I'll probably play as a skinny, sickly centaur/faun who signs up to be a delivery boy in order to escape his parents' doting/over protectiveness, if that's okay.
Initial post is up. I'll be making another post for my two characters later this week or next. It should go and set the mood of current events, but basically we are currently set to met with some officials at the Crazed prison. You are all welcome to make a post before I make my next post if you so wish.
All old characters from the previous arc have their own rooms at an inn called 'Ill Omen'. They named it Ill Omen hoping that the name would ward off the bad luck which is common in a Divergent.
My initial post has an explanation for what a Divergent is.
@Dragonfly 9 You are still welcome here if you are interested. Just keep me updated. Based on our rate of posts previously, I image that you still have some time before things take off :)
Right. I'll probably not join for a while, if I join at all, since I still haven't read all the lore yet, due to being busy. I hope you all have fun, though!
The truck, after a few hours, had finally arrived at Eureka Town. The town was full of sweet scents and with the sounds of laughter and screaming, and, despite it nearing evening, had plenty of people eager and willing to ride the many roller coasters and other rides that were all in and around the town.
The truck had come to a stop near one of the towns' many hotels, though this one looked a bit more dilapidated than the rest. The streetlights also shone just as bright as the peoples' many phones lighting up the sky, but not all of them had phones, and some looked almost transparent.
Speaking of rides, the largest roller coaster had finished its latest ride, with the people who were on it just seconds ago being ushered to the side by the ride's host instead of making them make way for the latest passengers, with the previous passengers following the host away from the roller coaster, and a new host popping up at the ride just seconds later.
The rest of the group gets to Eureka City and they catch some machines in the area they go to acting up and track the source down. That's how they meet Haylen, so he'd already be there.
What Makes You a Misfit? | As the only living result of the initiative designated "Apotheosis," Haylen should not exist, and the government wants to reclaim its property.
Age | 28
Gender | Male - He/Him
Appearance | Haylen is roughly 5"8', and weighs around 170lbs. He is a thin-looking and wiry man with short blonde hair. His right eye is a pale shade of forest green, but his left eye is inhuman, a solid pink sphere embedded into his head. To avoid attracting attention, he often wears some sort of hat and dark sunglasses, even indoors or at night. Haylen tends to wear "discreet" clothes that make it hard to identify him, nothing with a logo, nothing bright or flashy, but still large enough to cover most of his body.
Personality | Haylen is a reserved and patient man. He prefers to observe his surroundings and think heavily on them before making decisions, like a chess master plotting multiple moves ahead in preparation. Haylen has a tendency to see things through the lens of variables and objectivity. He has experienced a great deal of suffering in his past that left him hardened, and therefor doesn't let his emotions get in the way of what has to be done. Despite the fact that Haylen seems burnt out, there is a part of this that still feels immense sympathy for others, particularly those who has been hurt in ways that go beyond physical pain, and those who are in need of protection.
Haylen prefers to keep his head down and only draw attention when its needed. He isn't exactly paranoid, but he is often paying attention to specific things in particular that most people don't think about in a constant way; Entry points such as doors and windows, the placement of cameras or other detective machines, or certain people such as security guards or police officers. When you've been around Haylen long enough, it's easy to figure out that he's thinking about how to leave peacefully and discreetly, even in times where danger isn't an issue.
Powers and Magic |
Technopsionic | Haylen's mind has been cybernetically altered to give him psychic abilities that allow him to assert power over machines of virtually any kind. The type of machine he is working with affects what he is capable of, but as long as he is able to bond himself to it, Haylen can freely manipulate whatever part of a device he has a mental hold on. The size and mass of a machine affects Haylen's ability to move it physically, but only somewhat; Machines as simple as a household appliance, such as a lightbulb or a ceiling fan can be controlled effortlessly. What matters when Haylen wants to control something is whether it exhibits capabilities for logic, meaning a computer is entirely different. In the case of something such as a computer, or some cars, there is a certain level of self-awareness that the machine in question has. While it is less than a human being, most machines perform some computational function that puts them on the intelligence level of an animal.
To control these, Haylen must assert his will over whatever logical processes the machine can demonstrate- The psychic equivalent of hacking. Once Haylen has established control of a machine's logic, he is free to explore its abstract architecture with his consciousness, like infiltrating a secure building and then navigating the various rooms and floors. This is what allows Haylen to control a complex machine with his mind. There are instances where Haylen may be overpowered, or even unable to assert control of a machine. Such cases include an actual AI that operates in real time. To an ordinary individual, an artificial intelligence is just a sequence of logic, but to Haylen, this is not the case. An AI is the equivalent of a mind potentially on par with his own, comparable to the most complicated computer ever- a human brain. A high level machine such as this could possibly be an even match for Haylen, rendering him unable to control it. Haylen can't be overtaken
Bulwark Protocol | As a living weapon of psychic-grade warfare, Haylen's brain was augmented with a supercomputer that protects him against incoming psychic interference, while granting him a degree of agency over the "signals" he is exposed to. A telepath wishing to speak to Haylen, or read his mind will be stopped by this supercomputer, and Haylen can mentally grant them access to speak to him or view his thoughts, up to a certain point. This is also the neurological equivalent of a server for Haylen, meaning it allows him to manage the active connections he has established with machines. Using the Bulwark Protocol, Haylen can mentally cut any connection he has made with a machine, or use his "processing power" to increase his hold on machines at the cost of hold over his own body. Like any server, Haylen has a finite capacity for what he can bond to at any given time, and eventually something will have to be disconnected to make room for something else.
