Hopefully, this isn't too popular, as I've noticed that whenever a person posts a RP in the world of an original/popular fantasy world, there's a whole lot of attention given towards it. If this does get as popular as I'm fearing, I might have to get a Co-DM for it.
Honestly, a part of me doubts it, though. I haven't got that much attention for any of my RPs like what I'm fearing before. It's probably just nerves. :'D
Once again, the CS(and maybe also Discord?) will come out if I get enough interest.))
The Mythos:
Long before there was even time or matter, there was only nothing.
Nothing besides Nevermore, Arachne, and Gaia, however.
Now, due to some details of this story being lost to time, the explanation for why the three deities were there since before the beginning of time is now gone, but I digress.
Anyway, the three of them eventually got bored of floating in the emptiness for seemingly all eternity, and decided to make a world so they could at least interact with things that would make them less bored.
And so, Nevermore created Unity(the world)’s spirit, Arachne created Unity’s mind, and Gaia created Unity’s body.
When it came time for the three deities to create mortal beings to live on Unity, they did so separately, but Nevermore and Arachne soon became jealous of each other’s creations after they all did so.
Gaia tried to reason with them, but Nevermore and Arachne kept fighting, and they eventually tried to destroy Unity and redo it to their liking.
Gaia, however, noticed that their creations were very much alive, and that they would all die and not be able to have their spirits recovered at all if Nevermore and Arachne had their way.
After being torn for a bit, Gaia reluctantly decided to seal Nevermore and Arachne deep in their own elements(so Nevermore was bound in the Spirit Realm and Arachne in the Mindscape) in order to save their creations, and then turned into a tree and watched over and served as a protector for them that way.
She also salvaged as much of Unity as she could, but wasn’t able to turn it whole again, so the island remains of Unity eventually became Fracture.
The Plot:
Many centuries have passed since then, and while Fracture has prospered thanks to Gaia’s help, a new threat has arisen as well.
Directed by an unknown man with the powers of destruction and corruption, monsters born from the man corrupting people’s souls/minds have been terrorizing Fracture.
In response to this, Gaia made a child in order for them to combat these monsters, and they have been joined by four others, who have seemingly appeared out of nowhere and have no memories of their pasts.
Not all is well, though, and the creation of these four other teammates might be linked to Nevermore and Arachne themselves…
The Notes
Okay, I'll admit, I haven't finalized this version(I have a story version of this, by the way) of the villain yet, so I might need some help with that. :')
All you should know right now is that he's behind the whole Corrupted situation, and might or might not be under the control of/puppeted by Nevermore...but I don't really know yet, I'm just figuring things out right now. xD))
Corrupted in General:
To put it bluntly, Corrupted are people that turn into monsters.
Nowadays, you can only turn into one if you get scratched or bitten by another Corrupted, but during the early days of the Corrupted, Noir used to turn people into Corrupted himself by using his corruption powers.
When you get turned into a Corrupted, you fall asleep(due to your mind, body and soul being, well, corrupted) and the Corrupted takes on a life outside of your own, not even knowing that it was you at some point in time.
As such, it views being partially purified as dying, with the Corrupted who are partially purified viewing it as having an imposter(AKA, you) take over their body and life, and the only way they can take it back is through fighting said imposter.
I’ll elaborate on that later, though. ;)
All Corrupted view being completely purified as dying, however, when in reality, they just turn back into the instinctual side of you(the person who turned into the Corrupted in the first place) and let you assume full control again.
All About Purification(and why it’s bad to only purify one aspect of a Corrupted and not the others):
So you remember what I said about what happens when you partially purify a Corrupted?
Well, I’m going to elaborate on that now! :D
So, let’s start with only purifying a Corrupted’s body-
The Corrupted will turn back into a person if you do that, but since their mind and soul are still corrupted, their thoughts will be driven more by instinct than usual and they’ll be moments when the person acts like/identifies as a Corrupted-
If you only purify a Corrupted’s mind, well, then you basically have a person that’s in a Corrupted’s body and having strong urges to act like a true Corrupted-
And, if you only purify a Corrupted’s soul, it depends on what kind of person they were when they were, well, a person, but usually, they’re docile(if still instinctual and animalistic) and can even get along with humans-
The Four Types of Corrupted:
The first type are more like predators. They see people as their prey, and readily terrorize and turn them into more Corrupted as a result. They have a pack mentality, and are very close with and protect their fellow Corrupted. If they’re in consistent groups, the group’s leader is either the oldest, most experienced, or most protective Corrupted.
The second type are more like prey. They’re acutely aware of their relationship with people, and often hide away from them, though will run if they need to. These ones are rarer than the first type, and are tied with the third type in how common they are.
The third type is a mix of the first two. They normally go about their business and flee from people if they have to, but will fight back if they’re cornered.
The fourth type is especially rare, and comes about when a person is very strong willed. The resulting Corrupted will be sapient and able to talk, but will also still have the usual Corrupted instincts and usually embrace them. They will also usually help their fellow Corrupted in some way, though some will help normal people and risk “dying”. The fear of “death” is overwhelming to even these sapient Corrupted, however, so they instead focus on helping other Corrupted prosper and transform others into their own.
