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Hope you enjoy, the first of several coming in.

I am still around reading up, working on a few concepts
@Sep Okay thank you, gives me more time to work on a character concept. :)
Sorry to jump in here, but i thought I ask, is there still space to join in? some familiar names here to :)
So working on a new post :P
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@OGSGOkay thanks, hope you don't mind me keeping an eye on this one!?
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
There still space open here? Been reading up from the start after seeing this in the interest thread. :)
I miss this place ^^
Though I would let you know im working on a few ideas as how can i miss out on one of your grand adventures Omega haha
Oriana Taplin

Location: Female Dorms.
Interacting: Veronica @Fallenreaper and Daniela @Chev
Mention: Cassandra. @KatKook, Uná @Almalthia

It had appeared the situation at her dorm was not over, despite uncharacteristically giving the clearly unstable chick a warning, something she barely gives out, the girl persisted by sticking her foot in the way of the door to prevent Oriana from closing it. It was taking all of her inner strength right now not to launch her out of the window. That thought process however, was interrupted however brief by a redhead girl, Uná was the name if she remembered correctly dancing down the corridor like a scene out of guardians of the galaxy. She couldn’t help but watch for a moment with a raised eyebrow as the redhead blissfully danced away.

Her attention was snapped back to the girl forcibly holding her door open with her foot. This Daniela was testing her patience, something she had been working on. It appears the woman had decided to make her some food and claimed to see through hers and Veronica’s ruse and while she initially didn’t take the container, she eventually did in the hope it would make her clear of before Ori did something would probably regret…. Eventually. But it was like a something she saw once about offering peace in one hand, while holding a knife in other, or in this case a spark of electricity that struck her room light, making it flicker, however Ori didn’t seem to be bothered in her reaction as she didn’t flinch and simply stared at the girl for a moment.

When Daniela finished and turned bumping into Cassandra, another troublemaker Oriana remember all too well after the literal shit storm she caused earlier in the week. A yelp from her roommate probably didn’t help but luckily the situation was averted for now, Oriana was able to slam the door shut very hard as she turned around, a slight smile crept on her lips from the satisfaction of doing so before looking down at the container of food and then to Veronica. The muffled voices meant the other girl had taken zappy features away from them finally.

“Hmm, I thought the point of the danger room session was to work together, not attack your own team. You have no idea how close I was to launching her down the corridor though, but I can see why you want to avoid that one. I don’t think I have spoken to this Cleo one your referring to, hope she is not besotted with you to.” Oriana hadn’t really spoke to many of the students here as of yet.

Oriana moved further into the room near to Veronica while still holding the container. “I seriously doubt it, if it is I can see myself bashing quite a few heads together.” She paused before placing the container at the end of her roommates bed. “I guess this is Daniela’s peace offering for her own fuck up, do with it what you will but I will suggest this. One way or another, at some point you will have to deal with that girl, otherwise she will continue to be your problem until you put her in her place.”

Oriana then went to her side of the room to tidy up her things, pocket her cell before pausing a moment, grabbing a piece of papar and pen, Oriana wrote down her cell number and then handing it over Veronica, letting her take it before she headed back to the door. “The coast is clear for now, I am going to get a bit of air and maybe a bite to eat.” Oriana went over to the door before turning back to Veronica and gave her a brief nod before she left the dorm room. She took a brief look around before moving of leaving the female dorms altogether.
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