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Clearly, this is what the setting is missing.

XD Just kidding? Is totally not kidding
"As you wish." the assassin said in regards to the money. He was in no position to negotiate or make demands. This was his mistake, and so he would accept any terms to make up for it. As for the offer, well, Han obviously would accept it as well. He took the offered hand and shook it to seal the deal, "Until the truth is discovered and justice served, I am at your disposal." for all the calm and philosophical verbose he'd displayed previously, here he was instead direct and to the point. He always did find it important to distinguish how he conversed with others casually versus how he did so in business.

There were fireworks in the distance. The festival was in full swing, though it did nothing to alleviate the tension in this particular scene, "Perhaps we could discuss the details indoors somewhere? I'm still rather soaked from my unexpected swim, and a chance to dry off would be appreciated." even as he spoke, he found himself wringing water out of parts of his gi as much as he could, but as he said he would need a chance to get out of the clothes altogether to truly dry off.

There was also something else, an inkling deep in the back of Han's mind. Something else about this contract didn't sit well with him. He was not the only assassin in existence, and so going to all the trouble of framing this man as an evil individual just to goad Han into striking him down felt very much like more trouble than it was worth. So why, then, did this particular client go to such lengths? If Han were a more arrogant sort, he would have assumed it was due simply to his skill level making him more sought after, but of course he did not actually entertain such delusions of grandeur. Perhaps he was just overthinking this?
I believe it is supposed to indeed be BladeSS4's turn, yes.

By the way, to answer your question from a while back about what I think the threat is? My thought was Saiyans, or some group from the Freeza Force or something, hence why showed concern about whether we were ready for that.

Of course, on another note, here's hoping we get to do something with a truly awesome villainous group in this storyline:

It worked. Just as Han planned, the ploy was enough to keep Niko from leaving. The look of utter confusion on his face served as the final nail in the coffin. Han's suspicions were correct after all. Niko was clearly not guilty of any of the crimes alleged by the pages of the dossier, and so whatever intention Han had of killing him was gone in an instant. Assassin though he may, he only targeted a certain type of individual, and Niko was clearly not it.

"I hadn't lied. My name really is Wu Han, and my intention really was to challenge you to a match." he had said, offering a quick bow, "But I did withhold the full story from you. I needed to see for myself just what kind of person you are, and you have shown me that, throughout the Tournament and in our match just now." he took the pages if allowed to and shook his head. He seemed a bit ashamed of himself.

"I am an assassin by trade." he said, fairly bluntly. He maintained his respectful tone but the warmth seemed to be slowly freezing up into something a bit more cold, "I was hired to kill you, I'm afraid." he gave Niko a brief moment to take in the revelation, but knew he needed to explain further to avoid inciting his wrath, "Originally I watched you in the tournament to observe your skill level so that I could plan accordingly, but... the more I watched you the more the information I was given didn't sit right with me. By the tournament's end I needed to find out for myself just who 'Niko Renzo' truly was before going ahead with the contract. That was why I challenged you just now. Everything that has transpired has told me all I need to know. You, Niko Renzo, are not the man I was to led to believe you to be. It seems I was manipulated by whomever wanted you dead."

He resumed eye contact with Niko by this point, "I've only been paid half the agreed upon sum, but that money is yours if you want it. Think of it as an apology. I should not have let myself be lied to so easily. Only the truly wicked in this world become my targets, and however briefly, I thought the same of you. My deepest and humblest apologies."

"I wish I could name the client for you, but I'm afraid that's impossible. They insisted on remaining anonymous. An unfortunate commonality for this business. But what I can tell you amounts to this: I don't believe them to be a single individual. The man I negotiated with was clearly not there of his own accord, and was likely following someone else's instructions." it was a shame Han couldn't offer much more information than that about the client. He preferred forthrightness but also understood the necessity of anonymity in a profession like this, "If you intend to discover the identity of this client, then perhaps you would accept my assistance? I don't take too kindly to being used."

Huh... well I wanted to get in a reply but... do I wait as well, then?

Here's a bit of detail for the Wuye-ying for future reference. It's headed by Laoguai, obviously, but he has two major lieutenants that serve as his right hand and left hand men. One of them is Mitsurugi Goda, who originally came from a Yakuza background before Laoguai approached him. As such he runs his section of the organization the same way any Yakuza family patriarch would. He used to be known for using a sword but has used it less and less since being trained by Laoguai, he does still keep the weapon on him for intimidation but has had little need to actually use it lately. The second man is Ngo Li, whom Laoguai took in off the streets as a kid because he sensed some potential in him. Li for many years was groomed to be Laoguai successor, but that all got changed once Han was born. Now he only sits as a loyal lieutenant and has watched his mentor effectively give up on him in favor of Han.
You know, not for nothing, but my strategy was actually working. Han only used 26 vs Niko using 45 or so. The terrain was my downfall, it seems.
Alright then, the angle I was going for has been successfully circumvented. So depending on how long the fight was going to go on for, my general strategy was getting to the point where Han had spent less of his Ki then Niko had and use that moment to go on the offensive for a more aggressive attack. I'm revealing this now because Niko's successful blow against Han... pretty much meant I had to pivot to a different tact altogether, hence my IC post's whole spiel about battle plans not surviving the engagement and split decisions sometimes needing to be made "in the moment". I assessed the outcome of that clash and decided, yeah, this was gonna have to be one of those split decision moments for this encounter to not end up being a waste of time. xD
A wise strategist once said that the battle plan was always the first casualty of any engagement. An oversimplification, to be sure, but the logic was sound and the idea behind it was not without well deserved merit. This was one of those times. Han's initial plan would not survive this particular clash, but that in itself did not immediately mean failure. Yet another wise man once reasoned that there were occasional moments in time when one had to make a split-second decision, or else that moment - and the opportunity it provided - would be lost forever. That wise man also happened to be Han's great-grandfather, and like most everything else he learned from him, Han took that lesson to heart. This, he felt, was one such moment described by his great-grandfather's advice. A split-second decision was made, one that would decide the success or failure of this skirmish.

While Han had returned the dossier to the representative at the meeting, what that man hadn't realized was that 3 of the pages from that dossier had been slipped out of the folder. Those pages were now in Han's possession, and in the fraction of a second that it took Han to realize that his footing slipped, he acted as quickly on the draw as he possibly could. A hand slipped into his Gi, grabbed the three pages and let them fly from his possession as his body flew back. He went out into the water, was even submerged for a moment.

Now to end this, hopefully my ploy has done its job.

The ploy, in retrospect at least, was a rather simple one. Those 3 pages contained accounts of alleged transactions involving Niko, and the sale of military information to foreign entities. The way Han saw it, one of two things was likely to happen. If those accounts were indeed genuine, then most likely Niko would grab the pages and run or he would wait for Han to return to shore and attempt to get more information from him, possibly even try to silence him. Or the other possibility, should Han's suspicions prove true, was that Niko's curiosity would be piqued and he would similarly stay around to question Han for further information. No matter which outcome happened, Han would have been able to learn all he needed to decide on his next course of action for the contract.

Han had swam a short distance before surfacing. He walked upright on the shore, no longer maintaining any battle stance. If Niko had stuck around, this at least would be enough to signal an end to their brief fight. A smile would be Han's face, as he continued to maintain the warm and friendly vibe he had begun this encounter with, "I suppose I owe you some answers now, don't I?" he would ask, provided that Niko had not run away and was still present.
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