Avatar of Crusader Lord


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Oh no, guys! It's a ...

Ratmen have appeared, and the update is out. :)

I can finally use a certain Youtube video in response to this, and I could not be more utterly dated happy. :P

On a completely unrelated note;

I went t get my hair cut today, and my barber decided to put some oil in my stash... Now I look like one of those villains from the 1920's movies... The ones with the top hat and cape who tied damsels to railroad tracks... :<

Or you could be one of those fancy mustached bare-knuckle boxers from the 1920's! Instead of a villain. ....Right?

-Little Clearing, Middle of Some Forest, ???-

A ring-tone.

Or, to be more precise, an electronic ring-noise. Kinda like the one you'd hear in a live-call or when using a chat program and getting a message. But the noise came form inside their own head... Which... Was disconcerting to say the least.

Nevertheless! As soon as the brief, three-piece noise stopped, each of them would notice something even more bizarre. in front of their eyes, blocking their vision, a big envelope-shaped icon appeared. Yeah. An icon. Like the one you see on a home-screen on a smartphone or something. But it was there. Right infront of them. Hovering in mid-air. ANd it was moving. Like an animated gif or something. Then, without their consent, it blooped itself, and a new strange thing happened.

A window opened up. Like on a computer screen. But in their eyes. Their mind's eye? Whatever. They could all see it, that's the important bit. The window looked pretty standard to what you'd expect a window containing an email or message to lo0k like, save it was slightly transparent. But that wasn't the important bit. The important bit was what was written, and that the message started automatically reading itself to each of the girls, still in their head, with no scientifically acceptable reason as to why.

Eh?! Of all the strange things to happen, what in this lala land was thi-

Subject: Welcome!
Sender: God

Hello, hello, hello! Congratulations, girls~ *Clap, clap, clap*
You've all been selected as the esteemed and fortunate winners of a trip to an entirely different world, yay!

I'm sure you got all sorts of quesitons and concerns, but don't worry even teensy bit! I've provided you with some of my personal wardrobe that'll hlep you make your way in this brand new and exciting world you all find yourselves in.

Just remember to keep those garaments on, ladies~ They're your key to success while you're visting here. Oh, and don't worry, even though you're all form different parts of your world and in a brand new one, I've granted you all the ability to both speak and read the language, so you should all be able to communicate flawlessly! Ain't I something~?

Alright then, have fun and I do hope you'll enjoy your time in this world!

Best of luck to you all, [heart-emoji]!

....Maybe Dante Alighieri really had been terrifyingly correct about more things than he thought when titling his magnum opus of a fanfiction. Perhaps it all truly was, without reservations, a 'Divine Comedy'. Ha. Except she wasn't laughing about this one. The panicking girl who'd been talking about kidnappers seemed to be correct, though instead of simply asking for a ransom this one had kidnapped them and dressed them up in strange costumes. Given that this all seemed oh so strange, Charlotte felt lucky enough to gamble that the 'keep those garments on because they are key to your success here' bit was more than a little bit truthful. Sure it could be full of utter and total B.S., but the cruel irony seemed too ripe and juicy for something like this to NOT be true perhaps.

Being stuck as a bunnygirl though? Seriously?! It was so stupid! She would never want to wear this, and frankly would have torn it off already if not for the warning, but this self-proclaimed deity messaging them hadn't exactly stopped them from one thing. They just needed to wear these silly costumes, right? No reason she couldn't wear a cloak or something over this either? She wouldn't be not wearing the costume, after all, but she'd have to test the theory later...well, if there was any sort of civilization around here at all. Then again, would their personal disatisfaction with these stupid costumes be the only possible entertainment? A stunt, much like a performance or going out on Halloween, always required an audience after all.

Or, well, this was all initial conjecture on her part. A fair bit of assumption and guesswork based on the tone of that blasted message, but she was getting a similar vibe to that of her older sister to some extent and was running with that similar sort of impression for now.

Yet the simple path forward in that sense, she supposed, would thus be the best for the time being. Keep it simple and practical. Maintain the status quo. Play along, see what they could do, and test things practically along the way to feel out the situation. Certainly being gone from home forever wasn't exactly something she wanted to do, but for the time being the utter surreal nature of what was going on was certainly helping ground her in a sense. Somehow? Somehow, some way, whatever it was. Plus they had nothing else to wear for now anyway, etc.

"What?! Did it just say 'God'?! And different world? You — you gotta be joking!"

