Name: Risa Matsuo
Age: 5 years old
Gender: Female

In the real world

In the dream world.
Personality: Risa is extremely calm, both on the real world and the dream world, but there's a scent of loneliness to her. In the dream world, she is slightly more playful.
History: Risa was born both mute and deaf and her mother died after her birth. Her mother's parents that took care of her most of the time because her father was constantly working as an electrician. She has never left her grandparents house and she is home-schooled, so she had little to no contact at all with other children.
Dreams: In the dream world, she becomes a little older, about 10 years older. The landscape is always the same. A large grassy field that seems to be endless. Floating around the field are strange balls of light that Risa is able to gather and fuse in order to form various different shapes including human shapes. In that dreamworld, she is always accompanied by two human figures composed of light with only the faces being real. The faces are of her parents.
And there you go. Hope you like this.
Finished: 19:13 08/09/2014