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I'm thinking of making an au version of one of The Mystic Knights Of Tir Na Nog.
@PaulHaynek Can we use fan made characters from real franchises?
@Jangel13 @ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Day four morning

Zats still wasn't too happy about revealing one of Gina's secret spots but Gird was right. There was no way she would be stupid enough to use that as a reason not to come back. As the three of them set out it quickly became clear Gird had taken it on himself to be the leader of the group something Zats didn't mind at all, especially as he had good ideas and asked the others for their opinions. Still since he knew he would have to learn how to act on his own Zats decided that one of these days he would go hunting without any partners.

As they made their way to the meeting spot Zats looked for any signs of nearby rabbits and as such was too busy to really talk.That said he did introduce himself to the third member of their group, as knowing each other's names is always useful. "I'm Zats and what is your name?"

@Mae Overload and exploration
@Jangel13 Zats saw it Gina didn't, but yeah that might work
@ReusableSword@Kangutso@Jangel13@Wildman13@demonspade64 Anyone has a good reason for why our group should check out the church? As it stands we have no reason to seriously suspect Gina is there.
@Jangel13 @ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Day three night

Since both he and Gird were done with training, and neither seemed to have any other plans on how to find Gina, Zats decided he might as well try and get some sleep before heading out the next day. As expected it took him a while to actually fall asleep, in small part because Gina had the only blanket he ever used and the still somewhat soggy rabbit skin didn't make for a great replacement. For the most part though it was because he was worried about her.Eventually he drifted off though.

Day four morning

When he woke up Zats didn't feel as well rested as he had hoped thanks to nightmares he could barely remember. Though one of them seemed to involve rabbits with ten foot long horns attacking him and Gina. Since there was nothing to eat for breakfast and he didn't want to wake anyone up he decided to practice his spear swinging on his own while waiting for gird and the other Goblin. He moved to a spot where he couldn't hit any of the sleeping Goblins but would be easily noticed by anyone looking for him.

This could be fun, though can we use pictures for appearance instead of text?
@Jangel13 @ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Day three evening

Seeing Gird block his attacks made Zats worry less about accidentally injuring him, at least until the other Goblin asked him to aim for his head. Luckily his opponent decided to stop and rest before anything went wrong. To Zats' surprise resting apparently involved making plans about how to their respective partners, something he didn't mind at all.

Gird's plan sounded good but there were holes in it due to things he simply couldn't know. "Yeah that would make sense, but I doubt it'll be easy or even possible to track Gina since she ran off through the tree tops. And to complicate matters even more she wanted to keep the location of where she dashed off a secret between the two of us, if she finds out I showed it to anyone it might become very difficult to convince her to come back with us."

Shortly after he was done explaining the issues with what otherwise would be a decent plan Gird pointed out the Goblin studying the two of them and suggested he came along. Like he was with Gird Zats was initially a bit reluctant, but once again reminded himself Gina's safety was what really mattered and an extra set of arms and eyes couldn't hurt. "If he want to come along that's fine with me."
I don't think it should take too long until we reach day four, unless we want several posts about Luz hiding in a hole unable to do anything.
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