"What do you mean by personal wardrobe?! Is this… is this your doing?! Were you the one who put us in these ridiculous clothes?! Give our clothes back, you pervert!"

"Keep the clothes on? As if! I'll change out of it the moment I find another, less ridiculous set of clothes!"

"Y-you idiot God!"
The Shouting Is Back Again/Sayu

...That was a fair reaction, as much as the red-hooded girl who called herself Sayu seemed to talk otherwise. Or maybe Charlotte herself had read a few too many manga or something late at night on her phone when she couldn't sleep some nights over the last few years. Etc.

"Whoever this God person is," she stammered, her voice carrying a mix of amusement and bewilderment, "they certainly have a weird sense of humour."

It seemed all around the reactions from the other females of the group had been diverse enough, and reasonable enough to have in this situation she figured. Anger. Shock. Trying to trade outfits like a kid trying to trade the food they didn't want at Lunch in Elementary School. Hmm. They had most of the stages of grief going on thus far, actually, and she could already feel herself lightly nibbling on her own lower lip without thinking before stopping herself.

No. Just no. Not right now. Toss it on the backburner, and focus on what was going on in front of her. Breathe, breathe in and out. Focus. Whatever the case was, and however they were feeling, they needed to not just sit about idly for now at least. That much she knew for certain, and that much she could shift her focus onto at the bare minimum.


"Unbelievable! It's completely, totally unbelievable!"

"A new, alternate, parallel dimension world? Are we supposed to just believe that?"
Sayu-nara, My Eardrums

"I had information I never knew before implanted in my head, and I can fire magic dice at a tree while wearing a bunnysuit. Seems more believable. Besides, it technically was a kidnapper like you said before."

Five minutes later and they were not a bit closer to whatever they were needing to do than before. If anything was manageable at this rate anywho. Given fifteen more minutes of, even if understandably, frustrated barking Charlotte felt tempted to just start preparing wood for a basic camp or something. She'd been camping sometimes with her family, not that her older sister had enjoyed any of it in reality outside of a few small bits and pieces. Hadn't been her favorite either, but she'd at least learned a few practical things from her father about it.

"Hey… guys.. Do you hear that? It's coming closer… from that way…"

"I… I think it might be some sort of a wild animal!"
Sayu-later, Alligator!

Hearing things? What, did the little animal ears on her costume actually-

For some reason, she could hear a distant noise coming from... That direction. Well, it wasn't exactly easy to tell which way that was, due to the lack of a compass or map or any other way to discern one way from another. But regardless, she heard something. Whatever it was, it seemed to be getting closer though. Not particularly fast or anything - but bit by bit, she could hear the sound of rustling leaves, thuds on dirt or grass and the muffled noises of what was... Voices? Animal noises? It was difficult to tell...

-...allow her to hear things. From afar. Like an actual animal. Ok, now she could hear it all as well if she was hearing the same things. So the ears had function for this outfit somehow? Or, well, for their outfits in general if the had any? Hmm. That would be something to take note of for later then.

"I don't hear anything in particular."

“If you don’t like that outfit, we can swap."

“I don’t hear anything either.”

"Actually, I can hear something as well. Voices or something, maybe, but it seems maybe the animal ears on these costumes actually work somehow.

There's something moving in our direction, I believe. Perhaps we should try to hide for the moment just in case."

Yes. That sounded like a far better idea than still panicking. In that vein, Charlotte tried to grab the arm of the panicky Sayu to drag over behind the nearest large and wide tree in proximity to them. Well, if the other girl would allow her to anywho. If Sayu didn't allow her to bring her to cover, then Charlotte would just go hide behind such a tree (if any) herself alone as a precaution. Either way, if the others didn't believe them she was going to try to save her skin at the very least (and someone else's in the process if she could maybe).

@Click This@Qia@PiNKPANTHERESS@Hammerman@Xaltwind


"Oh, these bags," she moaned as they got to the city gates, grabbing the attention of her friends as she slowed down and fussed with her grip. "They are so cumbersome and I am wearing thin." It felt bad to lie, but she had to get away. "I will take them back to the Mended Drum. I am so sorry I cannot come with you. Here; let me take your things back for you."

