WO "Mikey" Rangel
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USA - 2022-11-19, 13:31, UTC-5
Mikey stood staring at the closed office door. She had already been standing there for a good ten seconds too long, and she was still working up the nerve to knock. It wasn't that she was afraid--at least, not exactly. She was, however, both wary and weary. When she had first been press-ganged into the Army, she had known that it would be unpleasant at first, but she had thought--hoped, really--that she would get used to it quickly. With the current administration's foreign policy, there was little chance of her getting sent out to actually fight somewhere, so it was really just a question of the indignities of military life.
What Mikey had found out over the last two years, of course, was that the indignities could be pretty damn undignified, and getting summoned to the CO's office was never a good thing. Even when they pulled you in to tell you something they thought you should be excited about, the main thing that came with it was higher expectations for a job she had never wanted.
Still, there was no point delaying the inevitable any longer. She raised her hand to knock on the door, but before she could, a voice called out from the other side.
"Ms. Rangel. Come in."
Aw, crap. Mikey briefly considered what it would take for an Arms Master to get busted down to Private; she'd miss the extra money, but at least people would stop calling her Miss. Then she opened the door, stepped through, and saluted, eyes straight ahead and over the head of the man behind the desk.
"Warrant Officer Rangel, reporting as ordered."
"At ease. Take a seat." Mikey stepped forward, planting herself in the uncomfortable chair with her hands in her lap. Her face was a mask; outwardly, she remained silent, even as she internally wondered what new training they had cooked up for her to run through.
"First things first. I want to say that you've..." The square man behind the desk looked her up and down, and from Mikey's perspective, he didn't seem to like what he found. "Well, you've definitely improved as a soldier since you were assigned here."
Alarm bells started going off in her head. That was probably the nicest thing a CO had said about her since she had enlisted. Were they prepping her for some new assignment? She had actually managed to make some friends here; were they going to ship her off across the country again?
The man behind the desk slid a manila folder over from a stack on one side. It was heavy with documents, and bore a red stamp across the front reading [TOP SECRET]. One paper stuck out the top of it, and Mikey could just barely make out the heading: Task Force Obsidian.
"Ms. Rangel, what do you know about the Philippines?"
La Casarita - Present day, present time
Mikey blinked blearily at Myron. What was the military's obsession with getting out of bed before the sun was up? It didn't help that, despite having been in-country for almost a week, she still felt like crap. Jet-lag and allergies--inevitable coming from Maryland's cold autumn to the warmth and humidity of the Philippines--had been kicking her ass, and were only beginning to let up.
Still, an order was an order. Mikey threw on her ACU trousers and t-shirt. The jacket stayed behind--even at this early hour it was warm and humid enough to make it uncomfortable, and her read on the other members of her new unit was that they wouldn't be terribly concerned with the state of her uniform--but she pulled the hat on to cover her bedhead. So dressed, she left her room at a jog, quickly catching up with Myron and the other members of the task force he was gathering.
"So, uh..." Mikey hadn't known any of the members of the task force for very long, and to tell the truth she found most of them a bit unsettling. Not only were they trained and--unlike her--practiced killers, but many of them were even younger than she was. Their acting CO, at least, was a couple of years older, but he was also the least approachable. So, when she spoke, her question was addressed to the group at large, rather than Myron specifically. "Anyone know what this is about?"