Name: Kaitlyn Finch Age: 19 Profession: None, for now. Top 2 personality traits: A normally hotblooded and adventurous soul, who claims not to fear anything. Biggest Fear: Fear of Fire Three items you have with you (Other than clothing-either profession based or related to your reason for being in Silent Hill): Uncle Tony's Letter, a lumberjack axe, and some trail mix Bonds: Uncle Tony(Kaitlyn's uncle who, despite grieving his wife's death, always put on a brave face for Kaitlyn and encouraged her to keep trying, no matter what); Abigail and Tony Finch(Dead.) Character Flaws (may be self-percieved): Reckless, Cocky, and Short Tempered. Deeply loyal to her uncle, and would be absolutely devastated if something happened to him. How and why did your character get to Silent Hill: One evening, Kaitlyn came into her and Uncle Tony's home after a long day of chopping wood, and her uncle was nowhere to be found. All she could find was a letter, telling Kaitlyn that he was going over to Silent Hill in order to find his wife. Many alarms bells rang in Kaitlyn's head when she read this, and an hour later, she ran into Silent Hill herself in order to find Uncle Tony, not knowing the horrors that lied within the ghost town. Bio: Kaitlyn used to live a normal childhood with her parents, and would've continued living a normal childhood if a fire hadn't burned her house down and killed both of her parents. The cause of the fire was unknown, and little Kaitlyn thankfully got out alive, but the fire had also deeply scarred her both physically and emotionally, and Kaitlyn was never the same after that.
It was Uncle Tony who took her in, and, after driving Kaitlyn to his lakeside home that was somewhat close to Silent Hill, Uncle Tony started teaching his niece all about living out in the wilderness, first aid, and generally survival. The two of them grew very close, but the loss of his wife still took its toll on Uncle Tony regardless, and sometimes, he sat on his patio and stared in the direction of Silent Hill, seeming to be contemplating something...
Physical description (Can be a picture if you wish): Blond hair, blue eyes, and a tall and muscular stature. Kaitlyn is still shorter than older adults, but is still taller than other 19 year olds. Usually wears corduroy and plaid, and jeans and boots. Has mostly healed burn scars over her arms and face. Insanity Score (leave blank until you start gaining insanity points in game):