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@Shu Well, here ya go. Let me know if I made any timeline errors or if I took too many liberties.

@Shu Ah so there's a power vacuum going on in Cyrodil right now? INNNNNTERESTING! *totally not plotting to become the next Emperor*
<Snipped quote by Double>
Well what am I supposed to do? All I can do is chat on this thread and that ain't happening. So I gave up and broke.

<Snipped quote by King Kindred>
If I have to go off site to chat to the people I am supposed to socialize with on site than why did I register with the site to begin with?

First off, complaining carries more if you actually do the thing you're telling us to do. Second off, you're seriously going to complain about having a Discord? That is the literal exact socializing you've been asking for!
@PPQ Purple Look, I fundamentally agree with you, but you yourself haven't exactly made much effort to socialize either. And for the record, I don't count complaining as socializing.
"I beg your pardon?" asked Ovaan, his tone salty and his only movement being a twitch of his tail, "...'Faulty'?" he sounded rather insulted... because he was. He took some steps toward his newly acquired ship and continued to talk in a huff, "I'll have you know this ship is in near-pristine condition. I checked it myself." his tone was beginning to transition from mere saltiness to outright bitterness.

"You all asked for a potential solution, and I offered one." he said with a quick, irritated gesture to his ship, "But I suppose if it's not good enough for the lot of you, then maybe I'll just keep it for myself." without any warning he pushed a button on the hatch and the ship transformed back into a capsule that he then pocketed.

Thus far his irritation had been directed at the others who were mere mortals such as himself. But now, now he was becoming more willing to risk the ire of the godly figures before them. There was a preposterously simple solution staring them right in the face and if the Supreme Kai of Time refused to bring it up, then Ovaan would be the one to do it, "Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you mentioned something called a 'Time Patrol' yesterday." he said to the short girl, not quite ready to let go of his bitter mood, "That tells me that you possess a means of traveling through time. So then why, pray tell, have we not used that to go back and prevent our Universes from being destroyed? Even if you had laws regarding time travel, I imagine this is a scenario in which those laws no longer apply." he fixed his irritated glare on the small Kai. Up until now he had not dared risk the wrath of those who could be called Gods. But right now, his mood was sour and his entire Universe was gone. At this point, he decided he no longer had anything to lose. So his patience and courtesy toward these people were officially beginning to wear thin.
<Snipped quote by Double>

Tell me about it!

Primarily it's a Half-Nord, but whom passes himself off as a fullblood Nord due to prejudices against Non-Nords going on in Skyrim at this time. As such, he's Nordic on his mother's side and Imperial on his father's side. Originally born in Cyrodil, his father had been a Knight Captain in the Blades, but during the aftermath of the Great War he along with many Blades were branded as war criminals and hunted down to near extinction by the Thalmor. Feeling betrayed by his own province, the young Half-Nord decided to leave the Empire and traveled to homeland of his mother, Skyrim. Unfortunately, things aren't much better in Skyrim. He has to lie about his parentage just to keep from being run out of towns or villages like what often happens to other Non-Nords. Resentment and even outright hatred for both Skyrim and the Empire festered in the young man's heart over all this time, and when the RP starts he is of the mindset that both are beyond saving and should just burn to the ground so that something better can rise from those ashes.
@Shu Interested as well. Got a particular idea in mind but I don't mind redoing if it ends up not being acceptable.

Is alright? Still here? Just thought I'd check on you guys.
@ModeGone It's definitely a fun-looking take on the series. Hope it takes off.

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