Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
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2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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@Lucius Cypher I shall in the morning, first I must get SOME sleep lol.

"Tell me, are you familiar with the woods to the south Grindan?" his liege held his right hand in his left massaging the wrist as he sat at his bench before the dusty organ within the hall for a brief moment a light shone from his fist gone in a flash "It is home to sprites, and once a most...meddlesome whelp." such bitterness dripped from the Gerudo King's tone, clenching his shaking fists he looked as though he would fly into a rage any second before he calmed himself with a deep breath "Deep within the wretched woods the pathetic race of the Kokiri live, children though they may look they are a nuisance. But one of their kind is surely the descendant of the Sages. Do what you must to find them, kill them all for all if you must...Those of Sage blood are unmistakable, if you find them you should surely know."

Yet no answer came at the Zora's call, her heart beat quickly nervous that she may have come and been a mosf unwelcome guest yet she heard a soft voice from up the steps though it did not belong to Lady Impa it was a surprising yet welcome sight.

"I do apologize but Lady Impa is not here Meki," she was dressed in what looked like a white dress though plain as it were it was unmistakable of whom wore it even as she peaked out the door slightly "B-But do come in she will be back soon." Zelda, was not normally allowed to let in visitors to the house but she had heard much of the Zora from Impa "Do pardon me but do Zora drink tea?"
@Lucius Cypher (up to 60ft away) 10ft radius, Con Save (half damage on success) DC 12, and since it's Transmuted to Fire 3d8 damage, and the save is made at disadvantage for creatures made of inorganic materials. Also it's very very loud.

I imagine transmuting it to fire would make it look like a volcanic explosion. And also because of my feature any of the dolls if they are within 10feet of me take fire damage equal to half my level
@Lucius Cypher Max is gonna cast a Shatter, Empowered and Transmuted to Fore which is something that can be done with Empowered Metamagic.

Wordage: 460 words (+1 points)
Experience: 4/10 EXP
Location: Under (Royal Waterways) ➑ Habbo Hotel
Rubick's @Scarifar

It had been too long to remember when he last set foot in an established city, one that wasn't on the edge of calamity and rampant with the twisting taint of the Abyss. Respite was not something of a familiar concept to the man, for all Artorias knew was the duty he had been trained to perform as Gwyn's personal blade against those aligned with the Dark.

He was often far from the safety of civilization and for so long that he forgot what it was like, so as he followed his absent-minded guide the knight too silently viewed everything with vague curiosity. It wasn't surprising that passersby gave the towering figure of the knight a wide berth as he lumbered behind the Magus, he didn't look like the noble knight he was after all. His armor was ragged as the cloth he wore and his posture seemed to convey a wildness about him.

It wasn't long before arriving at their destination that his eager yet now seemingly sickly acquaintance turned and left him to his own devices in the weird establishment that he referred to as a hotel "Mmmm, may we meet again Magus." he bid his new ally farewell with but a nod as he watched Rubick make his way down to the lobby, once more he was alone left to do what're he needed to do. Artorias stood, looking quite out of place in the hotel entrance staring off into space with a sword as tall as an adult human and plated armor adorned over ragged dark cloth.

It seemed the hotel staff were quite busy dealing with their own issues, whatever that was it didn't seem to bother the knight to ask instead he somewhat crudely looked at the faux pas art hanging on the walls unceremoniously removing one from the wall and turning it in his hands before leaning it back against the wall with a 'Hmph' he wasn't very familiar with art though he once heard his liege employed a group of Painted Servants to guard a piece in Lordran.

He noted the plants were of an odd looking kind unlike many he had seen before, and the room had quite tacky looking furniture unfit for a place like Lordran if this were the city of light.

Artorias grew bored of staring at the walls and opted to step outside, rain pitter pattered against his armor once more. He stood there before the hotel watching the sky, once again the knight marveled at the twinkling lights above head yet also he listened as if he were waiting for something...If only he could hear the howl of his long lost friend, just to know that Sif was okay wherever the Great Wolf was.
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

@Dark Cloud I've gotten into the habit of reading more RPs lately, since I am bound by the earthly laws of not being able to join every cool concept on the forum I want to :(

That being said I saw the WOTC conversation too which is a topic that's been on my mind alot lately. I gave them a tiny benefit of the doubt after the OGL debacle but with the Pinkerton situation I am boycotting them for life now >:(

Well Mae the guy should have been smart enough to not share that he had product he shouldn't have had though it does not excuse how low it is to send a private security company to repossess something, they have quickly changed their tune as well. Sending him free product, obviously in fear of a (justifiable) lawsuit
Interacting with:
Squig, and Ingrid @OwO
Location: The river by Nibby's Cottage || Action: N/A || Emotion: N/A

Poor, poor Wormwood's heart practically leapt form his chest, whistling sputtered and burbled as he became thoroughly soaked by Ingrid falling in after her rod.

Much to Squigs dismay his friend tipped backwards and tumbled into the shallow waters face first though with less oomph than the clumsy hooman only making a soft bloop sound like a droplet of water in a runoff barrel "HURGLEBURGLEBURGLEB-" sweet stupid Wormwood momentarily forgot he could not speak or exclaim his dismay while planted face first in the water after a moment raising his head to let spit out a stream of water folkowed by much coughing and sputtering all the while Squigs sat on Wormwood's back. Once the lizard stood, his ragged clothes now even more ragged and more wet though it didn't stop him from scrambling towards a fish flopping about almost forgetting entirely that a hooman was basically in sight of him.

"Mmm, fish yummy. Yay for splash-" almost like he was finally comprehending what happened Wormwood stared at Ingrid rising from the water with wide eyes and mouth bulging with river water and fish loudly gulping both as he locked eyes with her.
@Mae I see you lurking at my profile! I shall lurk you back, and yes I will post soon enough. πŸ˜‚
What WotC did was pretty scummy but still the guy definitely was breaking the law being in possession of something nobody was supposed to have yet.

I still hate WotC, they made the poor guys wife cry.
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