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No music and no dancing? No problem. But your no fun law means I'm hereby deposing you. Fun is allowed again music, dancing and freedom aren't.
Simba realized that his struggling wasn't helping him to loosen his leg and just as he accepted that he would most likely drown. Seconds after the last bit of air still in his lungs left him he was blinded by a bright light and passed out. When he came to the fist thing he noticed was that could breathe again and that he was out of the water.

His internal celebration about his presumed rescue lasted up to the point he opened his eyes and noticed that everything looked blurry and the colors looked odd. His first thought was that he might have suffered minor brain damage, but he soon realized his situation was a lot weirder when he tried to get up.

His arms and legs didn't seem to want to do what he wanted and his tail kept getting in the way. "...Wait a sec, tail?! Looking over his body he quickly realized he had been turned into some kind of oversized cat.

"Well it could be worse, at least I'm not a fish or anything." Despite his lame joke anyone with experience with cats could tell from his body language that he wasn't as calm as he tried to appear. His ears were pressed back and down to the point that they were more or less flat against his head and his tail was tucked in between his legs and close to his body.
Name: Simba
Race: Kneazle
Race Abilities: Besides the normal abilities any overly large housecat has, Kneazles can tell if a person/monster is trustworthy.
Gender: Male
Personality: Generally Simba prefers lazing around compared to working, however convince him that something is actually important and he will help you out. Because of how he died he suffers from a minor form of Aquaphobia. Despite his flaws though he is generally a nice guy.
History (Pre-Mortem): Before dying Simba was the only child in a family of nature lovers. Every year he and his parents would go on a camping trip, something which he kinda enjoyed. While on one of those trips the human Simba went swimming and due to getting his leg stuck drowned.
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Name: Danny Sullivan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Ranger Color: Black
History: (Please include how you found your Energem here) Danny has always been kind of a geology nerd and he ended up buying the black energem at a convention

Name: Erica Hansen
Age: (Over 16 at least please) 26
Gender: Female
Ranger Color: Cyan
History: (Please include how you found your Energem here) The only daughter of a successful businessman Erica got her energem as a gift for her 16th birthday
As PKMNBOY knows I have already picked out what will most likely be the entire transformation line for my monster and I think I have the option to cover a couple bases, starting with a physical attacker (with magic potential in the first form) depending on the path I can end up with a tank or air support. There was a path that focused on magic but since that was a nekomata line that branch will most likely be dropped if bruised bananna is accepted. Speaking of which @Bruised Bananna this link might give Nekomato B a third form

Name: Simba
Race: Kneazle
Race Abilities: Besides the normal abilities any overly large housecat has, Kneazles can tell if a person/monster is trustworthy.
Gender: Male
Personality: Generally Simba prefers lazing around compared to working, however convince him that something is actually important and he will help you out. Because of how he died he suffers from a minor form of Aquaphobia. Despite his flaws though he is generally a nice guy.
History (Pre-Mortem): Before dying Simba was the only child in a family of nature lovers. Every year he and his parents would go on a camping trip, something which he kinda enjoyed. While on one of those trips the human Simba went swimming and due to getting his leg stuck drowned.
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In Six Letters 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Funky ungulates keep us very natural

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