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<Snipped quote by Saiyan>


@Zool Lillianna, looking to MacKensie as the guys made their plans known very loudly and worryingly: "...I want to say this will go badly in a potentially entertaining manner, but would you like to get away before it all ends in disaster somehow? Or shall we wait to bail them out?"
Lillianna Steiner

The staff-wielding mage would increase her pace, moving herself closer to the man at the front of the 'pack' as it were: Adam.

From what she could glean on the surface, everyone seemed to be talking to someone else rather than saying anything about the camping situation. Not that being tired after all the walking really lent itself to anything but wanting to agree to get some rest perhaps. But that was just a guess on her part, as she could still go on for a little while yet! At least physically.

Mentally, however, she already felt a bit tired if she were to be honest about the matter. Not only had her arrival in the strange place been jarring, but she'd been mulling some along this particular walking trek about the last memories she had from back home. The last thing she remembered at all before waking up in that blasted stone sarcophagus that had been nearly lying on its side. Before the magic, the dead bodies, everything she'd seen her so far in what little time she had been here. All she could recall was having been in her lifeguard swimsuit, walking down a section of the beach to keep an eye on things. Then someone had called out to her when the wind gusts had gotten bad, and she'd turned around only to see the image of a large and heavier beach umbrella flying at her face faster than she could react.

Then nothing but instant darkness before she'd woken up.

It was like the plot of one of the recently popular isekai-genre anime she'd seen, albeit instead of a truck it was a beach umbrella. That comparison in and of itself made it frankly ridiculous, and yet the thought she'd died and been nabbed up elsewhere and summoned was increasingly becoming one of the most logical theories about their collective situation, comparatively speaking, when compared to the even stranger ren-faire theory she'd finally dumped out of her mind by this point.

But how does one present such a theory to people who had just as little an idea and a less pop-culture context to draw on? At least for all she knew. Even if the context was not a problem at all, the suggestion of the idea would be as silly as it could sound in the first place. Then again, the very situation they were in was far more than extraordinary in and of itself and would perhaps lend some credibility to it all?

...She wished her Uncle was here right now. Just to hear his stupid laugh and get a hug to make the crazy things she was going through feel like they didn't matter so much anymore. Even if it made those things feel just a little, but decisive, bit smaller.




Ahem. That would all be something to ponder more later. For now, she needed something else to occupy herself with for the time being, and with MacKensie seemingly occupied in conversation with the man who had first come to help her (before returning to his 'resting' face as she assumed) Lillianna's focus had turned to the object in the hands of the group leader: That cube.

According to what she'd learned back in the town, before they had left at least, that thing had fallen out from some skeletal minion leader's body after it had been slain. Glowing purple light, necromantic vibes, and the whole shebang included. Then the remnants of the army had up and run away. Like this thing had been keeping them in the fight somehow, or its loss was noted as being too much or too risky a loss to keep up the fight. At least those were her presumptions and guesses about the matter. Theories at best. But if she could use magic, perhaps she could look into it? Or at least as a scholar be able to take a peek at it, maybe be able to get a reaction out of it that could lend some kind of understanding to what it was made for and what it did in function and purpose.

With that in mind, the aptly-dressed mage felt asking Adam to look at it would at least be something.

"Adam, is it? Ah, I wanted to ask you something while we try to get settled in a spot to camp for the night. Mostly I wanted to ask if I could carefully examine that odd cube for a bit. I would like to see if we can learn anything about it in the meantime from that and such, ah, if that is ok with you of course."

Magic was fascinating, and the scientific method did not change simply because she was in some place with real actual magic. Plus if they could understand anything about their enemy in some capacity, then it would give them any sort of advantage possible. Especially if they could make undead go away somehow with this, if any of her theories about it were true, which would be a boon in case of, ah, another 'attack' surprising them along the way to the town they'd been directed to. Did she mention she could use REAL ACTUAL MAGIC?! Because there was real, actual magic here, and she could use it. That was still trying to sink in even as her attention turned to the cube.

"It...is an odd request to someone I've just met here, but if we could learn anything about it then maybe we could at least better understand why it had the effect it did back there at the village. Admittedly I wasn't there for the battle, but I did glean some basic information about what had happened as we got ready to leave at least."


ALlso: Halfway through writting the last line I remembered how Zell died

PS. @Crusader Lord MacKensie was talking towards James but I think your character started walking with them but was talking to Adam? sorry I became a little confusied when reding it

All good, I took that bit out of my post due to confusion. So even less worries then! XD
Yes, Clive is whistling country road.

*halfway glitches into a wall and my physics break as this plays*

Lillianna Steiner

"None of us really understand how we ended up here. We arrived like you. But where we are travelling to now, we might find out."

