Name: Succubus
Identity: Marilynn Lovegood (Not public)
City of Operation: San Diego, CA. Previously Hollywood

Age: Unknown (looks to be in her 30's)
Gender: Female
Drain Beams - Succubus is able to channel beams from her hands that paralyze, cause intense pain, and steal life force from whatever living being that they touch. The affected rapidly ages until it is nothing but a skeleton. With this, she maintains her youth and is able to heal herself as well.
Demonic Mirrors - She can summon up to four mirrors and move them telepathically. The mirrors are able to reflect the drain beams. When one breaks for some reason, the mirror and the shards vanish but she can summon it back again after a short moment. The mirrors have another ability however. She is able to channel the images from one mirror to another, creating a way to view things from a distance.
Form Change - She can reveal her true form, a succubus, whenever she wants to. When she does this, demon wings burst forth from her back and sharp horns raise from her head. She also gains sharp claws that she can use to cut through flesh in close range.
Skills/ Talents: Acting, Impersonation, Forgery, Disguise and Seduction.
Equipment: While hunting, Succubus always carries with her two whips. One is a normal one that she uses for the most kinky of prey. The other one has long spikes on the tip that cause damage and may even lock themselves in to flesh. As for her clothes, when she is Elisa, she always wears the most beautiful, pompous and expensive clothing that she can find, but when she is Succubus, she often wears a black robe adorned with demonic characters.
Weaknesses: Her beams reflect on every reflective surface, not just her own mirrors. Also, they need to be in direct contact with flesh in order to be effective, and if the flow is cut before the process is complete, her target regains it's lifeforce and the aging returns to normal. Her mirrors are easily broken and it takes a short time before she can summon them again (about 2 minutes). She also hates being ignored and will usually act harshly should this occur with no regard for her own safety. Another thing she hates is having cuts or bruises visible on her face. This incurs her inner demon rage and she will lash violently at whoever caused that to happen. She is also more adapt at fighting from mid to long range and will act purely on instinct in close range. This leaves her at a disadvantage when fighting someone trained at close range, specially if she is enraged and not in control of her own emotions.
Psyche: Succubus is envy, greed and pride personified. She absolutely hates being ignored and wants all the attention to herself. She hates seeing anyone but her on the front cover of every magazine. She also hates having her skin cut, especially her face. She believes she is the most beautiful and most talented actress in the whole world and anyone that says otherwise will most likely turn to dust.
Her history in Earth begins in Salem, Massachusetts, in the year of 1683 when a powerful witch summoned her in to this world. The witch wanted to enslave her and use her powers to take over the entire continent, but it is hard to control a demon and the witch soon learned that by having her life force stolen. Through the years, and following the great witch hunts, Succubus learned that it was best to live secretly among side humans than to enslave them all, but that didn't meant that she couldn't control them through other means.
She fused herself in to society by marrying the mayor of whatever city she was currently in, usually by either killing them or by accusing them of witchcraft, which would usually lead to their deaths anyways. When the witchcraft hunts ended, she moved all around the united states until she arrived at a small town called Los Angeles. The irony of the name of the city made her want to leave there but she still kept taking some trips around the states. She wanted to be wherever she could be famous. During the years, she assumed the roles of famous people, namely Amelia Earhart and Marilyn Monroe. While the first one only gave her a few years of publicity, even after she "disappeared", the second one made her really really famous. Unfortunately, she had to kill off her own persona and disappear. With the help of a few seduced men, she managed to do just that.
Now, she is Elisa Lovegood, a rising star in the world of cinema and already a winner of three Oscars for best actress and two prizes for woman of the year. She was about to win the third prize when a so called hero child was caught shielding a kid from bullets. This made her not only loose her prize but also the front page on every magazine. She became furious and moved to San Diego to fight and kill this hero, Cherry bomb. She began a relentless crime spree in San Diego just to bring out this hero, and when she did appeared, Cherry bomb thwarted her plans and defeated her. Luckly, Succubus managed to escape and now she is preparing her next attack on the city.