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Miranda Burke

Location: Café/heading home Interacting with:

Miranda had left the café in a huff, she was not happy with how the day went down as she now has to deal with losing some pay because of an ass of a manager. Sure it was probably better if they hashed it out somewhere out of earshot of customers but again he should not have acted as an ass towards her when dealing with something as important as Riley. She overheard some people talking about there was possibly another murder, it was the most common thing nowadays that people talk about… Well at least to her it felt like that, she just wished it over, the killer caught and riley back home.

She had since got into her car that she used to get to work, normally she would be happy walking to and from it, but with a murderer on the loose somewhere in town, it was better to be safe than sorry as she turned the ignition to her Impala and turning some music on for her to listen to so she could calm her nerves from today’s events. Miranda was about to pull out and head of home when her phone went off and reminded her that Olivia had sent her a text not so long ago and she never read it, maybe she sent another message? Or someone else did, she decided to attend to her phone first before driving.

Checking her phone, she did indeed have two messages from two different people and so went on to read Olivia’s first as she was the first message to be sent to the blonde. Miri sighed a little as she felt it was probably a good idea to let her bestie know what went down at the café today.

To Olivia:
“Hey Oli, Sorry didn’t reply sooner was at work, oh plenty happened though, Manager acted like an ass to me when that FBI agent was talking to me and well… You know me, I spoke my mind.”

Miranda sighed for a moment, she swore she could of wrote an essay to Olivia on what exactly was said but felt it was needed, if anything she wanted to get her mind of everything and was looking forward to just going home and taking it from there. Taking a moment for the message to send, Miranda then went on to read the next message, but it was a voicemail. It was from Declan, listening to it and hearing his voice was enough for the blonde to smile, if there was anyone that could help cheer her up or stressed, it was Declan.

Flipping her phone back down and putting it in her bag, Miranda strapped her seatbelt on and pulled her car out of its parking space and began making her way home, hopefully she would beat him to her home or at least get there roughly the same time, either way she was excited in just getting to hang with him for a while.

Aaliyah Cruz

Location: Adalene’s apartment.
Interacting With: Adalene@Natsu

Aaliyah had taken the course of action to keep back away from the woman before her as she kept on coming towards herself, It was strange though as Aaliyah was only freaking because the woman’s hand was on fire but instead of freaking out or trying to put it out, She seemed intent on doing harm to her instead as the flame was getting bigger, Aaliyah did what she could to steel herself but wanting to keep that distance at all costs as the itch to just smack this woman and leave was making its way to the forefront of her mind.

Just then the Alarm went off as the woman’s flame got too big and marked her own ceiling, the loudness of it making Aaliyah wince for a moment as her hearing adjusted. Keeping eye contact Aaliyah could surmise this woman was not happy as she seemed to make the flames go away… Like she was controlling it, Aaliyah calmed herself though as never moved her focus of this individual, the fact they some sort of ability would have freaked out another person but not Aaliyah because well… She had strength that nothing else would match, hell she probably does more damage than one would suspect, looks can be so deceiving.

The woman then went of getting her sandwich, Aaliyah still watched her intently, hell she could’ve just had that chance to leave or knock her ass out, but that would be to easy, Aaliyah needed to know how this woman brought her here as she was no ordinary New Yorker. To her slight surprise the woman slide over on the side a half a sandwich that she had just cut, so now she was going to be kind all of a sudden to an unknown stranger? Mind you Aaliyah probably would do if she could conjure fire from her hands. When the woman told her to eat it as if it was an order Aaliyah simply crossed her arms and didn’t look impressed with the woman as refused to take it.

“Well wouldn’t you be scared if you were suddenly without explanation teleported from one place to another, where you are then faced with some crazy bitch who somehow controls fire and comes at you with the intent to harm?” Aaliyah spoke back, she was pretty annoyed at how this situation went, it was not normal or right and she disliked this woman already. The way Aaliyah saw it, this woman was letting her guard down, maybe assuming she was not a threat and simply a frightened little girl, which she was not. “Also if you opened your ears the first time I already told you I am not sure how I got here, and to be honest I wouldn’t want to come here if I had a choice but I’ll humour you.” She paused for a moment thinking of the events leading her here.

“I was at work when I saw the woman I had a nightmare about this morning on the news, I went out back and then the next moment I am here. So it is up to you if you want to believe me or not, but honestly I don’t mind if you just show me the door and you can carry setting your apartment on fire.” Aaliyah had remained where she was, arms still crossed and looking like if anything that she was pissed off at the woman, she understood the fact she was in this woman’s home, but it wasn’t as if Aaliyah had made it her choice to be here against her will.

