Avatar of Dragonfly 9


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I just saw the int check for this... I don't suppose I could squeeze in could I?

Yeah, sure! Just don't expect to be on the truck immediately. xD
@Dragonfly 9
Sorry about the delay in posting, busy with the holidays and all. Also do you mind if I switch my character age to 27? Him being 42 is a left over I forgot to remove from an earlier version of the character.

That's(you being busy during the holidays and the character's newest age) fine! <3

Wow, another newcomer!? Cool!

Also, accepted! I'd suggest you be careful with the money, though. Bai Yue gave me an idea on how to handle it. >:D
Location: Angel Grove, - California
Episode #1: Power of the Dragon

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - Gabriel | @Dragonfly 9 - Joseph | @Eviledd1984 - Midori | @Martian - Colton | @Double - Various
Post #1.5: Beginnings...

Gabriel had an adrenaline rush like never before. He wielded the red dagger like he’d used a knife several times in the past. The dagger attacks seemed to do nothing against the monster, which appeared to be increasing its mass and duplicating after reforming itself. Unlike several Rangers of yesteryear, the Red Dragon Force Ranger looked to exclusively use hand strikes and grappling throws. The increase in strength and speed was surprising to say the least when he went to push off the ground and sent himself and one of the putty monsters twenty feet into the air. In the distance, Gabe could see another Ranger on the scene in black.

“Glad I’m not alone out here…” the Red Ranger thought out loud.

Joe, meanwhile, was currently sitting on one of the park’s benches. He was lazily holding out bread crumbs for the ducks near him to eat, and allowed himself to smile a bit at the ducks’ eager quacking. This was pretty nice, doing nothing for a change. Joe wasn’t thinking of anything in particular, including constantly pretending to be average and never doing something that would disrupt that façade, which was also nice. If he could just stay here for a while longer, with no one judging him, that would be awesome…

Joe’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a chilling, inhuman screech. When he opened his eyes, he saw a strange monster who looked to be made of clay swinging one of his arms at him. Eyes wide, Joe quickly dodged the monster’s arm, which then hit the bench he was sitting on and turned into gray goo, before the monster made another arm out of nothing and swung it at Joe again. Standing up, Joe looked at the monster…and ran away.

Yeah, he just… decided to run away. So much for being a hero.

Of course, the monster chased after him, screeching all the way. Joe, at this point, had reached near the end of the park, and was just about to exit it when he saw someone else on the edge of the end of it, staring at the monster like a deer in the headlights. It wasn’t just Joe who noticed this bystander, however, as the monster behind him probably thought that the young girl would be an easier target than Joe at this point and swung its arm at her. Joe, at this point, had two options. He could either run away, leaving the poor girl to defend herself or he could get the girl out of the way and likely have to defend both of them from the monster.

Joe, despite every bit of him telling him to run away, to not worry about the girl, to just let her fight it off herself…

He chose to get her out of the way instead.

“Look out!” Joe exclaimed, shoving the girl out of the way, just in time for the monster to hit him.

Joe, not expecting the sheer force of the attack, while the girl, now not the monster’s target anymore, got out of her frightened stupor to run away as fast as she could, screaming all the way. Joe, meanwhile, was grabbed by the monster and pulled close to it, with the young man in the white t-shirt punching and kicking the monster all the way. His attacks made no difference however, as the monster reformed the parts of its body that were being attacked always a split second after Joe hit them. Just as Joe was getting close to its face, however…

A little robotic lizard, who Joe hadn’t noticed was following him ever since he was running from the monster, crawled on his arm. It activated itself without Joe’s knowledge turning him into… The White Ranger. Of course, the first thing he does after turning into a Ranger after the usual wonder of it all was to punch the monster so hard in the face that it let go of him and fell to the ground.

“...What the hell!?” Joe said, doing a double take at his new costume. Oh yeah, and that, too.

((Omega Man told me to post all this, if you're wondering.))
Lucy, expecting everyone to gleefully hand her to the police but then later learning that they're ALL fugitives:
Yeah, me too.

For your consideration.

Accepted! Do you want to be on the truck from the start or join the party in Eureka Town?
@Angstyrainbow ...About the clown comment...Don't test me.
question. would I be able to do stuff witches do, like make potions and the like?

Also backing out. I don't think I have enough time for this.
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