Avatar of Dragonfly 9


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@LuckyBlackCat And yes, people from Grimm have their powers from birth.
@Dragonfly 9 Question, do people from Grimm have their powers from birth, or do they also get the vials while in Charm?

Btw I call dibs on the Little Mermaid if that's ok. She's going to be a foil to Crimson's character in that she's also from Grimm, but was sent to Charm much more recently, so still has some adapting to do. I'll be playing up the near-literal "fish out of water" thing.

EDIT: CS is done!


<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>

I would say for Precognition, she can't use really use it at will. This can only work if she either focuses and uses it through a ritual (like tarot card reading etc.), or if her life, or someone else's life, is in danger.

For Object Creation, she can't use it to create living beings, and she can't make anything large (like a car). She can only make things that a person can hold in one or two hands.

Aight, also accepted! :D
Name: Sophia
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance(Civilian AND Superhero):

Personality(Also detail the potential changes in your character's personality as a hero if that's a thing!): As a civilian, Sophia is a very introverted individual. She's a quiet and shy girl, but she is hardworking and kind. That said, this combination of traits means that she can be quite a doormat. She is also seen as an easy target for bullying.

As a superhero, Sophia would have much more confidence. As a civilian, Sophia would shrink at any challenge or even the slightest insult. As a superhero, she can evenly match any challenge with wit and foresight.

Background: Sophia is the eldest child of three in a normal, but busy, family. There seemed to be hardly any time to rest. Sophia never minded helping her parents by watching over her two siblings and taking care of chores. Her father is a lawyer, and her mother is a doctor. So, the both of them were always busy. But it was clear that the both of them loved Sophia and their siblings. They never forgot anyone's birthday and always took time to attend events that involved their children.

That said, even with a normal family and a happy life, there are still problems.

When Sophia isn't taking care of her siblings or dealing with schoolwork, her free time is always filled up with extracurricular activities her parents signed her up for, many of which are sports or arts.

While she wasn't popular by any means in school, and didn't have very many friends, she did well academically. Her family and the school board encouraged her to join the student council. That would allow her more time to study, and her parents wouldn't feel the need to pressure her into another extracurricular activity.

However, she ended up as treasurer. Sophia knew that she wasn't ever going to become student council president because trying to get that role is essentially trying to win a popularity contest. That was never going to happen with Sophia.

With how busy her life has been, even now, Sophia has never really thought about what she wanted to do with her life. It's always been about fulfilling her obligations to the people around her...

Their wishes were her commands,

Potential Quirks: *Normally, her voice is quiet, but when she tells a tale, her voice grows to a normal volume and confident as she weaves a tale for those who listen.
*She may say what someone is about to say. It's scarily accurate.
*Having a constant and nauseating sense of Deja Vu.

Abilities(for civilian form): *Literary Mastery
Powers (for hero form; make sure it relates to a fairy tale of some sort!) : *Precognition
*Object Creation

Fairy Tale of Inspiration(if that's a thing)/Fairy Tale Character You Are(again, if that's a thing): One Thousand and One Nights; Scheherazade and/or Genies

Other: Ask her about any book or story she's read. She can tell you everything about it!

Almost accepted! May I ask what her limits for precognition and object creation are, and how those two abilities work?
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>

It’s true, I do usually prefer to play queer guys, and as much as the idea of making Snow White as a cute little gay boy excites me… I have played female characters before and think I could handle it. People on the internet used to mistake me for a girl once upon a time.

So… how’s the backstory going to work? I’m guessing she was brought to Charm by the Huntsman, or the 7 Dwarves…

Was she raised knowing she’s Snow White or no?

And for powers, she’s definitely going to have the ability to have animals do her bidding, particularly by singing.

I think she was brought over as a baby by one of The Queen's defective servants, actually. So instead of growing up and having to deal with The Queen's wrath, she has to deal with high school's wrath. xD

No, she didn't. The servant kept that a secret as a misguided way of "protecting her".

Okay, that's genuinely hilarious. I love that! xD
Interested! Looking at the CS and how the hero form works, I see this is essentially a magical girl/boy RP, which is a big plus.

Yep, it basically is!

So uh… if no one else wants it, I’m willing to be Snow White.


I mean, you could wait for someone who's interested in playing Snow White to come along, but I do realize that that's a big gamble on all our parts.

Still, though, I have three main options for you if you really wanna play as Snow White:

1.) Play her as a cis female.
2.) Make him a trans man.
3.) Make him a cis male.

(Options 2 and 3 are there because I notice you really like to play male characters, Crimson.)

Anyway, if you have any more options of your own/want me to elaborate on mine, I'm both for both! Just ping me on here, okay? ;)
*kicks the door down* Ayooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-

@Crimson Flame @Guardian Angel Haruki @CherryCrush(??? I'll delete the ping if you don't really want to join this, Cherry.)

The Plot:

BASICALLY, there’s an American city named Charm that’s tied to a magical realm called Grimm.

An immortal guardian who’s a man in a suit of armor guards the realm’s entrance, but when the spirit of The Evil Queen decides to send a concocted up monster to Charm in order to test the waters and see how strong the people of Earth could be(as well as potentially killing her niece, who, as far as the Queen knows, could be the person to send her back into Hell for good someday), the guardian's vials on his belt that contain his extra, fairy tale-related powers are thrown into Charm by the monster, and your character(s) get both the vials and the powers somehow, which means that the guardian now has to find and train these literal teenagers in how to use them for good, especially when The Evil Queen starts to send more monsters than just the initial one.

Of course, there's a bit more to it than that, but where's the fun of revealing it all right now? ;)

The Notes:

  • This will hopefully be a balance of both plot and character-based RP, if you're wondering.
  • I will be controlling both The Evil Queen and The Iron Knight(AKA, the immortal guardian, if you're wondering), as well as all the monsters.
  • There will be a certain, special role that you can have in this RP(and when I say "special", I mean "the DM will be working with you more directly than the others in order to figure out where the plot will go with your interpretation of this character specifically"), and that's the role of Snow White(who's currently living in Charm and becomes apart of the main group as well, by the way)! She was taken to Charm as a baby, and because time in Charm is slower than time in Grimm, she's currently a teenager and staying with the person who took her to Charm in the first place in order to protect her(instead of being long dead, which she would've been had she stayed in Grimm).
  • Speaking of which, all of your characters will be either inspired by fairy tale characters OOC, or be an actual fairy tale character who came from Grimm at some point. Also, all of your characters will be teenagers.

The Rules

  • Please follow the forum rules and guidelines.
  • No god modding.
  • No OP or perfect characters.
  • Please be nice to each other OOC. IC arguments are fine, but if you can solve OOC problems in PMs, then solve it in PMs.
  • Have fun. I dare you. (xD)

The CS

Gender(or lack thereof):
Appearance(Civilian AND Superhero):
Personality(Also detail the potential changes in your character's personality as a hero if that's a thing!):
Potential Quirks:
Abilities(for civilian form):
Powers(for hero form; make sure it relates to a fairy tale of some sort!)
Fairy Tale of Inspiration(if that's a thing)/Fairy Tale Character You Are(again, if that's a thing):
Aight! I'll get it up in a minute! <3
This might be a case where more people will show interest when an official game thread is posted. ^^"

Yeah, probably! :'D

Do you guys want the CS first, or the official game thread?
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