@Nallore I probably wont be able to get a post up till tomorrow night my time, I don't know if @Natsu Is able to post before that, if so, I'll respond to whatever they do in the mean time if they post before this.
@NalloreBut not everyone has posted yet nal ^^
Aaliyah Cruz

Location: Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery/Adalene’s apartment.
Interacting With: Adalene@Natsu

Aaliyah had made good progress in heading out back and towards the staff bathroom, she would probably have to explain to the confused co-worker why she suddenly took off like that later but no was not the time. She knew it the place like the back of her hand but yet somehow she ended up in the actual staff room and even glanced at the trashcan that was in there. However, Aaliyah she could make it to the bathrooms and so decided to soldier on running… But that was when it happened, and the timing couldn’t be worse.

It was almost like in an instant, one second she was at work, the next she was in someone’s apartment, almost crashing into a TV unit as she managed to stop in time. Now she was confused, just where in the hell was she? What was going on with her? Nothing had seemed to of gone back to normal ever since she was ill with this stupid disease that she contracted, she was seeing things and apparently like stronger… like way stronger than she should be and now she was either teleporting or having out of body experiences? Aaliyah couldn’t tell but it was starting to freak her out.

Taking a moment to focus, Aaliyah could tell it was still New York, just by the sounds alone and the rain, so was she really there or here? So confusing. Sighing deeply. “What the hell” She said quietly to no one in particular as she rubs the fingers of her hands against the sides of her temples. “This can’t be happening, not now” She said to herself, it was weird as she still felt like she wanted to be sick but wasn’t as she slowly started to look around at her surroundings.

It wasn’t until she saw Adalene that Aaliyah jumped a little surprised and even had taken a step back, her looks confused but also concerned and worried at what she was seeing. “Oh my god your hand is on fire!” She instinctively spoke out what she was thinking at the time. Placing her hands up to show she wanted no trouble the woman struggled to comprehend what was going on, sure she kept on seeing people she never knew in the corner of her eye or in a mirror but this… this was different. “Erm… Okay, I err… Am not entirely sure how I got here, I can’t explain how confused I am right now and… your hand is still on fire Ma’am!” Aaliyah didn’t even know if talking rather loudly was the right thing to do or not, hell the woman would probably be freaked out as much as she was. This was a lot to be taking in right now as Aaliyah looked on at the woman still clearly confused and worried.

Miranda Burke

Location: Café Interacting with:

Miranda couldn’t believe her eyes when she realized just how much of a tip Jeanna had just given her, she had not much chance to count it but could tell it would be a lot, probably the highest tip ever in her in red lake and would certainly help keeping a roof over her head or treating herself to something later. It was entirely possible the agent did not mean to leave that much, in which case she may have to look for the agent later when she was not so busy.

The café did seem to quieten down now though and gave a chance for Miri to clean up some on the tables and take what was finished away, most people seemed to be having their meals now while there was no more spectacle of the Miranda standing up to her boss and giving him a piece of her mind for the way he was speaking to her when trying to helping the FBI agent.

Speaking of the boss, he had come out from the back and waving for the blonde of to come with him. Yep, this was pretty much going to be it, some sweet revenge for him for her making him so tiny in front of people… After all he was the manager so what she did could technically get her fired, she hoped to god that didn’t happen, she needed to the job to keep the place she was living at as she had not yet managed to get a house mate, although there was always hope on that front.

Following her manager into his office, he was already sitting down before her, she on the other hands decided to remain standing. The look on his face was still apparent that he was not happy with her still, but in honestly he should know what she was like by now. And then he had to say those words. “Are really kidding me right now?” She paused. “I wouldn’t have had that sudden outburst if you didn’t act like an ass earlier, it wasn’t as if I want talking about sunshine and rainbows, I was being questioned by a FBI agent if you didn’t notice.” Her voice was slightly raised; it was clear she was not impressed with this outcome.