She kept it short, took any bags they wanted to hand her and gave each of them a quick hug with a friendly (and pretentiously posh) air-kiss. "I hope you find the answers you are looking for, Lillianna."
The True Heir of the Goddess of Shopping

Eh? MacKensie was leaving already? She'd seemed to have plenty of energy along the shopping spree and their trip toward the Church of Iris thus far. Then suddenly she was too tired and moaning? The Frenchwoman seemed to be in a hurry to leave them, as well as take their remaining bags back, though while friendly it all felt slightly concerningly 'suspicious' to the mage. How so, though, she couldn't really tell. Was just a gut instinct at this point. At the same time, however, she didn't try too say or do anything about it and instead let MacKensie do as she wished before disappearing into Valhheim once more among the people and crowds and the sort.

"Alright, take care. We'll return to the Mended Drum when we're done here." She watched MacKensie walk away until she rounded a corner and then turned to Lilliana. "Let's go to the church, we're almost there."
Felicitous Fenna the Friend

Suddenly snapping out of where she'd been starting off at the direction MacKensie had left in, Lillianna would lightly clear her throat and gently nod back at Fenna in turn. She was right, they needed to get to the Church while they still had the chance. After that? Well, perhaps they could look for MacKensie again to make sure she was ok. Or, er, well, something of the sort at least. Maybe.

"Yes, we should be close if the directions were correct."

Indeed, though, as they rounded the corner the building itself became suddenly and overtly obvious for them to see. If it was the correct building, that is, then it made enough sense to keep it visible on the city's outskirts. Yet as they got closer the mage would absorb herself in examining and taking note of its features along the way.

The building was tall enough to stretch up over the tops of most buildings around it for certain, and surprisingly the style of it seemed to be very 'gothic' in nature. Not as in the sterotypically-pictued 'edgy, black-colored-clothes-wearing, listening to Welcome To The Black Parade' type of 'gothic' course, but rather the style of architecture. Like it was made to be some kind of humble but well-made cathedral, it seemed to her eyes, and on their approach she thought she could see the glint of light and colors in its its windows somewhat as well. Stone bricks seemed to have a nice lighter color to them on first inspection from afar as well, which were fitted tightly to compose a stable stricture yet seemed to be arranged almost as 'smooooth as silk' from the outside according to her same glimpses at the building to boot.

And yet-

She was outside, on a small step ladder, washing the stained glass windows of the front entrance. The women approaching would be just in time to see Juliet bend down to soak her sponge in the bucket and wobble the step ladder into chaos. "W-w-waaaagh!"

Her feet flew out up into the air. The step ladder flew away. The bucket hit the floor, soapy water everywhere. All before the poor Sister landed flat on her back in the wet.
The Sound of Music 2: Electric Boogaloo

Someone fell! Or, well someone who had been trying to wash the front stained glass windows at the entrance. Her outfit seemed similar to that of a nun from back on Earth, to draw what comparisons she could, though also seemed different as well in such a way as to indicate a differing religion of course. Regardless, as the mage was shocked back into reality by the incident and was momentarily stunned Fenna seemed to move in ot try to assist. Right afterward, the mage would likewise hurry over to the fallen woman's side.

Once they reached the church they were just in time to see one of the sisters fall down. "Oh dear..." Fenna muttered and she rushed to the sister's aid. "Are you okay?" At first glance, the sister didn't seem to be injured. Not externally anyway.
The Nun Can't 'Fenna-d' For Herself Right Now, It Seems

Lillianna would without thinking try to help the poor sister sit up, at least, if the help was accepted. Though sparing a glance at the poor now-fallen-over ladder the woman had been on, she could see that it didn't seem the most stable-looking thing. Then again, a wrong shift in weight on even a good ladder was always a risk perhaps. Her father had learned that first hand before, luckily on a small-scale like what had happend to this poor woman here.

"That was luckily not much of a fall it seems.

Actually, we came here to ask about something at the suggestion of Lucinda. You see, there's a dead adventurer I...well...could see back in the Mazy Hillocks. His ghost I mean. Talked to him and- waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!"

Soapy water under the mage's feet, which was atop the stones on the ground forming a small path to the entrance, suddenly decided to ruin the friction between her feet and the ground. Which is to say, while trying to help and not paying muchh attention to where she was standing Lillianna managed to slip. Falling to her right, and trying to throw herself toward the grass as she did so, the top half of the magic caster;s body would thankfully fall onto the grass as the rest of her hit the stones beneath. It was enough to make her hips hurt that she knew they'd feel sore later, that much would be true, but at least the grass was itself softer to the side...and prevented a head impact if nothing else.

