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As Nathan listened to Seraph talk about the weather he immediately wondered if it might have something to with one or more Legendaries, by either messing with the weather or being unable to regulate it like they usually would. He wanted to ask about it but he didn't want to reveal that they knew more than they should.

Instead he latched onto the red eyed Pokemon the Kirlia mentioned. "We encountered a red eyed Bidoof last night, the others fought it off but I was no help since Normal attacks had no effect." Nathan didn't try how he felt about it and looked kinda down as he admitted how useless he was in that battle. Before anyone else could say anything he quickly changed the subject. "Also do none of those thieves you mentioned know any moves that might be able to stop the rain?" He knew he was risking their cover by referring to Sunny Day but stopping the flood was worth in it in his mind.

When Honey started handing out food his first though was to refuse it and give it to someone else, but he quickly realized how rude that would be and there was also the fact that he didn't know if the hanging from trees thing worked for Seedot in this world so instead he thanked the Lopunny and accepted the food.

You have no MP remaining.

Danny first though was to meditate and thus recharge but he wanted to make he was far away enough from the cave entrance that the humans wouldn't see it as an act of aggression. So he walked East for a while hoping there wasn't any danger. "If you can hear me, please don't drain anymore of magic, I'm completely out." He hoped his invisible companion was both intelligent enough to understand him and willing to listen.

Holding the source crystal in front of one eye he tried if he could the creature like that. Part of him wondered if it was Jason, having come back like he said he would, but he didn't think it was likely due to the lack of telepathy.

You used Source Crystal Shard!
(Immature) Human [(Apprentice) Knight]
All stats are superior to your own
Possesses Combat Skills: Slash, Skewer, Cleave, Defender, Blade Charge
Possesses Spell Skills: Minor Heal, Mana Shape, Mana Orb
Possesses Equipment: Steel Shortsword, Rawhide Targe, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots, Thick Gambeson, Forest Traveler's Cloak, Cotton Undershirt, Wool Pants, Cotton Underpants, Wool Socks, Leather Belt, Steel Hunting Knife
---Charge Empty---
Do you wish to use your MP to recharge the Source Crystal Shard?

Now that was certainly useful info, maybe not what he wanted to know but Danny was more than willing to recharge the source crystal and try to find out if he could use to see whatever the knight, Zieglar, was looking at. Before he could however he and Trent discussed something and the young boy gave him a clear warning.

"Poltergeist!" "If, if you're not lying to me, which I bet you are, then get away from here! Don't hurt any humans, and...j-just go away for now! Don't come back to this cave! And d-don't follow me or my Master! Or, or else I'll have to kill you!"

He was about to turn around and walk of in a random direction since he wouldn't stand a chance in battle against either of them when he felt his mana draining as well as a strange chill. It took him a few seconds to realize the draining part had a pattern to it. Since it consisted of long and short bursts repeatedly it almost had to be morse code leading him to the conclusion that whatever was behind it was from his world. He resisted the urge to recharge the source crystal not wanting to lose even more mana, and instead tapped his right foot in the same pattern before turning around and walking away hoping that the invisible creature got his point. "Yeah, you could kill me easily, just be careful of Rattleskull." Sure the goblin boss was already dead but poltergeists were pranksters after all.

>Head back to fountain.
The journey to the farm wasn't exactly a luxury cruise but it was far better than Nathan ever expected traveling in a birds mouth could be. The farmer's owner didn't seem to be the friendliest Pokemon around but he was still willing to let the group stay even though he was worried about food which was really something.

"I should be fine on food too, Seedot can get nutrients directly from trees. Though I've never tried it before and instead just ate normally." Celina made a good point about them scavenging around the area something Ravi maybe would have to do anyway if he was a carnivore, Nathan didn't know if this world followed anime or rules when it came to Pokemon rules or not. "If we have to we could also plant some of the non-healing berries you guys found yesterday."

Paul Logan

Paul briefly considered Xu Jian's suggestion of getting a gun, but worried that he might hit one of the non-immortals on their side decided against it. He did make a mental note to get at least some firearm training though. Once they were inside the Rift he could barely contain his excitement and had to keep from, simply dashing into the open door.

However since he both knew nothing about exploring Rifts and remembered that the maingoal was to field test Alice he stayed in the first room with the others. He kept glanzing towards the west of the room though. Trying to take his mind off of it he decided to inspect the room. First up was a mural of a knight and lion, since he figured someone else would do the obvious and check the altar. In case the mural would prove important later he carefully made a rub of it. Though since he didn't have the right tools it went slowly and wasn't too detailed.

@ERode @VitaVitaAR @OwO @Raineh Daze

Paul Logan

Unlike Charlotte Paul had showed up wearing more casual clothes, in the form of blue jeans and a black long sleeved shirt, his metal bat strapped over his back and some bandages wrapped around his hands. When Albrecht revealed the armor, weapons and everything else he had at first no idea to pick. Remembering his issues with his ax though he quickly decided to keep his equipment low weight.

He quickly settled on a simple padded vest and pants, a knife and mapmaking supplies hoping his skills at reading them would at least help him in drawing up something semi-useful. Remembering what Albrecht had said he had also grabbed a gasmask but he hadn't put it on yet. He approached the others. "Well what do you think? Anything I should change?"

@ERode @VitaVitaAR @OwO

While the humans' reaction hadn't been as good as he had hoped, at least they weren't attacking him and Danny now knew humans can understand him. He wondered how to best explain what he was without revealing the involvement of the Demon King. Realizing that silent for too long would be suspicious he spoke up. "Transformed is the best way to describe, I remember being a human in a different and dying which resulted in me being reborn as a Wisp. Now I don't know how accurate those memories are but seeing as I can talk to you they're likely to be real." That last part was a lie as he was one hundred percent confident he was indeed human and he hoped the humans wouldn't be able to notice, the knight in particular was sharp.

Luckily for him the knight seemed distracted by something though he couldn't tell what and he had only noticed because he was doing his best to keep an eye on both of them. Normally he would have ignored whatever the knight was focused on bur he knew that he had a habit of ignoring his surroundings when pre-occupied with something. Still if something was there it was either hidden really or invisible to him. Either way the sword pointing at him was more immediately important.

Still it bugged him the knight would no doubt be assisting his squire unless he believed whatever he was looking at to be more important. Danny really wished he had some way to see the invisible or something. Suddenly he remembered something Jason had once used the crystal he was now carrying to look at a Skelebin before he died. Slowly not wanting to seem aggressive he raised the shard and held it in front of one eye despite not expecting much.

Paul Logan

Paul was surprised to see the way Albrecht was eating, not messily of course but far more excitedly than he had expected. Not that it matter even a little bit of course. As he gave the spiel about how this was mainly to give Alice as much experience as possible, Paul placed some dumplings on his plate. He was fine with playing second fiddle this time, since it would be his time going into a rift where there was any danger. He wasn't too worried though as he trusted the skills of the others and the preparations Albrecht mentioned.

When the 19 year old was done talking Alice introduced herself as ARI Unit-001. Paul was curious about why she called herself of course but had enough sense to realize it was probably not something to discus in public, so he ignored it for now. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Paul. This is my first time going into a Rift where combat is possible, I should be far from useless though. I have an attribute in the form of an ax, that is unfortunately too heavy to use easily, so I'll mainly rely on a metal bat. I also know how to read a map and have some amateur boxing skills." Even he could tell that reading a map probably wasn't gonna be the most useful skill but he really wanted to convince the others he could help out at least somewhat without lying about his experience or strength.

@ERode @VitaVitaAR @OwO

@Renny Yeah never saw dragon knight though
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