the larger protective barrier being augmented in both strength and layers to keep out both enemy soldiers and enemy artillery fire. She knew her magical energy was dropping to an extent from all of this, but it would be worth it! They just had to get the civilians out of there and it would all be ok. They had to!

But increasingly things were getting worse. The shattering of the remaining outer defenses, as soldiers now poured inside toward their position, and the panicking civilians were just the tip of the greater iceberg. They had no seeming means of escape at the moment, and that was going to be the hardest part. Exist. Escape. Likewise she hadn't heard back from her sword wielding ally for a bit now to boot. Was she still out there fighting on the perimeter? No. If the barriers were falling she'd begin moving back toward where herself, Lily, and Alex and so forth were. She knew that much well enough about the one who served her, even if she hadn't exactly asked for such a thing in the first place nor desired such. But Kiyome was an ally and friend by now all the same, so she couldn't just leave her here!

Then came the visual she had been waiting for. The sight of her compatriot, accompanied by a number of conjured horror minions (two supporting her it seemed), caused the Cosmic Gypsy to let out a reflexive small sigh of relief. At the same time, however, her compatriot as she got quickly closer would have her condition become more and more visible by Eliana's eyes and senses. Not that she didn't have some supernatural sensory capabilities already in her possession anyhow. But Kiyome didn't seem to be in as fighting a shape as she and the minions with her were allowed to pass through the barrier, and whilst the swordswoman seemed to dispatch most of the remainder of her minion escort back out a frown began to pull down on the edges of the Cosmic Gypsy's mouth.

"You're badly hurt, Kiyome, I can tell. You can't even walk on your own!"

"My apologies for worrying you, Mistress. I got a little patching up from a Healing Artifact someone had out there, at least, and retreated when I could not longer hold the front line alongside the others out there still. Even got at least one trophy for the road with these slippers."

One hand was securely gripping a pair of potently magical slippers tied to the swordswoman's waist, that much Eliana could tell out of the corner of her vision. Where had they come from though? She'd have to ask later, once they made it out of the situation and saved the civilians. Even so, the swordswoman's other hand once again conjured Kiyome's unnaturally long blade back into it as the minions seemed to help her sit down on the ground next to Eliana.

"I don't care! You shouldn't throw your own health away so...so stupidly! I know I asked you to help here as well, but I want you to come back alive as well."

"...Of course, Mistress," the other magical girl said, her voice sounding a bit more somber now than the almost military-drilled yet formal tone she seemed to use around her, "But with the situation turning by the second I would suggest we come up with an escape route before the situation becomes inescapable."

She was well aware. She was...she was very well aware of that indeed.

@Ariamis@Majoras End@Card Captor

Serenity Gates

Serenity had smiled and reached a hand out in return to shake with Hyun, though the sudden appearance of MDP would likewise shock her as she recoiled in surprise. Wait, what was she riding on? Was that a Unipegasus?! Hadn't those gone extinct on Earth over-...never mind. Ultimately the magical maid would follow MDP's instructions as the rest were, trying to conjure some kind of happy thoughts to help fuel the magic that would get them there even faster (she hoped). If Alicia and the others were willing, she follow with them in this case.

And they would emerge onto the other side of a near-hellscape.

Smoke and mist rising from the North, the sight of burning buildings and homes, and sounds of battle and the gunfire and explosions occuring around them that rang and clang out in a horrendous din were just the start. There were also soldiers donning one if the insignias of Wonderland, that she could tell on sight (with a small and visible grimace), but Violet's voice would snap her out of the brief moment of taking things in and back to the mission at hand. That was right. They were here to evacuate people, not make war with-

“This goes against the Beacon code. How can we stand aside while these raiders pillage the homes of the innocent?“


The beacon crest on her kimono glimmered as she let loose her arrow. The arrow’s girth was larger than some trees, and could be more easily compared to a battering ram than a nimble arrow. It flew into the club soldiers near Lil and Alex and smashed them back. It didn’t slow up and instead kept going, going deeper and deeper into their ranks.

Who was this? This person hadn't been with them at the base, nor was this person sent on the mission! On top of that, she seemed to be from Beacon (according to the crest on her body) and was actively trying to provoke them all to attack the Wonderland soldiers. If her presence and actions didn't fool the soldiers into attacking all of them in the process. It was nothing short of a potential disaster if they let this happen, even if the best of intentions were on the line...it wasn't a perfect situation by any means in general.

It was right to assist the afflicted denizens, but at the same time there was also the politics at play that couldn't be ignored. Beacon, for better or worse, could be pulled into an entire war if they did this on their own. They'd be going rogue! And even if helping the civilians here was right, was it right to drag the rest of the chapter and members into this because of the actions of a few who decided for them? There was more to it, dang it all!


Eh? Suwako? Was that the name of this horned girl trying to prod them to action? She couldn't recall meeting her before, though considering how many members were in Beacon and the constant stream of events since her own 'reincarnation' it was not much of a surprise either. Yet this smelled of something fishy, and that wasn't because it literally smelled of fish either.

"Keep going. That's just an illusion, someone trying to drag us into the fight. But we need to get the teleporter set up first. Making sure the civilians are out of harms way is most important." "

Ah. Serenity let out a small sigh of relief from her seat, taking a couple deep breaths to steel herself a bit more as well, though she still felt a small pang of frustration at the very concept. An illusion to try to goad them into attacking Wonderland? Someone wanted them to fight too, that much was for sure. But not wanting to take too many chances, she grabbed her own communicator to use to call Violet back.

"Violet, someone out here just tried to use an illusion of a Beacon member named 'Suwako' to goad us into attacking Wonderland's forces. Alicia was able to see through it, but wanted to send back info just in case whoever did that tries anything else while we're out here. We are still en route to the civilians."

This was not good, but reporting back clearly to Violet over the comms about it ASAP was the action she took for the sake of communication. Like Huyn had said, at least to the effect of, they were members of Beacon...and despite the road the two of them in particular saw ahead they had to do their best with that. At the same time, however, the magical maid felt somewhat more trust in those close to her to a certain extent if she were to be honest. Alicia, Aurelio, etc. Those who had stuck by her side and that she had sought to stick by in turn. She had been able to see other good people within Beacon, that much was sure, and it gave her hope moving forward. At the same time, though, there were also those who had taken up the offensive against her merely for her existence...

...indeed, Serenity still wanted to talk to Cardinal Ishtar later and ask her about what had happened back there at the base. If she knew anything about it. Anything at all.

Serenity then looked at where Alicia was sitting, before her mouth opened with a quick question.

"By the way, Alicia, who is Suwako? I didn't get much of a chance to meet some of the other members locally here, at least with everything that's been going on since I...ah...'came to be'."

Not that many had wanted to talk to her either given the circumstances and the root of her existence. A very ugly root indeed. But at least something basic about this 'Suwako' might help in avoiding future deceptions using the other magical girl's visage. Hopefully. Maybe.

Not going to lie, this looks pretty cool and seems to be going well so far!

Am a bit tempted to try my hand at an app maybe, was in something vaguely reminiscent of this years ago I think.

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