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3 mos ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
3 mos ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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@Birdboy Oml I've been here so long and I didn't know there was a dice feature on this site until right now. Whoops. xD

I'll probably roll for wealth then. I prefer the ability to tailor supplies to the character~ But yeah, that makes sense!

I'm still stuck between Ferrin and Oki, though, admittedly. They're both really fun characters for me, and I've never gotten to use either subclass before, so that's not much help.

Maybe for the sake of variety, I'll just go with Ferrin. That way we don't have two Bori in the party. xD Though that'll mean no ritual casting or int-focused characters if I do that.

I'll ask the group: Is that fine, or would people prefer I play Oki, whether because he's got a focus on INT, because he can ritual cast, or simply you like his personality better? Because, again, I don't mind playing either one. xD

I suppose I could always just leave it up to lady luck as well, and just roll for it....
@XxFellsingxX Sorry, I have been very busy and during winter I tend to bog down and check here a little less. That said, I just finished reading the backstory and it's great. At some point, it would be fun to introduce your character's family, particularly her sister! The only question I really have is: where do you think Bogshot is? Close to meridell would make the most sense I think.

Actually, Bogshot Swamp, home to the Kastraliss, is closer to Brightvale than it is to Meridell. In the Darkest Faerie PS2 game, it's an area you can go to and explore. In that game, at a certain point, the heroes go to Brightvale, and on their way back toward Meridell they have to stop by Bogshot Village in order to recruit a carpenter to repair a bridge.

Btw, did you see my question earlier, Bird? About starting equipment? Are we just starting with the starting equipment for the class? Do we roll for wealth ON TOP OF that, or do you want us to just take the class equipment and be done? Also, do we get to put on some extra customization via our colors, if they're more or less replacing our backgrounds?

And finally, the only real reason I asked what everyone else thought was because I couldn't make up my mind. xD I figure Luke is probably the "most useful" to the team comp atm, but the more I think about it, the more I think I'm leaning toward Ferrin or Oki. Ferrin being on a team with a monk sounds like a lot of fun there (he's also my favorite honestly xD)...but Oki is just a lot of fun, and he'd be the only thing we have that fills the role a wizard often does (intelligence, ritual casting, etc.)

Plus, as fun as Luke would be in a plot related to Faeries, I think I may pull him back a bit since his color of choice would probably be the most difficult to account for. xD
EDIT: Ah, also I did the heights and weights running on an assumption on my part. I kind of did them in a rush xD So I'll adjust them later on to match others. xD We may want to think about how tall these Neopets actually are. If they're pet sized like on the site, or, since we're playing an anthro version without humans, if they're normal human-ish size?

Alright, here are my three characters finished, for the most part. I might edit a few things here and there depending on what Birdy says. But here's what I've got, so tell me what you guys think and which one, if any, you think you'd most want to see. Because I'm having a hard time deciding. xD

Yeah, unless that's how the GM wants to play it~ So that's why I figure it's best to figure out the specifics of how @Birdboy wants to do it~
Worth noting is that usually, you either roll for wealth, which you then use to buy your starting gear, or you get the basic gear your class and backgrounds give you.

If you choose the latter, your background is usually what will give you your initial GP, which is rarely more than 10.

Rolling for wealth is supposed to give you a LOT of GP that you can use to buy whatever starting equipment you want; it's not actually intended to go in tandem with the basic equipment.
So just for the sake of clarification, I'm assuming you want us to only use the predetermined stuff each class gets, right? Getting the starting equipment instead of rolling for wealth, use Average HP per level instead of rolling, etc?

I run on this assumption because I'm not sure there's a way to reasonably prove I'm not cheating in my rolls or anything like that outside of honor system, and that's usually how most of the DM's I've seen like to play it.

And in the event that we have something in our starting gear we don't really want or need, do we have the option to sell it for half its GP value, and if so, do we then have the ability to spend that GP prior to the campaign's first post? Or do you want to wait until there's an availability in character to do it?
Hm.... So it looks like we've got a physical melee attacker, a physical ranged attacker and a tank/support spellcaster, hm?

In that case, I feel like Ferrin, my Banneret Fighter might be a bit redundant. And so I think that leaves me with two character preferences here.

An Inquisitive Rogue (using Standard Array makes the concept a bit more feasible since stats are going to be relatively balanced out). Or my Eldritch Knight Fighter.

Y'know what, maybe I'll just make a CS for all three of them anyway and see what people like most for the party. xD Character creation is always one of my favorite parts of a D&D game~
In the meantime, I've got Hide and Agumon's next posts done.

And Agumon is already getting annoyed with Herissmon's big act. IT BEGINS.
Since I have such a wide variety of characters I can use, I think I'll wait to nail down my character and class until I can see what everybody else has got.

