Avatar of DruSM157


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3 yrs ago
Current Jokes on everyone I just look like a sad Travis Touchdown who has really really loud shits
3 yrs ago
You status bar people sure are a contentious bunch
3 yrs ago
Adding to that, unless you are exhibiting life threatening symptoms (unable to breathe, etc) go to a rapid test site in your area than going to the ER. Local ERs are swamped and overwhelmed here.
3 yrs ago
As someone who has been stabbed in the past knives are not kinky
3 yrs ago
I'd rather just...never take a lewd of myself.


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Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern-- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

Benkei sighed at the sight of his brother acting like a lush and continuing to ramble on in their mother tongue. At least no one save Rael could understand him.これが私が飲まない理由です He muttered, helping shoulder his older brother to lead him outside. As they led Kazuki outside, Benkei’s thoughts chased around the idea of approaching Mystic Prophecy again.

”I’m not sure my brother and I should go to Mystic Prophecy. Not yet, anyways.”

We don’t have the luxury of following the moderator’s orders. We have to complete this dungeon. How ignorant he had been! If he could just go back to their preparations, to go back before the dungeon. He'd slap every single one of them, he'd cave the main room in. Anything to keep them from progressing a step further into that nightmare. He'd make them all sign off at once. Whatever it took to save them, instead of what had transpired.

He’d missed Luci’s admonitions against him and his brother; by the time the rest of Mystic Prophecy had met up with them, he’d long since lost consciousness. But his brother’s face the next day, the looks given to him, he knew what the looks meant. He’d seen them every day of his life at home.

His gaze moved over to Kazuki, still drunk like a salaryman after work.”I wonder what would have happened had things been different. If I’d not been so obsessed with trying to be the best at something. If I’d stopped trying to be like Kazuki.”

“If everything’s gone to hell, the best we can do is stick with each other.”

Andrew Parker



Aurora Colorado

High School History Teacher

  • Eagle Scout: Spent youth learning various bushcraft and survival skills, which he has kept up as a hobby as an avid hiker and camper in the Colorado Mountains.

  • Educated: Has strong knowledge of historical events, and is a strong proponent of “those who do not know the past are doomed to repeat it”.

  • Handy:Is used to doing small repairs and fixes on plumbing, cars and minor home repair. Nowhere near enough to replace a plumber, mechanic, or contractor, but enough to do little bits of work here and there.

  • First Aid: One big thing his school district imposed was having teachers be first aid certified. Andrew is capable of performing CPR, splinting a broken limb or properly tying a tourniquet for a deep wound.

  • Target Shooter: Has minor experience with rifles, shotguns, and handguns and is aware of their function, how to load and clean the weapons, as well as firing them. However, he is not trained in any kind of combat.

Born to a middle-class family in Aurora, Andrew grew up as many young men in the 90’s did: doing lots of extracurricular activities while his parents worked.

Location: Crew Bunk, Fortuna | In Transit

”Remember, an Exoframe isn’t going to win many battles. Pilots win battles. My job isn’t to turn you into good pilots. Good pilots fight for the corpos, the governments and for planetary defense systems. Piloting for the Raiders makes you one of the best.” Herax Singh stood in front of the line of young men and women; mostly backwater folk that he’d gathered upon his travels. They’d come far enough to warrant a bit of his time. He walked the rank and file, eyeing up each one before he stopped to face Marlowe. The boy’d been with the Raiders three months and actually showed promise in piloting. But he was as green as a Rack’s Backside on Tevlac VI.

“Let’s see how quickly you can prep up for combat.” Singh turned and pointed at the large Exoframe behind him. In large black paint, it read BUCKET. “You got thirty seconds to get that ‘frame moving or you’ll scrub the latrines with your toothbrush for the week.”

“Sir!” Marlowe jumped quickly at attention, his heart racing. Failing in front of so many new recruits would be bad, but letting down Mr. Singh would be the worst feeling possible. After all, he owed the man his life.

Herax took out a rusty, metallic object from his person and opened it. It was a pocket watch. An honest-to-god, working pocket watch. “Go!”

Marlowe ran.


Marlowe shot up straight, as the music of his alarm filled his ears. It was time for his shift. He grumbled, getting ready. He took a pulse shower, brushed his teeth, threw on his gear, and made his way down the hall towards what could be considered “Ops” for the Fortuna.

Maybe he could do some cleaning and repairs for Bucket’s weapon systems-“Fuck you!” annnnd Marlowe decided to carry on towards the mess. He grabbed a tray and held it under the food processor. Cheap, grey food cubes fell onto the tray.

“Right. I forgot we don’t have the credits for the good stuff,” he muttered to himself. He took a bite out of the food cube, and it tasted off. ”Hurkk..” he grunted forcing it down before washing it down with some recycled water. They really needed to make some good cash, sooner than later. Otherwise, he’d die of botulism long before they got blown up or killed in some backwater dust-up.

Gonna work on the IC post today oboi

<Snipped quote by DruSM157>


We are unsure if her hair is in a bun under that habit

Location: The Laughing Worg Tavern-- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

Rael and Graves’ back and forth had not been helpful, especially with Graves’ insinuation that the Denizens were something less than human still. He’d taken his worries to Sif, and whilst she didn’t completely agree with him; they still knew something had changed. And Rael was right, in Japan, those that could not contribute to society were stigmatized and branded as something like parasites. Hikikomori, NEETs, Ronins, each of those titles hung behind him as he struggled through school. ”Don’t expect to live like a hikikomori like some of those worthless drop-outs. If you can’t make it in school, I’ll have you on the streets bringing in money some way or the other, you lazy brat." At least here in this world the only person harassing him was himself.

And even Kazuki stood up and made great points that they had to stick together. Everyone was joining in, bringing information to the table, all without his input. It was probably better that he remained quiet and let the others talk now. And then, a quiet voice broke the constant back and forth to bring everyone in the room together again.

Finally. He’d been waiting for everyone to come together and discuss things, and Seele took the initiative to bring them together again. Benkei nodded at the girl. “Right.” She’d told him that she’d been working on her own project, and this was it. He and Sif had heard a little bit of the same rumors; people disappearing as well, and not just those traveling to attempt dungeons.

Benkei grabbed a few documents and carried it with him to Seele’s table. He’d taken a few notes from some of the Denizens and a few wayfarers in the past day, and he’d bring whatever information to bear alongside her. ”Sif and I heard a little about this too. I think whatever is happening is probably very important beyond bringing other groups together. Even if it’s just to keep us all safe.”

<Snipped quote by DruSM157>

You know what really hurts? Forgetting to subscribe to this thread. Oops.

<Snipped quote by DruSM157>

This hurt me more than I imagined it would
I am being held by mantis shrimp gunpoint to post in this thread by @DruSM157.

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