Children of Gaia:
Congrats, you're the children of the only deity who (maybe) cares about their kids! If you are a child of Gaia, you have some control over nature, gain energy from the sun(which means you won't get as much during the night/storms/cloudy days), and was trained by Gaia herself to become warriors and help Fracture with its Corrupted problem(though you could just be working in customer service if you want- xD)! Usually, the children of Gaia look at least a bit like various plants in Fracture(like trees, bushes, and flowers), and also have a mental link to Gaia. Will probably be sent to another of Fracture's islands in order to figure out how to stop the Corrupted problem at the beginning of the RP, if Gaia's children haven't already met/teamed up with the other characters.(0/3)
Children of Arachne/Nevermore:
Well, at least you guys are still alive! Arachne and Nevermore made you in order to have willing pawns that will help them come back to Fracture and tear it apart in order to make it their way, but whether you do or don't decide to do this is up to you, honestly. The children of either Arachne or Nevermore have some sort of psychic abilities(from Arachne) or some sort of powers/magic relating to the soul(Nevermore). Either way, Arachne and Nevermore don't usually help out their children out of bad spots unless they want to help them, so their children usually start out in bad situations, which will probably affect their interactions with the other RPers' characters, including the children of Gaia.(0/3)
Children of Normal People/"Normies":
Oh, so you're a normie, eh? These people are born to normal residents of Fracture, and thus might also be the most well adjusted(?). Their magic/powers aren't as powerful as the demigods, but that's not to say that they're useless; quite the contrary. These guys can also come from any island that's apart of Fracture, so get creative with them and their powers/magic! Potential magical abilities from these guys could be magical mimes who can make the thing that they're miming real, having finger guns that can actually shoot magical bullets, or being able to magically make "gifts" that are actually bombs of some sort.(Unlimited)
Sapient Corrupted:
See the above information for them. While usually, Corrupted(even sapient ones) are merciless monsters, for the sake of diversity(and potential, interesting ideas), I'll allow these guys to be in the RP if you 1)have a good idea that involves your character being one of them, 2)can be able to RP this idea fairly well, and 3) your Corrupted character is at least willing to cooperate with a mostly good aligned party. Oh, and also tell me in the CS why they're teaming up with the heroes instead of other Corrupted, especially since the heroes are usually going to slay Corrupted in order to help the people that they're possessing anyway.(0/1)
The Rules:
No god modding.
No OP or perfect characters.
Most of the time, the various NPCs will be controlled by me. You can give me ideas for any NPCs you want to see in this in PMs, though!
Please be nice to each other OOC. IC arguments are fine, but if you can solve OOC problems in PMs, then solve it in PMs.
I'm thinking over my character and would it be okay if this character was based off of Scheherazade from 1001 Nights (the series of stories where Aladdin came from)?
((So, on different forums outside of this, I've done something called "[insert my nickname on those forums here]'s RP Ideas", where I try to figure out which RP the people on those forums would like by just pitching ideas at them.
Since the other RPs I've made on here are completely dead at this point and I've cleaned out my schedule with the other RPs I'm in, I decided to figure out which RP I wanna do here next by doing something different from that, but still similar in concept.
Here's the dealio: I'm gonna post maybe two, three Interest Checks, and see where it goes from there. If at least one of them gets popular enough that I can make an OOC for it, I'll do that and also try to find someone who's willing to be a Co-DM for it, as I've clearly proved to myself that I can't do this alone, or the RP will shrivel up and die after a few months due to lack of planning on my part.
Everyone got that? Hopefully you all do, because I'm gonna move on now. See ya hopefully soon! :'D))
The Plot:
BASICALLY, there’s an American city named Charm that’s tied to a magical realm called Grimm.
An immortal guardian who’s a man in a suit of armor guards the realm’s entrance, but when the spirit of The Evil Queen decides to send a concocted up monster to Charm in order to test the waters and see how strong the people of Earth could be(as well as potentially killing her niece, who, as far as the Queen knows, could be the person to send her back into Hell for good someday), the guardian's vials on his belt that contain his extra, fairy tale-related powers are thrown into Charm by the monster, and your character(s) get both the vials and the powers somehow, which means that the guardian now has to find and train these literal teenagers in how to use them for good, especially when The Evil Queen starts to send more monsters than just the initial one.
Of course, there's a bit more to it than that, but where's the fun of revealing it all right now? ;)
The Notes:
This will hopefully be a balance of both plot and character-based RP, if you're wondering.
I will be controlling both The Evil Queen and The Iron Knight(AKA, the immortal guardian, if you're wondering), as well as all the monsters.
There will be a certain, special role that you can have in this RP(and when I say "special", I mean "the DM will be working with you more directly than the others in order to figure out where the plot will go with your interpretation of this character specifically"), and that's the role of Snow White(who's currently living in Charm and becomes apart of the main group as well, by the way)! She was taken to Charm as a baby, and because time in Charm is slower than time in Grimm, she's currently a teenager and staying with the person who took her to Charm in the first place in order to protect her(instead of being long dead, which she would've been had she stayed in Grimm).
Speaking of which, all of your characters will be either inspired by fairy tale characters OOC, or be an actual fairy tale character who came from Grimm at some point. Also, all of your characters will be teenagers.
The Rules
Please follow the forum rules and guidelines.
No god modding.
No OP or perfect characters.
Please be nice to each other OOC. IC arguments are fine, but if you can solve OOC problems in PMs, then solve it in PMs.
Have fun. I dare you. (xD)
((CS will be coming out if anyone has any interest in this. xD))
Oh same here, the original plan was to start yesterday, but since the last two players haven't had time to finish their characters, I decided to push the dealine up a few days. The first IC will be up pn thursday in which everyone is expected to have finished their sheets :]
No, it takes place in the same world as OOT. It is within the 7 years that Link disappears when he is trapped in the void. And the map is a rough approximate, since most folk in Hyrule can't Geography worth shit 😂