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In this medieval, light magic, fantasy setting the battle is not between good and evil, law and chaos, right and wrong, but civilisation and the wilds. There are various races throughout the world but only the most humanoid are not deemed monsters, and even they keep to their own lands. The world is divided and fear rules most hearts.
Cities are all walled in, protecting themselves from the myriad of creatures that come out at night and from that which lurk in the forests depths.

This however offers plenty of opportunity for those willing to risk it all to hunt, fight and defend others against these cursed abominations.
It is a task none can do alone and therefore the business of mercenary guilds is popular.

This will be the story of one such guild. Your goal will be to build your guild, build your rep all whilst staying alive. Sometimes it won't only be monsters you have to watch out for.

Discord link

Vellion Hurst

Outside Eye of the Beholder.

Vellion cursed inwardly at himself, for his series of sloppy mistakes. He took the aid offered by the silver haired woman and sat up, hurriedly pulling his pant leg down over the injury. He saw her properly for the first time.

The kindness and compassion in her eyes, in her voice and in her actions was like a warm fur blanket wrapping around him in a blizzard. It was that strong drop of ale that warmed you from the inside. It was the glow of a morning sunrise after a long cold night. And he rejected it.
Such things were no longer for the likes of him. He didn't deserve it. So he mistakenly redirected his self loathing and snapped at her. Stern cold words and a dismissively flicking hand as he pushed away what he really wanted.

"I am fine, now get off me. What would you know anyway."

The question was rhetorical and he deliberately tinted his tone with a touch of disdain.... Why was he like this. but it didn't matter, it was done. Time and fate only swam in one direction, to try undo or fight with either would be like, well, he couldn't think of an appropriate difficult analogy right now as he found himself looking up at that slightly familiar face. She wore a half smile coupled with concern as she tried to make light of the situation.

“I assure you, the feast was not so important that you needed to risk further injury to yourself to attend.”

Releasing his expressions from his blight-born abilities Vellion gave her a warm and slightly playful grin. His voice ever smooth and full of confidence with a touch of reckless charming arrogance.
"Perhaps not a feast of food my lady, but I would gladly drag myself twice as far, with injuries twice as bad, through blight infested lands just to feast my eyes upon someone half as radiant as you."

While he spoke his dark eyes locked themselves to hers, he searched those glimmering pools for a hint of secrets unspoken, true thoughts not shared. He had barely any reserves of mana left so he could not push it, but merely sought anything in them freely shared.

His senses had told him of the guards moving in and going about, but he hadn't paid it any attention or concern, nor had he noticed the way they hung on this woman's every action.
With his ankle out of sight he carefully touched it up a little bit. He couldn't go so far as to mend it completely but had to find a delicate balance between what they saw and an injury of only slight concern. As he slowly worked, he felt a pain grow in his ribs. But that was ok, no one would see that part of him.

* * *

"Just breathe," the words came from beside him as someone knelt down. Oh no. he thought to himself as a slight panic swelled within him.

“Can you or anyone here tell me what has happened?” ” Can you tell me exactly where you are feeling pain?"

This was bad. This was very bad. He didn't want people to know what he had become, what he was, or what he had done. Where did he feel pain? The easier question would be where didn't he feel pain. The constant accompanying ache had become a friend. More familiar than a shadow in the time of sunlight.

"I'm, I'm fine." he blurted out, turning to the newcomer as he tried to shuffle away. Recoiling like she brought him a disease.
"It's just an old wild dog bite. Nothing a bandage and rest won't solve. Please. Don't allow me to take up anymore of your time. It's my own foolish fault for wondering in the dark alone anyway."

He adds a little reassuring chuckle to his words and a soft grin. But his eyes offer the healer an insistent stare, silently battling her fierce determination.
Lucky didn't need to be told twice and was quick to test Ozza's name at the bar. His name was the only thing he liked about the brute so far. Sure Lucky was a thief but this guy was a scoundrel and it just rubbed him in the wrong way.

Sitting at the bar, waiting for his drink, waiting for his summons, he look around and study the other patrons.
Hm... Was kinda going for an angry little loudmouth, the not talking is kinda hindrance. With them constraints, how about a Fae dragon instead?

That could work
<Snipped quote by Dark Light>

Was thinking smaller than the largest breeds of a horse. Welcome help in a fight but hardly decisive, and could probably fly one person a short distance in an emergency, but would do a lot better delivering mail.

@Cyrania Ola! :)

So dragons exist in the world but are super rare and don't talk.
One hanging about is gonna be a big target for anyone desperate for coin.

Instead of small horse could you make it large dog. If the game goes long enough there might be a chance to grow.

As a dragon you would want to link up with another character to explain your presence and sink your skills into being a dragon.

Flight/Fire breath/emotional telepathy (pick 2)
2 minor skills/interests.
Interactions @Qia Elara | @c3p-0h Amaya

Vellion Hurst

Outside Eye of the Beholder.