The Frenchwoman's answer seemed to be generally the consensus of the group on it all, roughly speaking at least, based on what the budding mage was able to gather from all the different answers. Truth be told she'd been trying to acclimate herself to whatever in the world was going on around this place, including a fearless examination of at least one dead ogre and some of the skeletons before the group had indeed needed to leave. She hadn't even noticed the ongoing surgery in her attempt to look at things and test the reality of it. Not that the coffin, strange staff, and other things about herself already weren't somewhat convincing. But in the end she'd had to accept the general fact that the dead were read bodies, and that she was indeed very far from home to say the least.

From there she could begin to establish her next line of action, which was frankly to go along with the group of other world-napped individuals around her for the time being. The odd crystal on her hand was something she hoped to get checked out, as well as to investigate her own new capabilities once they arrived in Valheim proper. Should the place have the facilities for such of course, she wanted to see what she could do and reach out to do when it came to the entirely fascinating and enthralling phenomenon that was her actually being in possession of some kind of magic. REAL MAGIC. Seriously.

But even with that bit of magical excitement to help her own mood in things, and it did a bit, it was all still quite a lot to soak in. Like binge studying for a test on the part of her peers, and attempting to let the information disseminate into her brain (or 'soak in' as one peer had once called it) properly over time. In that vein the long walk they'd begun was nothing short of welcome to her mind as well, something she'd used to do on the beach to help her soak in some things more recently in her life...well, before arriving here at least.

Quite relaxing when life was being stressful, much as listening to the running water and sounds of life around them were right now really-

"Once the sun starts to set, we should prepare a camp for the night. We can sleep when it's dark and resume our trip in the morning. We've been active all day and could use some rest, and without sunlight we'll probably get lost."

"I doubt these things glow in the dark."

"Does that sound good to everyone?"


"Sounds good to me, and sensible as well."

She spoke in verbal agreement to Adam's idea, also lightly nodding her head in assent as she used her staff to help her walk along with the others.

@Eviledd1984Damn bruv, I didn't realise Joji was 6' 10" tall! I misread your profile as 'six feet' lol. Need to edit an old post of mine. I don't think it changes much tho so no biggy. Wow, we have two giants in the party.

@Eviledd1984@GoblinguyOur guys need to find a shady tavern in Valhiem and start some arm wrestling or cage fighting action. Make some extra cash. Arthur and Joji with the muscle. Zell talking in the suckers-ahem-challengers, taking bets. You two in?

Lillianna, peeved for a moment: "You are trying to rob and scam the people of this world after we literally just arrived here in Valheim?! Are you trying to get us killed??? Try that and I am animating Zell's pants and commanding them to 'defenestrate' out of the nearest tall building."

Lillianna in my headcanon, if she tests her animation spell on one of the silver coins for some reason and gets attached to it: "...I'm naming you Percival, Percy for short."
Waiting for updoot now

Witch Queen: "You asked."

~What The Skeletal Trumpeters Of The Witch Queen's Army Play During The Next Battle~

Sorry for the long post, all, was just trying to catch up with Lillianna's reactions to everyone rushing to her and the situation around her.

All topped off with a badly-timed attempt to exasperatedly comment "what's next, a necromancer?" and noticing the dead bodies.
Lillianna Steiner

"Hey you okay?, here let me help you out of there.

Calm down, you are safe, everything will be okay, do you need anything?"

"Do any of you guys have water?"
??? (Strange Man 1)

The mage accepted the helping hand to get out of the lopsided-sitting sarcophagus, letting out a small sigh of grateful relief as she felt her feet on solid ground and her body standing in its proper orientation once more. The man didn't seem entirely happy in his disposition at first, but all the same he'd softened his tone and assisted her in getting out of the more than slightly awkward if not alien position she'd found herself in. To that end she gave him a thankful but quiet nod as she steadied herself and worked on slowing down her breathing a bit.

Even so, some sweat had formed on her forehead and face after the crack of lightning she'd managed to unleash inside the sarcophagus she'd landed in. Heat and lightning and all wasn't exactly conducive to not sweating, really. So yes, water would be nice as well given all of that to boot. Especially as she finally stated to look herself over at the odd, albeit oddly comfortable yet breathable, clothes she was now apparently wearing more closely.

Also...lightning?! If the rest wasn't enough to attempt to process, her brain seemed filled with some things she hadn't known before. In particular these were things that shouldn't exist at all, but she couldn't deny it all the same: Magic. Literal. Magic.

But then another of those nearby came over to where she was, it seemed, though likewise made clear she didn't have any water on her.

"Nice to meet you. I am MacKensie. MacKensie Trydant. You are probably a little confused, no?"

She offered a weak chuckle and a reassuring smile.

"You are not alone in this."

A French accent? Certainly a lovely and refined one compared to such accents she'd remembered hearing before in her life. But this woman was also the first person here to introduce herself with a name, on top of her attempt to assist in assuaging her panic, the kindness of the first man notwithstanding of course. But not alone in this? Were the rest of these people just as confused and suddenly brought here as she was, or were they simply telling her things?

