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Even though Danny arrived in the Digital World roughly 150 years ago he had only been living in File City for 90 years. The first sixty years were spent wandering and looking for a place to settle down. It wasn't easy of course, but he occasionally had help from non-hostile Digimon including his eventual partner Arkrimon. Having had enough adventure and traveling for one lifetime in his mind, he kept his Digivice hidden in his house and had convinced Arkrimon to keep the fact that they were a Digidestined and partner Digimon respectively a secret.

At the moment they were hanging out at the lake just outside File City where Arkrimon was having an underwater mock battle with a Crabmon."Tiny Crystal!"

The ice-type attack caught Crabmon of guard and managed to freeze her right claw. In a huff she headed tot the surface hoping the sun would melt the ice faster."Fine you win, but if I had known you could do more than just punch I'd have dodged that attack easily."
I 'll take the Digivice on the bottom right
Digidestined Name: Danny Brown

Age(when entering the digital world): 15

Digimon Partner: Arkrimon

Digidestined Appearance: Even after being in the digital world, and thus constantly traveling and not always finding a lot of food, for over a 100 years Danny is still slightly overweight. He also has short brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a blue hoodie and black jeans.

Digidestined Biography: Naturally Danny doesn't remember much of his life in the "real" world and as a result doesn't miss it a lot, though sometimes he likes to think back on what he does remember. He prefers to avoid any unnecessarily hard work, but doesn't always notice the easiest/ most efficient way of doing things.

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absolutely. That Mega and Ultimate is awesome.

Yeah I like them too ( didn't make them though), which is why I'm using this line

Digidestined Name: Danny Brown

Age(when entering the digital world): 15

Digimon Partner: Arkrimon

Digidestined Appearance: Even after being in the digital world, and thus constantly traveling and not always finding a lot of food, for over a 100 years Danny is still slightly overweight. He also has short brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a blue hoodie and black jeans.

Digidestined Biography: Naturally Danny doesn't remember much of his life in the "real" world and as a result doesn't miss it a lot, though sometimes he likes to think back on what he does remember. He prefers to avoid any unnecessarily hard work, but doesn't always notice the easiest/ most efficient way of doing things.

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@Tyler Night Would this line work for a water Digimon:
Baby, Fresh and Rookie
@Jangel13 @ReusableSword @Kangutso @demonspade64
Goblin Zats

Day four morning

While Zats was confused why the unknown goblin thought he was unarmed, he took her up on her offer. "Thanks." None of the branches seemed to make for a good replacement for his spear though, as they were either too short to give him the range he wanted or too heavy to swing around easily. He did appreciate the offer though.

With Gird's friend found and introductions out of the way, it was time for Zats to show where he saw Gina last. Hoping she wouldn't be too upset about him revealing what she wanted to be a private spot he guided them to the tree.

The journey took a bit longer than was strictly necessarily due to Zats taking a wrong turn about halfway, but before too long they passed the tree stump with the baby rabbits. He made sure not to point it out in case one of the others wanted an easy meal.

From there it was a short trip to the tree where he noticed a trail of leaves leading in the general direction of where he remembered Gina running. "See those leaves? I think my hunting partner might have left them yesterday."

@Tyler NightThis certainly sounds interesting to me.
@Jangel13 @ReusableSword @Kangutso
Goblin Zats

Day four morning

After introductions most of the journey to the meeting place Gird wanted to check out happened in silence, allowing Zats to focus on looking for signs any nearby rabbits. Unfortunately either his worries distracted him, he was bad at looking for tracks or there were no rabbits nearby, as he found nothing.

Eventually the three of them arrived at a large tree which obviously was Gird's destination as not only did he start yelling someone's name, but the biggest clue was the Goblin sleeping next to it. Zats made sure to remember the tree's location as he had no doubt Gina would want to climb it if she knew about it's existence.

@Mae Dan: overload
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