Suddenly, there were not so many people around the familiar face he had been following. It was now or never and Vellion felt the nervous excitement of anticipation flutter in his chest. How familiar it was to when he stalked game. Preparing himself, he ran his fingers through his dark hair, pulling it back neatly, only for it to fall back to its usual charming mess not a single step later. What was he even going to say or do. Before he had come to the conclusion of that thought, his feet had betray him, taking him around and placing him beside the moon-haired women and directly before the brunette, interrupting their conversation.

'Greetings my lady. Fine evening for celebration is it not.'
Was the message his brain tried to relay to his mouth, but it was railroaded by the train of emotion coming in through his eyes.

"Uh, Gree... greetings."

Was all he managed to utter instead as his wide eyes took in the strangers unfamiliar face. Her expression reflecting the same lack of recognition back at him. All of sudden it hit him like a tidal wave. An ocean of loneliness and disappointment crashing down upon him and slamming into his chest. He hadn't realised just
how much he had hoped,
how badly he wanted,
how much he needed,
for her to be someone he knew. Anyone.
Just to have at least one person left alive who knew him, connecting him to his past, connecting him to who he was before all this.

But it was not to be her, she wasn't it. As he looked into this strangers confused eyes he saw no one he recognised. It was just a coincidence... or perhaps a delusion. He could almost hear fate laughing at him, again. In that tumultuous moment, he felt the overbearing emotions rise from his chest and press against the back of his eyes, pressing against them like water presses against a dam threatening to break. But he would not let himself cry, not in front of this beautiful stranger.

People often talk of wearing a mask but few could literally do it as well as Vellion. With little thought and mostly subconscious desire, he drew on the mana previously consumed and made subtle changes to his flesh. His body reacting to his will in ways it shouldn't be able to. He sealed shut his tear ducts. Disconnected the muscles required to tilt his brow and locked his lips from frowning.
He did this all in a manner of seconds, but his eyes.... he forgot the eyes. While dry, deep within them the tumultuous waves of sorrow and regret still swell and crash behind them.

After what had been an stammering shameful attempt at a greeting followed by a brief momentary awkward pause, he shook his head, flashed his most charming apologetic smile, avert his gaze down and open his lips to speak again.
'Your beauty makes a fool of me. It is even more breathtaking up close than from than afar.' He prepare to offer as a recovery explanation...

"Uaagh!" He suddenly yelps instead as his leg gives way and he heavily crumbles to the floor, falling forward and instinctively grabbing at anything for support. A myriad of emotions flash across his half self-paralysed face. Confusion, embarrassment, pain, realisation.

He had overdrawn from his limited pool of mana. Recklessly consumed more flesh than needed, and his left ankle had reverted.
Beneath his pant leg, if a persistent person ignored his attempts to fend off aid, they would see what appears to be a messy, untreated, old injury. Bruised, torn and swollen flesh wrapped around his ankle, spreading up his shin and down his foot. A perceptive and intelligent person might also note the unnatural nature of the aged wounds which could only resemble an animal attack.

Woul you be open to a young/midget dragon?

Was not really the direction I was going, what size are you thinking?
I've decided that the guild needs an NPC owner.
Someone who starts it. Someone there when you're not.
You can choose that person though.

Discord link for discussions

Should I whip up a discord for conversations?

Game can be here but I feel like discord's many threads will help with planning and guild stuff.

Everyone use discord?
Interactions @Qia Elara | @c3p-0h Amaya

Vellion Hurst

Outside Eye of the Beholder.

Vellion was well on his way to the tavern's front door, a portal to the merriment, warmth and music within, when he suddenly stopped. Something had caught his attention in the corner of his eye and tug furiously on his curiosity. For reasons unbeknown to him, he paused and twisted his head around to give it his full attention.

His keen eyes picked through the passing people where he soon found it again.
'That face.' Sure it was a pretty face, Lunarian too he guessed, soft features and pale eyes, but it wasn't just that which drew his attention like a moth to the flame. No. There was something more. Something distantly familiar about it.

As he tracked this fine woman's regal movements through the street, he welcomed the distraction this curiosity brung him. It was a riddle and a puzzle. She held herself well, even through the cold and during an odd interaction with a strange man. Vellion continued to studied her from a distance. Nobility for sure he decided. It was in her clothing, her mannerism, her stature. He would almost think her royalty if it wasn't for her casual nature and lack of entourage. She had no announcers and sat down on a dirty stool without a care. 'High nobility.' he thought to himself as he started to move away from the inn, following this familiar faced woman from a different world to him.

'What was she doing here?
Where had he seen her?
Had they met years ago?
Had she risen to her position?
Had he stolen from her?

Despite nothing good coming from any of those questions being answered with a 'Yes' he still continued to stalk move in on her position. She had company, of course, which would make his approach harder. But then he saw his opportunity. He moved casually around blending with the crowd, a skill picked up from years on the streets. Gradually drawing in nearer. He could almost hear them conversing.

There were two Aurelian women nearby as he came up behind the brunette he was following. She was conversing with a Snow White haired woman across from her. Her hair almost blended into the background. Vellion could see what he guessed to be the hint of concern in her eyes as they spoke. He also noticed her eye the drinks.

And that would be his moment. As soon as she moved away he would fill in the empty spot. His plan didn't extend far beyond that but a foot in the door was all he needed. He would get a closer proper look at her face.
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