Either way they were at least showing some form of kindness and not acting like some kidnapping-obsessed ren faire extremists, but much more like normal people by far, and this would bring Lillianna to the conclusion of giving them the benefit of the doubt. Frankly even the thought of such an odd group existing in theory was getting more and more silly by the second as well, enough she would cast out the thought ultimately with a small sigh of her own.

"Lillianna...Steiner," the white-haired girl would say calmly to MacKensie between breaths, doing so as she worked to pull her focus back onto the people seemingly starting to gather around her before things got too much to take in the spur-of-the-moment, "Miss MacKensie, if I may ask...do you know anything of what's going on here?"

"Excuse me one moment."

Filling the device with water, the Druid ran towards the coffin and the new woman who had emerged from it. With a smile, he held up the canteen.

"I have some water, if you'd like. I'm Adam, it's nice to meet you."

A rather tall man, wasn't he? Certainly taller than the first one, but this time bearing the much-needed gift of water. Accepting the canteen into her hands, Lillianna would start to slowly drink the fresh liquid inside despite the presence of her body telling her to chug it down to cool off. But this was no different than drinking some after some vigorous exercise, rather than doing so on a brief work break on the beach and having to chug it fast, and so she visibly held back some despite her thirst in this vein of things.

“Don’t chug it down miss, just take it slow. What's your name? Mine is Joji.”

...Ok, so apparently the bar for tallness around here was only growing. Joji looked to be nearly seven feet tall!!! But sound advice at least, so he seemed to be somewhat a level-headed person perhaps. Albeit she now had two containers of water, which was a bit too much overall, though as she topped off the first one Adam had given her was welcome to top off her thirst at least.

Not that she'd force herself to finish this flask of water or such, that'd be too much water to drink in one go in the first place! But she'd drink a small bit more before handing it back to Joji with the water flask only about half-full. She then swallowed the last bit of water in her mouth.

"I'm Lillianna Steiner."

"Oh, and is this yours?"

Hmm? Oh! Yes, that thing had been inside of the sarcophagus with her. So certainly it would make sense if it was hers for some reason, or had been given to her by who or whatever had brought her here.

With that in mind she would nod at Adam before taking the returned staff in her left hand, her attention turning to it and her right eyebrow raising a bit as she felt a 'thrum' of something inside of it. Electricity? Magic? Some advanced device for LARP-ing? Either way it felt oddly comfortable to hold despite the ancient look of it and very ornate design. Were this something she'd found back home out in the field, she'd have kept this in a museum to say the least.

Yet it was also about this time, handing back the canteen she'd been provided to Adam once more, that Lillianna noticed the weight of the filled water skin on her person. Not that the backpack had made it any easier.

But the crowd would only continue to rapidly grow about her as well, apparently with more 6-foot-plus giants coming over to where she was.

"Zell Brooks. A pleasure. I take orders from that guy."

He seemed to point at the first man who'd run over to help her.

"Where combat tactics and strategy are concerned, he's the smart the one. He decides when to sacrifice me for the greater good, and I do it."

Then he pointed at MacKensie next to him.

"I watch this one's back so she doesn't get herself killed. Honestly, I must've saved her ass like four times already."

She looked at the man's eyes as he spoke to her, at least giving a name as well to put to his face, but something about his final comment and wink felt somewhat too...cheeky? That was the first word that came to her mind. Like he was some jock guy from the football team back when she'd still gone to the campus of-...ah. Ok. Now it made a bit of sense, or if nothing else at least it informed her current first impressions of Zell right now if nothing else.

Only time would tell otherwise, but before she could do more yet another figure approached her with a welcome of sorts.

"Hey names Arthur, seems you had a rough ride."

"Well, waking up in a large stone sarcophagus, being dressed for a ren faire, and somehow using magic for the first time can be a tad panic-inducing I would think."

She didn't hold back on that response, mostly notable in the exasperation, frustration, and a little concern in her tone as she spoke in this particular case. It was like everyone with two legs was coming over to where she was! Did no one have any sense of tact in giving a person who was calming down some space to breathe? Not that she was claustrophobic, frankly she'd been in worse, but the surprise of all of this had been a good bit jarring when combined with her changed attire, magic, and all the rest.

Well, she at least had her nerves back under management once more. So it didn't all much matter by this point if she was to be honest. At least it meant the people here didn't seem to be inherently bad either. That was a good thing, though how she came off to the others was also important. Ah.

"...Apologies, all. I was a bit snappy there. But this is all...I can't even fully fathom it right now. What's next, a necromanc-"

Her eyes originally looked back toward MacKensie, the only other female there, but something else began to catch her attention as she suddenly paused in speaking and looked toward something beyond the people around her. Or rather, a bunch of somethings beyond this little group formed around her. Oh. OH!!!

Were those a bunch of skeletons lying about with weapons? And was that the bloodied corpse of an OGRE?!?!
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