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16 hrs ago
Current just finished The Hydrogen Sonata, and half-thinking about doing an interest check for a Culture/Special Circumstances RP (but only half, because I'm definitely not an Iain Banks-quality writer)
16 days ago
Going to be out of town from tomorrow until Tuesday--I'll be in and out of service, but I almost certainly won't be making any posts.
1 mo ago
Got a new interest check up--thinking about running a Scum and Villainy game.
1 mo ago
you must embrace the cringe. let it flow through you and strenghten you.
2 mos ago
got the itch to write, but holding back from joining/creating any more threads at the moment because two of the ones I'm already in haven't even started yet :^Y


us pacific time

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Eidolon: Conspiracy Theory as The GM
Scum and Villainy: Plentiful Bounty as The GM
Noble Arms: The ASEAN War as Warrant Officer Michaela "Mikey" Rangel
2100: Badland Republic as Rory Arcadia
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<Snipped quote by ctrlsaltdel>
Accepted but change it To 6 families in the Strengths thing

👀 done
<Snipped quote by ctrlsaltdel>

I agree that 4 seems like plenty to get started with. ^_^

I was thinking if there was any other business to take care of, it might be seeing if any player characters have any connections with each other. Would they be friends, or do they simply work/study at the same location? (I'm guessing this is the Ties section?)

For example, I imagine Emily Sanderson may have tried to befriend @XxFellsingxX's The Crow in the past, through giving The Crow food. Whether she was successful or not is up to @XxFellsingxX. ^^"
If her attempt was successful, I imagine she would call the Crow "Nevermore,"

Yes, if y'all want to establish that any/all of the PCs know each other prior to the story please feel free to create ties. By the rules you should start with at least one tie to a PC and one tie to an NPC (who could be someone you come up with/someone from your char's backstory), but if you want to say that your character doesn't know the other PCs at the start you can wait to create a PC tie after some interaction.

Just so everyone's on the same page, tie statements should reflect how your character views the character mentioned in the tie, rather than an objective description of their relationship. Ties also don't have to be reciprocal; you can have a tie with someone without them having a tie to you.

<Snipped quote by ctrlsaltdel>
Right now, considering the holiday season, I'm not sure if setting a requirement for timing when it comes to posting is a good idea. ^^"

I'm also of the general mindset that setting a requirement for posting in a certain amount of time adds more pressure than what's needed. The important aspect is communication, considering how RL can get chaotic. If I'm not able to post due to life, I'll do my best to let everyone know.

That sounds good to me!
@XxFellsingxX that damn crow looks great, consider them approved. i do have to ask what this bird's pronouns are tho =O

so I'm open to a fifth player but 4 seems like plenty to get started with. if everyone agrees, what other business do we need to take care of? does anyone have a recommendation for how often everyone should try to post? i'm thinking roughly every three days but i'll defer to anyone who has a preference.
Name: Titus Tafani
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 29 February 1916
Job: Soldier of the Bonnano crime family


Titus is on the short and slight side; his hair and eyes are both dark, and his high cheekbones give him a gaunt, hungry look. Despite his less than impressive stature, he usually carries himself with a confident swagger. His typical outfit is a cheaply made but well-tailed brown plaid suit, which hides his Colt Cobra .38 and a large knife.


Outwardly, Titus is an extremely outgoing type, glad-handing everyone he meets. He's often found in the middle of a crowd of people, spreading gossip and asking questions and exchanging favors, always with an eye towards opportunity. Despite often making out like a bandit, he has a reputation for generosity.

Inwardly, Titus is a fairly lonely soul. He has no living family, and though he knows many people by name, he lives alone and rarely drinks with the same person two nights in a row. He sees other people mostly as tools for his own advantage, while at the same time constantly seeking out their company.


- Well-connected in NYC; is a made man of one of the Six Families and has many contacts throughout the city
- Fast talker; good at selling people a bad deal
- Experienced pickpocket/minor thief


- Surprisingly good in a knife fight
- Fast and spry


Titus was born in the Bronx, in 1916; his parents had immigrated only a year before from Sicily, fleeing the oncoming war. His father was a dock worker; his mother took care of him, while also doing other small jobs for their neighbors in order to help put food on the table. As young as five, Titus was enlisted to help, and began working a series of odd jobs--newspaper boy, messenger, waiter, and so on. He learned early on that he had a knack for people, and inevitably started putting that to use fleecing them for their money.

At the age of 14, he had his first encounter with what was still known then as the Marazano crime family when he tried to take the wallet of one of their soldiers. Luckily for him, the man was more impressed than angry, and promised to forgive Titus if he did some work for him. Titus took to being a mob runner like a duck to water, but his parents didn't approve.

Forced to choose between the approval of his parents and his newfound line of work, Titus left home and took up residence in a boarding house.

He spent the next fifteen years working his way up the ranks--selling numbers, convincing local shopkeepers to pay protection fees, running shakedowns, and so on. At some point he became a made man of what had since become to Bonnano family, and has spent his time since thriving in the cracks of New York City.
@rush99999 thanks for catching that! (honestly Guardian Angel Haruki's was close enough that I wasn't gonna say anything lol)

@Digmata looks good! only thing i see is that you get one advanced move at character creation, so go ahead and pick one from the list to mark off.
@rush99999, looks great! I'm assuming that's the appearance of your player character--have you thought about the appearance of your Eidolon? If you'd prefer to wait to reveal that, that's fine too.

@Guardian Angel Haruki, yours looks good too--the only thing I see is that your Resonant and Dissonant cards need be picked from the neutral cards =)
So I would prefer that everyone play a different playbook, just because I think it will be more fun if everyone is working with a different toolbox (so to speak), but if two people really have their hearts set on the same playbook and the powers are different enough then I'm willing to be talked around.

In any case, that power sounds good to me, and Scheherazade is a very appropriate name =D
OOC is up: roleplayerguild.com/topics/194587-eid…

(now time for me to get back to work =X )
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