Avatar of Dragonfly 9


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Sounds awesome! I'm definitely interested!

I'll probably play as a skinny, sickly centaur/faun who signs up to be a delivery boy in order to escape his parents' doting/over protectiveness, if that's okay.
Initial post is up. I'll be making another post for my two characters later this week or next. It should go and set the mood of current events, but basically we are currently set to met with some officials at the Crazed prison. You are all welcome to make a post before I make my next post if you so wish.

All old characters from the previous arc have their own rooms at an inn called 'Ill Omen'. They named it Ill Omen hoping that the name would ward off the bad luck which is common in a Divergent.

My initial post has an explanation for what a Divergent is.

@Dragonfly 9 You are still welcome here if you are interested. Just keep me updated. Based on our rate of posts previously, I image that you still have some time before things take off :)

Right. I'll probably not join for a while, if I join at all, since I still haven't read all the lore yet, due to being busy. I hope you all have fun, though!
The truck, after a few hours, had finally arrived at Eureka Town. The town was full of sweet scents and with the sounds of laughter and screaming, and, despite it nearing evening, had plenty of people eager and willing to ride the many roller coasters and other rides that were all in and around the town.

The truck had come to a stop near one of the towns' many hotels, though this one looked a bit more dilapidated than the rest. The streetlights also shone just as bright as the peoples' many phones lighting up the sky, but not all of them had phones, and some looked almost transparent.

Speaking of rides, the largest roller coaster had finished its latest ride, with the people who were on it just seconds ago being ushered to the side by the ride's host instead of making them make way for the latest passengers, with the previous passengers following the host away from the roller coaster, and a new host popping up at the ride just seconds later.
Can Haylen and Matilda meet up too at the City? While we wait for the main group to show up.

Okay here's what I'm thinking.

The rest of the group gets to Eureka City and they catch some machines in the area they go to acting up and track the source down. That's how they meet Haylen, so he'd already be there.


Sounds good to me!
I might make a Discord for this, but it doesn't exist at the moment.
So are we all gonna meet up at Eureka City? At the theme park?



I'm probably going to make this RP's status be full, if that's alright with all of you. I think nine characters are enough, to be honest.
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>

That actually works perfectly... Here's my idea.

So the government has some wacky robotic tech behind the curtains, right? And they willingly use magic to police the use of magic, right? Well, this is the government we're talking about here. They don't exactly have human rights high on their list, so I'm thinking a human lab rat of some kind meant to combine tech with magic. A tech wizard basically. He busted himself out an unknown length of time ago, and is on the run from the government because they want the tech that's still stuck in his brain. No one knows about it but him because he's the only test subject who actually survived the integration of "magic" technology into his brain

The whole ordeal was called Project Apotheosis

Oooh, I'm interested!

Make a CS and I'll see what I can do.
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