Avatar of Dark Cloud


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11 days ago
Another year of writing for ye, and a happy birthday 🥂
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11 days ago
Awww when's the wedding?
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12 days ago
Sir, this is a Denny's.
12 days ago
Nah don't feel bad, you lost something important to you and that sucks.
5 mos ago
Shout out to tomatoes. The most real fruit.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //


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Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

I'd say just make whatever the hell you want. There isn't exactly a limit on much of anything. Particularly when/if you find missions that provide you with decent gear and are repeatable.

In MHW there was this one mission where you fight a...i forget names now...Big Lizard Bitch, Dodogama, and Paralyzy Lizard one after the other. It rewarded you with decent Zenny and sometimes Decorations. I got good at farming it. Used the Bandit Mantle. And chipped in Decorations so I couldn't get paralyzed or stunned.

I don't know if there is something similar to that mission or the Bandit mantle in Rise, but there's bound to be something you can run through several times to get $ or whatever the Decoration equivalent is in that game.

Plus it seems like it's basically always a good idea to experiment with other weapons if you don't just have it 100% in your mind that you are going to use X Weapon from start to finish, period.

What about the meta bro?
fyi I was asking how much weight can it carry, lol but I was a naive mfer at that moment
I've been told I am the funniest person when I say something funny without actually meaning to, I remember once I asked "How much of a load can a sheep carry" to my GM once and that caused the session to pause cause I asked in my characters accept (Scottish I was playing a Dwarf) and you can probably guess where this is going...
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

I laughed because I'm imagining the look on the DM's face when you one-shot BBEG xP

The whole fucking table was agog with how I a level 1 sorcerer btw as well as my first ever time playing Pathfinder fucking wrapped my hand around the face of a demon and caved it's skull in with with necrotic damage. Everyone was surprised but I was comically confused.
@Mae and there finally posted, won't take this long again I promise. :D
@XxFellsingxX why laugh :/
@rush99999 I enjoy the game as-written to be clear, but if I had a shopping list it’d be ‘armor as damage reduction instead of AC’ and ‘Weapon diversity through crit multipliers’.

That was AD&D and 2nd Ed AD&D.
"You scratch my back I scratch yours." Oh now those were the kind of words her people bristled at, mostly from experience as that was the kind of thing one would hear from a potential slaveholder and oh boy did that cause a bit of anxiety for plenty if not all kobold.

Wik audibly hissed in response her eye slats narrowed to pinpoints "Comprende, yes hooman. But no Wik not accept, sound too much like she become servant or worse slave of hooman. Understand oweing favor but no trust hooman. Trust earnt not owed." she barked at Marcus, now watching him with distrust in her eyes as she made her way to the now vacant wagon to fetch supplies, a backpack and anything that could carry stuff she tied to it where a sleeping roll would go. Grabbing a pickaxe too while she had the chance, might be good for defending herself too from whatever that voice was.

She stuffed a bunch of food into the backpack, along with whatever else she could rationally carry without breaking under the weight.
@Guardian Angel Haruki he takes 11 actually I added an extra +2 by mistake. (had proficiency mod on the brain sorry)
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