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12 hrs ago
Current i'm trynna see some TOES
1 like
13 hrs ago
how u post
15 hrs ago
"cause its funny and you arent supposed to be funny but its also insufferable you have more brain rot than my gen alpha nephew" thanks fledermaus. i'm going to alter the trajectory of your life.
1 day ago
1 day ago
she shows me her butt, so that i can say ''it's 2024 we dont goon to still pictures anymore''. that's deep. toes in my mouth. toes with the french tips. white toes, baby blue toes. you name it.


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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<Snipped quote by Sirkaithethird>

I once tried to mentor one of these people. Turned out to be a powergamer, douche, and not understand the fundamentals of continuity (he tried to retcon at every possible turn). He is one of many experiences I've had that have made me be so demanding in my 1x1 checks now.

This is a problem that is sadly not specific to new people. Perhaps new people are more prone to it and, admittedly, it'd be useful if it was just new people that did this so we could filter them out.

Perhaps that ties into a rant of my own but I've grown really tired of experienced vets from the old age of RPing who haven't changed a bit and are stuck in the mindset that was so prevalent on RPG 4-5 years ago. Where everything was about creating the most badass character with little to no personality that extends beyond sticking their power-dick into every single hole they can find.

Sadly the ways they do this hasn't even really changed.

  • Playing a guy that simply is the strongest. Why? Uh, idk, because I fucking wrote that into the character sheet you dipshit. Jeez, it takes real artistry and writing skill to put massive powers into a character.
  • Character who is a genius, never really shows that off in the IC, but somehow knows everything all the time 'because he's a genius' and then use that as an excuse to powerplay or deny other roleplayers' actions. (I'm still of the opinion that people who aren't geniuses just simply can't play geniuses without having to metagame/powerplay.)
  • Leaving descriptions of your moveset/character vague and up in the air to make sure you can later use that vagueness to justify dumb stuff. 'Dude, you can't do that...' 'Yeah I can, it's in my CS, see? It says right there; he can control earth. I never specified how much so enjoy getting this earth-sized ball of mud on your head. Don't like it? Whine to the GM's, they accepted it!'
  • Ur, whe-whe you found a hole in my post and now I'm gonna cry to the GM who is my best buddy so your post gets denied.

It's sad because, I know these people, RPed with them 4-5 years ago and after that much time you'd expect them to be better but it's just... people got stuck in that mindset and never changed it even when the standard focus of the RP's shifted from power-dicks to story driven characters that had more to them than just being strong. Any level of drama coming from these characters is typically just how brutally strong they were, what kind of tragic things are in their past (that are almost never tragic without also including the same measure of badassery because, dude, it's a strong fucking character and you need to remember that so I'll remind you 20x in 1 post despite giving you no reason why they are this powerful).

I like to think I progressed as a writer but sometimes I wonder whether that's true. Seeing these people removes that doubt - I know I progressed as a writer.

@vietmyke should warn you that the color you chose is barely readable on my end against the dark background (black works better somehow, IDEK how). Overall it fits the kang shal, though. I like the inclusion of a communal appartment which is how the real Korean mafia also operates.
@Dziady Well, welcome to our humble place of writing. Ciesz sie pobytem.
@Dziady tylko troche. Głównie przeklenstwa... jestem król kurew. :)
@Dziady Siema, co u ciebie?

Konohagakure no Sato | Chunin-going-on-Jonin | Edgelord Supreme

TIME: Present | LOCATION: Sunagakure | INTERACTION: Shizuka Ichimi, @Syn; Kamui Uzumaki @Spanner; Date Watare, Akuno Kuin @Queentze; Ishi Kakumei, @Write; Chis @BladeX

“Tsk,” was the only noise that came from Sakana as the situation changed drastically. They were forced to stop, to address the changing situation. Luckily, Shizuka's kekkei genkai meant that they could do so under the cover of the smoke that was supposedly produced by the criminal, while still being able to breathe due to Shizuka's pocket of air. Kamui, Shizuka and Date all gave their take on the situation, but nothing seemed to happen until Sakana made a choice or command. Date's suggestion earned little more than a sarcastic remark, however. “Yes, I'd love to get crushed by a worm like that while we try to fight this guy. We need to get rid of that worm first. Either we lead it to the outskirts, but that'd mean crushing half the village to get there. Or we kill it...”

He glanced at Kamui then and had a revelation. He grabbed Kamui by the shoulder and forced the boy to look at him. “Hoy.. you Uzumaki are good at sealing. I know that, since all my seals were made by your clan. So... you can seal that thing. Just find a pot or something to seal him in. Shizuka, Date, we have to distract that thing, and then we can go fight whoever this guy is.” He waited a moment more for any questions - but he didn't give them too long since there wasn't exactly a whole lot of time. Like the Sunagakure shinobi had said, they had the council captive.

“Kuchiyose no Jutsu!” Sakana would then proclaim, biting his thumb hard and smashing it into the ground, bringing forth Axu the axolotl.

“Ehh, Sakana, what's wrong..?” the lumbering beast said, obviously not being able to see anything given the fact that there was smoke all around them.

“No time to really explain, all you have to know is that there's a giant worm, and I'm going to shoot it with that technique we practiced.”

“Ah... okay... I guess.” Axu wasn't exactly in a talkative mood it seemed, so he simply opened his mouth and shot out a large water ball into the air. Before it'd be able to land, Sakana formed several handseals, before proclaiming the name of the jutsu to warn his teammates. This was supposed to distract the worm and give Kamui the time he needed to seal the thing away in some sort of vessel. Preferably one they could retrieve, so that they could use the might of the worm again at a later time whenever they needed it.

“Suiton: Sensatsu Suishō!” The ball of water would slowly disperse into a thin layer of mist, while other water particles were drawn from the area as well - there was a lot of water available, given the fact that the oasis had more or less spread everywhere. The water would form into thin strips of water - senbon like - hanging in the air. When Sakana felt comfortable with his level of control over the water senbon, he moved his hand forward and the senbon shot forwards, targetting the worms' vital parts like the eyes and its' mouth, though really, who would even know what the vital parts were on the monstrosity.

Rather than 1 burst of water senbon however, Sakana continued drawing water from the area around them, reducing he humidity so much that he also had to draw water from the oasis pool to keep it up. This meant that the worm was receiving a rather large amount of water senbon aimed at it. “Shizuka, Date, spread out and distract it so that Kamui can.. do whatever the Uzumaki do!”
@Furiosa orcs are people too by the way you fucking racist im reporting you
@Yuria you gotta lotta interest better get that OOC up quick lady
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