Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Most Recent Posts

Clive planted a hand on Vadim's shoulder after the dust settled, a smile on his face "Well look on the bright side partner, least ya had some help." the Texan chuckled, giving the gruff man a hard pat on the shoulder as he turned to Fenna.

"Miss, how bout we see that we get ourselves ready fer a long journey. And uh.." the farmer turned to look at the last coffin briefly "I reckon somebody better help the poor individual what just fell from the heavens." nonchalantly gesturing over his shoulder with a thumb towards the coffin Clive chuckled, poor person arrived a bit late it seemed.

Clive didn't think too much about what the frenchman had said about dying, sure they all seemed to have ended up here before something tragic done gone and happened but it was a bit strange he ended up blacking out on a hot day working the fields.

Surely some silly sunlight hadn't done him in? He shook his head, brushing the thought aside for now. Besides, he'd rather be ignorant of the facts than dwell on them. He was here right now, and that's all what mattered.

@DX3214 while we wait, I wonder. What each god thinks of the other. Like I already think Aryion does not get along or like Agthalan as he cannot anticipate what the damn god does since he's so damn unpredictable.

So what do the gods think of one another?
We should have our post up soonish
angry shadow noises intensify
@Fabricant451 that isn't good.
@SouffleGirl123 waddaya think?
@DX3214 your turn ahahaha. Jk, Souffle and I are working on a Google doc rn
The surface, well maybe the surface would have answers or the so-called archeologist had a bunch of swarthy workmen up there waiting to ambush them or something cause he was doubtful a runt of a man like Marbess hadn't come alone else he was crazy and/or stupid.

"Getting out of this dusty cave sounds like a fine idea, " involuntarily reaching for his side, where he usually had a hip flask Alex's fingers met something different in the folds between his robes.

A book, leather-bound and finely made from what looked like papyrus in a satchel that hung almost too loosely on his shoulders. How had he missed that? Was this his? No, as he leafed through the first page he knew immediately it was not his. It was a journal, but it only had writing on its first page.

The name of the one who penned it Khaziel, wasn't that a biblical name? He hadn't recalled writing in a journal this fine before? He shook his head and closed the journal. Rooting around, he found what looked like inks and quills along with a few rolls of yellowed paper and tools that looked like measuring implements.

Sometimes the noblest of intentions can blind us to our desires and wants.

Bavlorna-what now? a confused Gabriel shook his head, taking a moment to rub the center of his temples with one hand and the other he looked at for a brief moment enough to notice his hands were shaking. Oh by Corellon's blade... the half elves expression turned from confusion to embarrassment, realizing he made a fool of himself all for a drop of alcohol.

"Why do you ask?" he'd blanked out for a brief moment mising a bit of what the old woman had said, peering back up at her wrinkled face looking at him with curiosity "I'd be lying if I said noble intentions," Gabe told her, his tone somewhat melancholy but he breathed a sigh and offered her an apologetic smile "My inhibitions often get the better of my judgment my fair lady, and drink is just that."

Sometimes he needed to forget the past, his life as a gutter rat, having to fight for even a morsel of food.

Sometimes he just wanted to forget it all, it was the reason he left Waterdeep and put so much distance between himself and the place he grew up but sometimes the memories were too much to ignore.

Sometimes numbing the memories were all he could do to keep the nightmares of his childhood at bay. Sometimes no matter how much he strived to live a better life, his past always haunts him.

"I'm a bit too fond of the finer things you see, things that were a rarity in my youth." Gabriel chuckled, his smile returning to him as he offered a hand to the innkeeper "Gabriel, man of the sword and duelist by trade."
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