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Irt decided to stay relatively close to the shore as he looked for something to eat, he had no intention of becoming food for a big fish after all. Not having any experience with catching fish this way he had no luck as his wild movements scared off his prey before he could get it. Moving along the shore he got closer and closer to the lizardfolk territory without realizing and eventually when he was about to give up smelled dead fish.

Following his nose Irt found some plants with fishguts buried underneath them, most of them were too rotten to eat going by the stench but there might be some fresh ones. He debated if she dig the fish up slowly and leave the plants mostly undisturbed or go fast and no doubt harm or even uproot the plants. Both ways had their downside but since he didn't expect to come back he went for the faster one and got ready to start digging.

@ReusableSword @Kazemitsu@Dark Cloud

Don't want to at least keep the shield?

If that is an option sure
First time I've ever just straight up reused a character, usually I change at least some of the basics but since my intended agnostic semi-loner magic user ended up being the bodyguard of his high-priest gf with a shield given to him by a Goddess thanks to completely logical story events I am giving him another shot.

Name : Zats

Gender : Male

Appearance: Zat's skin is a deep dark green and one of lower canines is damaged, leaving it shorter and blunt.

Personality: Zats isn't the most confident goblin in existence but he wil still try his best to be useful and help his tribe out. While not a genius by human standards he is a bit smarter than the average goblin, especially when it comes to quick thinking. Due to his confidence issues he doesn't often say something if he disagrees with one of the other goblins, unless someone else also shows doubts about the plan/idea or he feels it's really important.

Past Life History : In a different world Zats was a somewhat geeky kid with an interest in stage magic and had learned some simple tricks when he died along with his father in a car accident.

Skill : Magic potential: Zats has great potential to learn magic.

Other (anything you think should be put up):

(This will be filled in later as the rp goes on, for now just leave this part blank)


Acquired Skills:



@Jangel13 Time for Round 2! Or is it Round 3 this time? Either way! XD

Round 3
I'm willing to give it another go
As frustrated as Irt was over his lack of lackeys biology brought up more immediate concerns. His growling stomach reminded him that if was a while since he had eaten. Luckily he knew there were fish in the nearby lake, less lucky were the rumors that some unusually large Lizardfolk had claimed the area. Despite the risk Irt decided to test his luck and try to get his hands on some fish, though if he managed to spot a distracted Lizardfolk on its own he would get enough meat to feed himself but keep enough left-over to potentially make a deal with someone with.

With a new plan made the small Goblin made his way to the lake, only to find that his path ended because of a river that probably was an ofshoot. While he wasn't sure he doubted that the Lizardfolk territory would expand that far given that the lake was the largest source of water in the cave. He hadn't given up on trying to get his hands on a Lizard but decided that getting some fish took priority. He headed into the water looking for anything edible.
"She is just teaching me to box, you're the one who keeps saying I need a hobby besides manga and computergames after all."
Irt didn't know or care about the civil war. All that mattered to him was power, and to get that power he needed help robbing from any adventurers that entered the dungeon. That was why he was so deep in the dungeon, normally he stayed closer to the entrance but he had built up a reputation there and it had gotten harder and harder to find "allies".

Unfortunately for him it seemed news traveled far cause even here his suggestions to work together resulted in him laughed off at best and attacked on sight at worst. He was lucky that so far he managed to escape any fight with at worst a few bruises and the loss of a cheap wooden spear, not that he felt that way of course. He knew at least one kobold who would have been interested in the spear and who might have been able to get him in touch with a bugbear in charge of quite a number of other Goblins.

At this rate Irt feared his reputation would make it impossible to get any decent power and he even considered stealing the Merchants Grimoire. an idea he quickly rejected the thing was to well known to just sell or trade and if the Merchant saw him at any point before he could get his hands on the book he would go in debt to the skeleton and he didn't even want to think about about what would happen if he got caught with the book in his possession.
@Dark Cloud I've marked Irt's starting location in green here
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