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As the others tied the guard, Azzen donned the leather armor over his illusionary leather armor and spoke to the tiefling child. His voice was kind, gentle and filled with a calm confidence that would ease her mind from the current situation.

What is your name?
How long have you been here? What have you seen?
Where is your home?

As required he littered in compliments and reassurances such as, “Your a brave child, that’s a beautiful name, we will get you home.”

Persuasion 22
Insight 4

So I’m chatting to the child while donning the leather armour.
Not aware of the tail.

Now unless I’m at advantage, I got a nat one on insight...
What does that mean? I think everything she says is filthy lies?
Oh that just reminded me of a good rule for Str intimidation checks from ‘the book of vile darkness’ (3.5) where it has to deal one point of damage due to the rough housing.

Anyway I think the more precedent question and focus needs to be, who is his friend with the tail.
My history check = 15
What weapon did he have?
@Lucius Cypher
Kinda need it as part of the disguise...

Keen to properly investigate.
Are they bloody and on the plate, are they of humanoids, are we the next meal?
One plate is good news tho.

Maybe grave robbers?
Maybe a demonic ritual?
Maybe a bone golem?
I don’t know how well disguise self works to duplicate, but I’m relying on dim lighting, my disguise kit and some good acting to get away with it.
Can scout ahead and lure people into traps in smaller numbers.

Won’t seem out of place at a glance. But the child has seen/knows more than us so should get that info.
I would like to spend more time with the guard too but it seems most are in a rush.
Let’s see his answers.
Azzen wasn’t getting much from the child but there was still much to learn from her. He followed them out of the cell.
”Najila, find out what she knows, I’m going for a little stroll.”
A wide daring grin took the tiefling’s face.

As the brutes interrogated the guard Azzen moved to stand close and watched the man intently.
He threw in his own questions here and there.

”What’s your name?”
”Who’s your captain?”
“How many guards are on duty?”
“Where are we?”

After studying his mannerisms and voice for a small while he uses an ability his cursed bloodline had given him. While often used to hide the very heritage that granted it, today it would do a little more as he used to mimic this man.

With permission and assistance of the savages he would take what clothing and accessories off the guard that he could.

”Now, where are my supplies?”
@Lucius Cypher it’s quite simple, Azzen shouldn’t be able to rip a prison door off, but he can these ones. So he is going to investigate why.
If it’s like @Guardian Angel Haruki said, extremely aged, or maybe makeshift or inferior material it might give clues. If it’s just a GM hand out well that’s fine too but doesn’t change my IC approach.
It amused Azzen how easily each door was removed, one after another without fail. He studied the broken parts with an amused grin.
It was not his first time in a cell, but it was the first time he didn’t know why he was here, it was also the first time he had seen one of such poor quality.

The other escaped prisoners stormed a door and the guard behind it. Azzen was less inclined to rush to battle and left it to the brutes instead turning his attention to the child.
“Where are our friends?” He asked gently when she had calmed.
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