"Uuuuh....should have seen that one coming."

Even on the ground she'd admit that one, even after a light moan of soreness and such caused by her fall. Should have looked where she was stepping before stepping too quickly. But the very power of gravity itself, much like a predator waiting for its prey to come into view, had been merely lying in wait for an ambush against her once more.

Also made another post really fast so I can be early and not think about it this round. Or, well, I got the chance to this particular week at least. Whew. (@_@)

Lazash is trying to pick up the shinies and flak beetle chunks to hold onto, so hopefully they can move on deeper into the cave. Or at least that's where her focus is, outside of sitting down and being grateful to be alive. Somehow. Despite the fact that last time this happened it went horribly according to our dear DM. Dang.

Both Vola and Lazash, from their cover across from each other, watched a shockwave of flame, dust, and rock powerful enough to indirectly rattle their bones thunder past them in an instant. The heat felt like opening an out-of-control oven and nearly losing their eyebrows. Their vision was seared white for a few painful seconds as the flames passed. Their ears rang painfully and then all sounds seemed as if they came from underwater.

The explosion lasted a mere fraction of a second, and in its wake as their hearing slowly recovered, Lazash and Vola would notice the sound of rocks crumbling and crashing to the ground...but it wasn’t a cave in. At least, not the kind you saw in the movies that threatened to kill everyone and seal off the whole tunnel. Only the most fragile bits of rock had shattered or fallen down. It made a bit of a mess and spilled slippery gravel and sharp shards all over the ground, but if anything it had actually widened out the narrow tunnel a bit…Because a big chunk of that shiny, green-streaked substance in the side of one wall had been blasted into much smaller fragments that clackity-clacked all over the cave floor...

She had expected the potential for something like this, but the reality of it was certainly something else entirely. Certainly wasn't an 'intact' kill though, and they needed something to bring back intact enough to fulfill the quest. At the same time, they were alive and the 'narrow passage' was now larger than before at the same time. They had avoided a cave-in, somehow, and yet between the scorching heat from the prior Fire Bolt she'd used before and the Flak Beetle exploding like it was going out of style she felt the strain of it all on her body. Certianly surviving a tunnel explosion was no small thing, and at the same time she would notice the strange subtance that had been blown loose from the wall.

And then, of course, there were a few…bits and pieces…of the Flak Beetle left. The rest of the shriveled, burnt mushrooms had been apparently vaporized.

...Not to forget about the bits of Flak Beetle that were actually left though.

After getting back to her senses once more, ascertaining that Vola was ok by looking over at where the other female runt was, and noting the gravel of slippery and sharp sorts on the ground, Lazash would get back to work without another work. She would use her feet to push the light-enough debris to the sides as she went along, as well as being careful where she stepped, but first thing was first and she would start going about to pick up the chunks of the Flak Beetle first to put in her pack of things. If she got the chance afterward, she'd go to pick up as many of the fragments of the shiny, green-streaked substance that were now all over the floor as she could get.

After whatever she could do in these respects, she'd try to clear a path on the floor to the narrow passage itself to sit down next to it for a moment on any non-sharp rock she could find. Well, try to sit there at least for a moment to take a breather. A moment to rest after an explosion and heat blast combination was certainly something to take a short rest from, if anything, in her mind.

Warning: Your MP is low.

Ah. Likewise, at least this "SYSTEM" seemed to give her a proper indicator warning of having low MP as well. She did not want to push her luck in that respect either though. Losing all of her MP was not, as it seemingly would have mental effects based on prior SYSTEM notifications, a good idea in the end. Only getting two Fire Bolts before she ran low though? It was a low count, sure, but it certainly wasn't useless either after seeing what those things could do. She was, after all, just an Orc Runt at the start of her new life here. She just had to raise her MP more and train and such, etc, before she could really do more with casting spells. That, as it were, was a goal to look forward to to boot.

"My MP is low, so there'll be no more Fire Bolts moving forward on my end."

She would comment aloud to Vola by this point as she sat down next to the widened entrance into the narrow passage.

"And we still lack a sufficiently 'intact' kill to bring back to the camp to fulfil the quest, though I'd wager that blast was audible even on the outside as well.

Still, given the potential for us to have died here from that explosion it seems we have some amount of fortune on our side thus far. Hmm?"