Atm I think I might be leaning toward my Scorchio, Lutari or Bori characters, but I'll see once everybody else is done for sure. xD
"Huh?" was Agumon's intitial response as he heard his name getting called. He quickly realized the identity of the voice; it was one he'd heard plenty of times over the weeks lately. He finally turned his attention away from Gotsumon and back to the approaching dragon Digimon behind him...another human in tow. However, this one seemed a bit less resistant to being pulled along. He had to admit, though, that was actually kind of impressive, given that Blucomon was so cold to the touch. However, he knew that he didn't have long to himself; he braced himself as the icy dragon stepped up to him...and sure enough, those arms wrapped around him, and he felt his body getting pulled up against Blucomon's body, virtually getting crushed up against that cold torso!

"Ngh!" Agumon grunted, wincing at the strong and freezing cold grip. Despite that, however, he endured the bear hug until he was released, causing him to take a deep breath to recover. However, he made sure to keep on a tough demeanor, as though nothing about that had bothered him at all. He felt Blucomon grab onto his arm and he followed his gaze up to the human partner that Blucomon had. He definitely seemed to be different from his own partner. This one seemed a bit more casual and carefree, while his seemed to be more...pristine for lack of a better word.

"Uh...right. Mine?" Agumon replied, turning and jutting a claw up onto the couch beside him. Between himself and Herissmon sat Hide. "That's my partner...uh...." He paused at that, putting a claw to his muzzle. He had just realized something.

He didn't even know his own partner's name yet.

Meanwhile, Hide sat in his spot, a bit more relaxed by the way the conversation seemed to be headed. He listened carefully to everybody's own words, nodding toward Akeno with a smile in particular. However, he was taken a bit by surprise by Gotsumon's explanation....

"A dream...." Hide repeated under his breath. Now that he mentioned it, Hide did remember that strange dream he had had recently. It had been bothering him at school the next day, but it had been getting in the way of his studies, so he'd dismissed it by the end of the day. He closed his eyes and attempted to recall the dream. It was fuzzy, but he could picture the scene once more...or, rather, the lack thereof. He recalled nothing but darkness all around them, a creature not unlike the ones standing around him...but most importantly....

Waves? His eyes opened again, a bit wider this time. Of course...the waves! Then...was this the location he had been in that dream? The distant sound of waves certainly seemed accurate enough, now that he was focusing on that aspect of it.... And now that he was thinking about it, he definitely had agreed to something. He couldn't quite recall the specifics, but it was in there somewhere.

That made him relax a bit more. He could feel a bit more comfortable knowing that he had made an agreement in the first place. Even if this was a bad idea, at least it had been one he'd made himself, willingly.

He turned his attention to the girl again, who'd taken the time to practically fall into the seat on the opposite side of the hedgehog, and listened to her own words of agreement. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit to himself, knowing full well her type. She wanted to agree...but just needed that excuse. A moment later, he looked down, bringing his own hands to his jaw and took the time to think.

"This is...difficult," he answered after a few moments. "After all, we only have your word that things are working how they are. But if I run on the assumption that you're not lying to us about anything, then it would explain a lot of things. And aside from the obvious science-fiction nature of this entire thing going against everything common sense would dictate, I can't think of anything that contradicts anything you've said." He also had to admit, that he'd been keeping up with the demeanor on Gotsumon's surprisingly emotable expressions. He seemed genuine enough, at the very least....

Agumon seemed to be relaxed as well, though Blucomon's distraction had likely been the cause of it more than Hide's words. He looked over at his human companion, but was...admittedly completely lost. Luckily, though, it had been just the distraction he needed that he could avoid admitting he didn't know his partner's name. He then looked over at Blucomon, then over at Gotsumon, before finally back up at Hide.

"Well, I dunno about this whole human con-chess-ness thing you guys are talking about, but whatever the problem is, I'm sure we can handle it just fine." Agumon said with a grin, crossing his arms. "And, kid, you don't have anything to worry about. With me as your partner, you'll be totally safe!"

His confidence seemed to help assure the human boy, although he certainly didn't know this little guy very well. Something about his attitude made his argument somewhat...compelling. Although admittedly, he would want to see this so-called combat prowess for himself before he made that decision.

"Well...I'm still not sure if I should be making this decision with so little information, but..." he said, looking toward the Gotsumon again, finally lowering his arms to his lap. "If you guys are really in so much trouble, then it would go against everything I believe in to turn you down just because I'm a little bit skeptical. I'll stay and help, I suppose."

Agumon grinned at that, giving him an approving nod. However, his gaze quickly turned to Herissmon, who was already playing up his hero role again and let out an annoyed sigh. "Ugh...there you go again," he muttered, rolling his eyes. "Herissmon, you're not any more special than anyone else. In fact, I bet anything that I could beat you with an arm tied behind my back. Even if you had a weapon like that."

Hide, who was directly in the middle of the two, chuckled nervously, looking between the two Digimon, but ready to say something to intervene if he needed to.
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