Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Gabriel may has well woken up with egg on his face, possibly worse maybe an egg of a foul lizard from somewhere like Chult, they had giant lizards there at least that's what rumor has it. Rubbing his temples the bard noticed his finger lacked the touch of bronze it had on it, his middle finger having a faint white ring around it where what should have been a keepsake was missing.

"Those..Fucking rabbits." immediately Gabe checked the rest of his belongings all of which were untouched and while simultaneously cursing he said a silent prayer to Correllon for the luck of not being completely robbed by Agdon and his croneys.

Gabriel gently shook Zavakri's shoulder while whil he looked to address whomever was humming to himself, a satyr it looked and why he was smiling was less of an issue to him but more a concern as to why a captive would be cheery.

"What's with the smiles oi? And who in the Nine Hells are you?" Gabriel was not happy, and though he would have gotten the pleasantries out of the way the mark on his forehead and his missing ring was just insult to injury.
We still posting in turn order or?
If they stole my sword Gabes actually going to risk an alignment shift, nobody steals a swordsmans sword
@Guardian Angel Haruki congratulations you did a TPK
It's a 30 foot drop to the raft.

Nothing like tossed goblin pancakes.
@Kuro did you just assume my numerals? How rude
Ingo's eyes widened as the door to the stables flung open, mouth agape as he was nearly flattened by a horse but thankfully his legs still worked as he jumped nearly a foot back as a stallion trampled by on it was...His fury would have to wait as he was addressed by the executioner. He gulped, he wasn't any good with the animals, not even a cuckoo would listen to him whereas his niece had a way with beasts he did not "Y-yes Master Grindan. Malon come we must clean up this mess." she did not argue she needed to focus on something other than the intimidating presence of the royal executioner. Gathering the horses was thankfully easy what with the Ranch being wide open, it was only a matter of getting them in a timely fashion, of course he would take all the credit for such a feat no thanks to his expertise and not his nieces animal handling skills.

Talon was brought to the ranch proper in time to see the last of the animals being corralled towards the stables and Grindan wrestle a bull ti the ground with his bare hands, he said not a word but when his dear daughter caught sight of him she rushed to his side "Papa!" the girl cried, before stopping to shrink away at the sight of the Stalphos. Ingo while relieved his brother was okay was unhappy his brother had shown up at an inopportune moment and said nothing to him.


A shrill shriek pierced the air once more as blades met its exposed undercarriage. Rattling both it and the soldiery, dating its attackers so it could slip away the way it came. It was not like it's other brethren, it had survival instincts and it chose fleight over fight. It's pained cures carried as it disappeared up the path. Leaving Orin and his unit alone in the path, the sun rising above the horizon. It was time to return to Kakariko.

Tomorrow would be better to head an expedition or scouting mission. Night was the least optimal time to do such things.
You know what's pretty awesome guys? The amount of posts we have on this thread :D
@Shu 69
@Kuro 0
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