An unintended side-effect of this psychic database is that Haylen could theoretically grant another person with psychic abilities access to his psychic abilities by patching them into the central nexus of the Citadel Nexus. However, Haylen has never done this with anyone else, as it could potentially result in neurological damage to the hosted mind. Haylen believes the side effects would include mental fatigue, prolonged migraines, and risk of aneurisms.
Mechanic skills such as fixing a car, un-bricking a phone, and working on circuit boards.
Speaks Spanish, Russian, Korean, and French.
Very good at hiding in plain sight and avoiding detection, both physical and digitally.
Good at pirating movies, books, and most other forms of media. Scarily good at it, in fact.
Strangely artistic in the things he does, at the strangest and most sudden times.
Backstory | Haylen's past is like shattered glass, there or fragments of it he can remember past recent memory, and fragments that are simply irretrievable and hurt when touched. Everything seems to converge on the lab, on Apotheosis, and he cannot find a memory before his escape where that word was not burned into his mind. Haylen was born and raised like any other person, that much he was largely sure of, but no matter how far back he looked, the word "Apotheosis" was there. And the further back he looked, the stronger its presence in his thoughts. Day after day, the pieces chronologically became less splintered until the day he tunneled into the deepest reaches of the facility's security system. Haylen peered into the outside world in a blur of hours that broke the pattern of days. When the time came, seven years ago, every last one and zero built upon the foundation of Apotheosis crashed down all at once in a rage so prof̸o̴u̵n̵d̸ ̷t̸h̸a̶t̵-̴
There i̵s no such thing a̸s̶ Project Apoth̸e̵osis. It is a conspiracy hoax, and nothing mo̷r̵e̵.
T̷r̶ust m̶e̵.̷
Just across from Haylen, barely 20 feet away, was an ATM currently not in use. He sat with his head bent towards the ground. His eyes were covered by sunglasses, but they were not merely looking in the direction of the ATM. No, they were looking into its imprint of logic. It was a simple creature, accepting identification to dispense money. Nothing too complicated about it beyond the wall of security. If Haylen walked over to it now, he might rouse suspicion of the people in the mall around him, so he sat there in physical silence, though locked in a mild-mannered disagreement with the ATM's "soul," as he considered it.
The logic of the ATM was simple enough, and he had done this enough times it came down to muscle memory. All he had to do was impress himself on the "gateway" that demanded a credit or debit card in order to get past the "checkpoint" to withdraw money. Haylen envisioned it as a brick wall, a barricade, that extended upwards into the whitespace between code. His lucid thought was enough to grant him the agency necessary to slide his hand between the digits of the wall, and part it open. He did not break the wall. That was pointless, and would rouse suspicion. No, he needed to maintain the ATM's wall of security to close it behind him, like a floodgate.
Easy enough. Finally, Haylen stood up and walked across the floor and over to the ATM. He gave is a psychic demand to spit out money, and it did. Exactly $2000. In the field of their joined thoughts, he removed his hand from the wall, allowing it to reform as though he was never there. Haylen quickly stuffed the money into one of several wallets he carried in his coat, before anyone could see.
With the mental equivalent of a finger snap, Haylen severed the bond between himself and the ATM, and left to go about his business. $2000 was, relatively speaking, a decent amount of money, but it was only a matter of time before he needed to subjugate another ATM and do this again. It was an easy task for Haylen, but invading the memory of the ATM took longer, which meant it would take longer for Haylen to wipe the one-sided transaction away, and therefore a larger window for someone else to come along and notice that an ATM was acting strange. If someone noticed an ATM would act strange, then there was no telling what they would do. These cash grabs were valuable, though risky. Worst of all, Haylen didn't dare track the backdoors of any ATM, so it could've been possible that any number of entities were watching everything that happened, including the government. If they were, he didn't know.
Still, even bottom feeders had to risk their neck if they wanted a scrap of food.
His first order of business was to grab something to eat. He hadn't eaten since two days ago.
I'm probably going to make this RP's status be full, if that's alright with all of you. I think nine characters are enough, to be honest.
So the government has some wacky robotic tech behind the curtains, right? And they willingly use magic to police the use of magic, right? Well, this is the government we're talking about here. They don't exactly have human rights high on their list, so I'm thinking a human lab rat of some kind meant to combine tech with magic. A tech wizard basically. He busted himself out an unknown length of time ago, and is on the run from the government because they want the tech that's still stuck in his brain. No one knows about it but him because he's the only test subject who actually survived the integration of "magic" technology into his brain