Here's the link!!:
Are you still looking for people to join?
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>
I linked to a sample of my RPing. It's with a different character, mostly to save on time so as not to stall things while I write; Wednesdays tend to be my.busy days.
Hey! Don't know if you remember me, but I was there for the first shot at this! I'd love to give it another go, if you're still looking!
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>
Need me to expound upon anything or make edits?
I have an idea of a Romani witch. She got abandoned by her family after they got spooked by the classified crew. A truancy officer arrested her, then she wound up in a child protective services orphanage when they realized she was living on the streets.
She can see demons, not only her own but those around others. Only other supernatural beings (like vampires and demigods) can see her demons, but they're harmless to mundanes. They're part teachers, advisors, and tormentors.
She can also see lay lines, tapping into them to power her spells.