Name: Lucile “Lucy” O’Connor
Age: 19
Gender(or lack thereof): Female
What Makes You A Misfit?: Lucy is a former subject of a government experiment, having escaped from the facility recently.
Appearance(face claims are allowed, as well as just descriptions): Lucy stands at 5’3 weighing around 136 pounds. Her hair is golden platinum cut, and short in certain spots. Her eyes are bright blue with one of her pupils larger than the other. Her facial features are thin also if she had not eaten for some time

Personality: Lucy is very weary of people, not engaging with them unless it is necessary. Being scared that she will be betrayed by the people she interacts with. She has a child like an approach when it comes to her surroundings, being curious about how things work. This is also a detriment, as she is quite naive about the world around her. Because of her upbringing, she is not very knowledgeable about social skills and norms.
She is very emotional and is known to become angry quite easily. Being willing to kill or go to extreme lengths to complete her goal. She is very protective of animals and children, showing more anger towards child and animal abusers. Lucy has very little self confidence and is always looking for validation from others.
Lucy can come across as rude, saying things that would be quite offensive to other people.
Skills/Abilities: Lucy is skilled in her knowledge of the human body and how to really harm someone if she wanted to. Lucy is a quick learner, having a knack for solving puzzles. Lucy is knowledgeable in math and science.
Powers/Magic: Lucy has telekinesis, the ability to manipulate or otherwise interact with matter or another aspect of a physical system through non-physical means. Commonly, its most fundamental trait is to move and control objects (or to generate and apply physical force on a target, or potentially, an area) without physical contact. The weakness of this power for Lucy is that she needs help controlling her powers, which can cause many accidents for those around her.
Lucy has the ability to transmit information from one person to another through mental means. However, many other mind-based abilities fall under telepathy due to those powers overlapping with the core concept of telepathy. Some of the more common abilities also considered telepathy would be reading the thoughts of others at will and detecting the presence of other minds through extrasensory means A weakness of this power, is that she can become overwhelmed by people’s emotions/thoughts.
Lucy has a tertiary ability to be able to communicate with people telepathically.
Backstory(Optional): Lucy was born in Boston to two Irish immigrants. Her birth was unplanned, so she was given away to an orphanage. But she did not last long in the orphanage. She was soon taken by the US government, being a part of Project Papillon. During the course of her life, she was given mental tests, as well as surgeries and other forms of torture to test her psychic abilities.
At some point, she befriended one of the head scientists along with other test subjects. One of the scientists was a man named Metzgerei. She considered him a father figure. Her powers were developing at a rapid rate, and impressing many of the other scientists in the project. However, the head scientist a man named Dr. Yang, wanted to turn Lucy into a weapon for the government. The experiments soon become more intense and gruelling for Lucy.
Escaping from Area 66 thanks to a recent riot/breakout, With her newfound freedom, she searches for the family that abandoned her. And to hunt down Yang and the other scientist that experimented on her.
RP Sample(Optional; helps me to see a glimpse of how your character acts):
Lucy was sitting silently inside a room, in front of her was a wooden puzzle box. She was tasked with solving the box in the span of seven mins. Sitting in front of her was a pudgy doctor, who was writing extensively on a notepad. The punishment for not solving the puzzle in time would be given a painful shock. The puzzle itself was quite easy for her, and the added pressure of her being shocked motivated them to work quickly.
She was ignoring the eye contact from the pudgy doctor. Just wanting to get this test over and done with. After a while, she placed the completed puzzle on the desk. Having done all of this with just her mind. “Good, we will move to the next part of the test.” He motioned towards another scientist in the room. The scientist made his way toward the table, placing a rat inside of a cage on the table. “I want you to use your mind, to kill this rat. If you refuse this test then you will be shocked, and given no food for the day.”
Lucy looked up at the scientist, She felt she did not have a choice in taking part in this test. She could feel the rat was not really into being murdered by her. She was not too keen on the test either. Concentrating on the cage, the small metal cage slowly lifting up, the door being unlocked and Lucy quickly grabbing the rat. The scientist was not alert and was curious about what was going to happen next. Placing the rat on her shoulder, she used her powers to bend parts of the metal cage. Letting some of the metal bars jet out toward the fat scientist. In a flash, the cage slammed into the man’s chest. Sending him flying backwards, luckily it was not lethal. But the scientist was going to be in a lot of pain.
Turning her head towards the double-sided mirror on one side of the room. “Done.” She spoke in a very cold and distant sounding voice. She knew what they were thinking, and she was going to make her intentions clear. She was going to murder all of them.