Running her hand through her hair in frustration and sighing deeply in defeat, Miranda then crossed her arms. “Tell you what fine, I’ll go home and cool off or something.” She paused. ‘Yeah before I do something I’ll regret, although kicking you in the balls feels so good a thought right now.’ she thought to herself. “While you’re at it, maybe you should call in Finley or something to cover as now your one short.” She retorted before she didn’t wait for permission to leave the office and went on to get her stuff and clock out.
Aaliyah Cruz

Location: Hydraulic Hearth Restaurant & Brewery.
Interacting With: N/A

Aaliyah had been in work for quite some time now and therefore lucky compared to those outside getting drenched in the pouring down rain, it looked like it would continue to rain for pretty much most of the day to but that would not stop the day to day busy lives of the people of New York. Today already felt like it was a long one for Aaliyah as she had been woken up early from a rather surreal and violent nightmare, one the consisted of seeing a woman getting her head split open by a figure that she could not make out… But she was not alone.

She might not show it, but stuck in the back of her mind was seeing the others there, she didn’t know them either but yet every now and then she would see one looking freaked out or confused as she did, it all started ever since she was in hospital with… with whatever it was she had contracted. The other freaky part was after the woman’s head was split open was the figure turning to face her, as if she was really there. Hell if she didn’t wake up sweating like she did, Aaliyah would have thought it was all too real herself, fortunately a busy work place to keep her mind of things was helping somewhat.

That ideal would be shattered though as moments ago a news broadcast has come on the TV, I was going on about a woman found dead in an alleyway. At first, Aaliyah had not even noticed it come up with the music playing and dealing with customers, but all it took was one glance up to the screen after delivering an order to stop her dead in her tracks, the image of the woman was on the screen… Of what she once looked like. It haunted Aaliyah seeing that face again and her thoughts immediately going to what was in her nightmare… It really did happen.

The thought alone made Aaliyah sick to her stomach as she read the words coming up on screen from the subtitles. What it all meant was still up in the air, hell she didn’t understand it, seeing people and apparently being stupidly strong was feeling like some horror marvel movie mashup. Either way she Aaliyah couldn’t look at that screen no more as she looked at one of her co-workers with worry… Yep she was about to be sick, rushing over immediately, Aaliyah shoved the tray she had in hands at the co-worker’s before running out back to the staff bathroom to let it all out.

Miranda Burke

Location: Café Interacting with:

Miranda had been looking around to see if there was anybody needing or ready to take any orders, In the meantime she was just making sure tables were clean for if and when they may be needed by customers. She had certainly quietened down since her outburst and standing up to her boss, it was a ballsy and silly move but one she felt good about afterwards as it felt something needed to be said with his attitude.

The blonde girl didn’t really think anything of it at first until she noticed the FBI agent suddenly packing up her things and suddenly leave in a bit of a rush, it made Miranda’s heart ache a bit as she wondered if finally, there was a lead on Riley or not but the urgent way she left didn’t help make her worry. Going over to the table the agent was at to clean it up and make it ready for anyone else to use, the woman failed to drink her coffee but did leave a generous tip for her which made her smile a little, she felt she didn’t have to do that.

While Miri was cleaning the table the agent was formerly at another young girl around her age had come over to her, she was a sweet young lass and was easy to get on and work with. Miranda couldn’t help but smile back at her when the girl spoke to her. “Thanks, I just… felt like somebody had to say something to him, just glad he didn’t kick my ass for it.” The girl simply gave Miri a friendly smile and left to her own tables.

Going back to her own tables, Miranda finished up cleaning the table and making it ready for anyone else that may choose to sit there. she also took her tip generously left by the agent before taking the time to see if there was anything she missed and to check to see if there were any other customers that were awaiting to be served or wanting to make an order, she just wished she could be out there with her friends wondering what they were up to or if they were looking for Riley.

Miranda Burke

Location: Cafe
Interacting with:

She had to admit, it was kind of embarrassing to have the whole café going suddenly quiet and being stared at by pretty much everyone. She was not the only one to get the looks as the manager also had people staring at him to, probably wondering what would happen next from this unexpected turn of events. Her cheeks did redden a little as in the emotional outburst neglected to realize there were other there and not just the FBI lady.

Turning back to look at her manager and await the incoming barrage from him, maybe even lose her job or get suspended. To her surprise however, he simply glared at her and then left to go out back which even shocked the blonde, did she really just put him in his place? Her train of thought was interrupted when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, she almost forgot it still on her person altogether, but thank god she didn’t have it in another location she sometimes put it.

Either way Miranda left it for a moment, apologetically smiling at those that may still be looking over towards her while she allowed the café to pick back up and flow again after the outburst. Not wanting to get told of Miranda checked it was safe before quickly checking her phone, she didn’t check the message but saw the sender before placing back in her pocket. ‘Sorry Oli, will have to wait until my shift ends’ She thought as she put it away and went to go and take an order.

@NalloreI'll have a post up tomorrow.
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