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I know what I would do in her situation.

At least this fight has pretty much helped me determine exactly what my Secret Techniqie will be when it comes time to reveal it. Probably one of the only ways to truly counter Afterimages and/or high speed opponents. What is it? You'll just have to wait and see.
Wait, so... you can just put literally everything into Speed and still do plenty of damage as well as avoid all incoming damage? Something about that strikes as me as a tad bit unbalanced. Like, what is even the point of the other two stats if Speed can literally do everything on its own?
But in all seriousness, Han is canonically part of the audience right now, and thus has seen all three of the Techniques be used. No 2.5 bonus against him, I'm afraid.
And then my Secret Technique is all about... screwing up the synergy! Mwahaha!
@Double I have a lot in mind for this next story arch. Have you been keeping up with the battle mechanics? I'm sure you have since you've been reading along.

I think I've a semi-solid grasp on it. I was briefly worried at first about having Attack as my lowest focus since my character is supposed to be an assassin. But from what I gathered, I can easily make up that difference with serious boosts or technique boosts, so I'm confident can still make my chosen focuses work.
@Balthazar007 Hello, there.

But in all seriousness, are you perhaps still accepting players by chance?
Might be interested as well. Rather dig the idea of resurrecting the Blue Spirit in some fashion, so depending on what the plot ends up being my character may lean in that direction.
We have two Tokomons and two Kyupimons.

Also there are two Puttimons. In any case, no one seems to mind, so, meh.
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