Fortune? Luck? It was probability at least, and they happened to not get hit with shrapnel or killed by a blast wave. Etc. A little miracle of sorts at the tail end of a bad decision that hadn't worked out as badly as she'd thought it would at least. What else was she to do though? They had no other way to retaliate against the Flak Beetle meaningfully, and might've been forced to run out to escape had it pursued them further. What would a pointy stick and sharp stone do against it, irritate the thing before it blew them up with its own 'fire bolt' as it were?

This at least meant they had a chance to go deeper and see what else lied down here, maybe getting a kill of some kind before it got too late in the day.

Post was made! And whoever wanted a fire bolt to be used against a Flak Beetle, depending on how things go as Zeroth determines events go down for the next update, might be potentially getting their wish.

Is it a wise idea? No. But maybe 'fight fire with fire' will somehow prove sane in this situation. Or not. XD

Meanwhile, inside the cave, the Flak Beetle hadn't yet reacted to the mushrooms beneath it suddenly shooting their spores all over the place. When Lazash unleashed her Fire Bolt, however, it scuttled backwards further along the ceiling, into the narrow tunnel. It rustled the shell plates over its wings aggressively---but still, it did not attack yet.

Lazash would take a stroke from the lashing tendrils over her shoulder, drawing blood and leaving a stinging welt. Two other tendrils struck the spots where the spores had coated the stones, and immediately withdrew back into the mushrooms that had spawned them.

The Fire Bolt hit the mushrooms---and a leftover cloud of spores. In a phenomenon known as a "dust explosion," the fine-grains of fungal matter went up in a great "whoosh," though thankfully it wasn't exactly a "bomb." Nonetheless, Lazash and Vola were nearly blinded by the instant flash and felt their bodies come close to singing as the heat washed over them. The mushrooms, on the other hand, actually shrieked as they burned---not because they had vocal chords, but because of some property of air escaping their formerly swollen spore pods and tendril "mouths" as the flames consumed them.

Within seconds only blacked, shriveled husks were left.

Lazash's arms came up to protect her face and eyes from the explosion as the palpable wave of nigh-singing heat wash past her as the hot air sought to escape. A dust explosion, here?! The only saving grace was that it was such a small-scale one, given the ones she'd seen in the course of her education about architecture and design. Yet even if the mushrooms weren't nessecarily screaming, the sound being akin to that was certainly something to hear as well as the pustule-like swollen caps burnt suddenly from her Fire Bolt. It was akin to letting air out of a whoopie cushion somewhat to her mind, though the screaming-like quality certainly made it seem more menacing than she felt it was. Still, the female orc runt would lower her arms after the blast had finished.

“Nice shot.”

For a moment she was almost relieved, giving a momentary nod to the other orc runt with her, though another immediately hit her mind as she held her now-hot pointy stick and kept her eyes up on the narrow passage. Because while the mushrooms had been dealt with, certainly, there was still something else in this cave that had been near and it had the monkier of being a "Flak Beetle". Did that mean it-

The Flak Beetle, having withdrawn even further from the flames, chose this moment to expand its wings and point its mandibles at the two Runts with a hiss.

They saw its glowing thorax expand as the light within it intensified. And then as the beetle released that pressure through its mouth, a second bolt of flame lit up the cave, racing towards them!


It was perhaps the most expressive Lazash had allowed herself to sound, but mostly the half-shouted curse word only came out as the female Orc Runt dove hard to her left to try to put some distance between her and the Flak Beetle without a second thought. She did not even so much as hear Vola's warning for the most part, survival instincts kicking in as pure adrenaline kicked in. Lazash would try to hit the ground with a roll so she could iun theory get back up on her feet more quickly using the momentum, thus hopefully allowing her better ascertain the situation and again hold up her free hand pointed toward where the Flak Beetle was. The idea was to at leaast be prepared to use a second Fire Bolt, if nothing else, not that it'd probably be the best idea if this thing was ALSO firing off fire bolts.

If she got to this intended point with her actions, if she saw the Flak Beetle try to shoot a bolt at her again she'd fire one right back! Worst case they had to run for the exit, perhaps, if it started a cave-in. Right? Maybe. Was all she had effective against the stupid thing right noow anyway, and it was a rather imperfect situation overall to be most frank to boot.

...But the old addage perhaps rung true here: "Fight fire with fire." Especially since none of them had any water spells or such helpful tools to use right now anyway. She'd rather be alive and grab something on the way back to the camp or another cave entrance than die here at least. Likely her compatriot would want to stay alive, she figured, as well....hopefully.

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