Avatar of Dragonydas


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4 mos ago
Current Game Designer no longer in training (long overdue update)
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9 yrs ago
Game Designer in Training


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I'm interested in this. Thinking about making a gentle sweets baker with a knack for fairy types ^^
I'm interested as well. I do have some ideas I may want to run with you first before joining though.

Monsters... Mythical beasts and creatures with incredible powers. They used to roam the world, hunting humans for their own pleasure or entertainment. It has been many years since we have had eyes on a monster. Some say that heroes brought them to extinction. Others claim that they just found another world and vanished to it. Not me though. I know they are still around, pretending to be humans. No worries though, we'll find them... sooner or later... - Commander Charles G. Vector, Leader of the Hero Association

From a very long time, monsters have been living among humans in various monster communities, hidden from view by magical abilities. Only humans that are completely trusted by the monsters know of their locations, and even then, they are usually not allowed inside their living area.

This is the Umbra Rose Condo, a closed off apartment complex with tight security. Residents hardly ever leave the safety of the gates, and when they do, it's not for long. Magical spells are in place to prevent humans from knowing what happens inside and who the residents of this place truly are... Monsters

This is a slice of life fantasy roleplay about monsters living in an apartment building in a city. They can be who they really are inside the gates of the complex, but outside, they need to behave like humans or the Hero Association may find them. I have various plans about events happening both inside and outside the complex, so if this interests you, please let me know. [/center]
Alright people. I probably won't be able to post till Monday as I'll be participating in the Global Game Jam this weekend. Perhaps I could even include some of my experiences there in my first post. who knows...

Till Monday then

Thank you very much. Will make my first post tomorrow either during work or after it.
Sean Leddy





Games (especially strategy)


Zodiac Sign

Special Talent
Very good imagination

Game Designer working at home

Very hardworking individual. Usually calm but can have a temper if things don't go as he plans, especially if it's someone else's fault. Loves to let his imagination run free, sometimes telling innocent lies to people that he meets. Slightly introvert, but likes to have a beer with friends from time to time, although he usually just plays games while the others speak. He is also very shy. Prefers to meet people from different countries through the internet and doesn't really know how to start a conversation with someone face to face.

From a very early age, Sean was introduced to games and gaming by his parents and family. He loved to play games, but he never felt that he was good enough to become a pro-gamer, so he decided to do the next best thing. Make games. He always had a very inventive imagination which lead to many of his teachers praising him.

When the time came for him to choose his university course, at the age of 17, Sean decided to study Computer Science, hoping that it would take him closer to his dream of becoming a Game Designer, however, he had chosen wrong, and after 4 years of failing almost all of his classes, he decided to abandon studies and try to self-learn the skills he needed. At the very least, he had learned to program.

After 2 years, Sean learned that a new course was opening at the university he previously studied before. Digital Games and Multimedia. The course he really wanted. He immediately joined and studied as hard as he could, promising himself not to repeat what he did on his previous course. There was only one course he was having troubles with. Art. Even though Sean had a really good imagination, art was not his thing. Luckily for him, he joined with one of the best artists in the course, and they stuck together till the end of the course, helping each other when needed.

3 years after, Sean finished the course with high scores, but his friend decided to move on to other things and the group separated. Sean then decided to start making his own thing. Using drawings and models that his friend had made before, he created a very simple game and placed it online for a very small price, but it got enough sales to give him the courage to start a new project.

He decided to leave his old town and start somewhere else new, so, by asking his own fathe0 for a loan, he came to Sol city, but after one year, he was making very little progress on his new project and the money he had been saving was now ending. Now was the time to get serious.

Your character's favorite song
@PrinceAlexus @Pilatus

Added the history to it. I'll add the character to CS now
Alright... Let me just place a quick post here... XD

Alright. I need to write up an explanation it seems... Something that I did not account for happened and due to that, I'll have to travel to Spain for a week. I will only leave in the 3rd of August but I don't find it reasonable to start it right now and then leave you guys without me. I will write up the IC once I get back on either the 11th or 12th and then I'll pm you guys. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sorry for the tardiness

Accepted and added to the characters. IC post will come soon.
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