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@NalloreEdited ^^
@NalloreAaliyah shall be ready tonight ^^
The power/character combinations have certainly come as surprises ^^
@FantasyChic I am debating between Philly and New York at the moment ^^ Might come and join you once i got Aaliyah finished. :)

Miranda Burke

Location: Cafe
Interacting with:@NalloreJeanna Grayson

Miranda was able to crack a half smile at the agent as she tried to reassure the blonde teen that she would do whatever it took to find Riley. Miri placed her other hand on the agents for a moment and whispered a quiet “Thankyou” to the woman before retreating her hand as the agent went about giving her a card with her details on them, personally it was probably the best idea considering that there was a murder in town to go along with the missing girl. It was something that felt so surreal to believe, something like this didn’t always happen and especially at the same time, hell even Miranda’s parents didn’t want her going out unless she was with someone.

Miranda took the card and looked at it, it showed the agents number and email, at least it be easier to get hold of her if needed and placed it in her pocket for the time being as she cleaned her face up a bit to make her look more presentable. “I will, I promise… Thankyou.” Miranda smiled at the agent it was more genuine this time but she was still hurting inside. Moments later she winced as she heard her boss yell at her, catching her by surprise as she closed her eyes clearly annoyed and frustrated at him.

Not thinking it through enough Miranda opened her eyes as she began standing up to leave the table. Looking at the agent with an annoyed expression she hesitated a moment. “Just… Excuse me Ma’am” Before she stormed off from the table towards her manager, her mouth probably going to get her into trouble quicker than her mind can think to stop it. “What the hell is wrong with you!” She exclaimed as she went up to the counter he was at. “Don’t you give a shit about what has happened in this town? I mean where in the bloody hell is your compassion at?” Miranda yelled back at him point her finger at him.

“I actually thought you gave a dam.” She then added as she then moved her hand into her upper pocket of her work top and pulled out a pen and small notepad for orders. “Now if you excuse me I have work to do… Oh and by the way, table 6 is still waiting for you to make their dam order” She finished yelling finally at her boss before spinning around to look at those in the café with them, suddenly realizing what she had done. ‘I am so screwed’ She thought to herself.
@Nallore I shall be posting shortly, think i already mentioned it to you ^^ :P
@FantasyChic@Morose@FantasyChic Don't forget the other blonde here now xD
Oh boy xD
I'm still here also, fallen behind with my character a little but I'll work on them abit more ^^
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