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We can discuss what power level we'd like to work with in PMs or discord if you'd like. Glad to see there's people interested and we'll hopefully get at least one more person if @Zyx and @Duthguy are both interested.

I'm somewhat interested yeah
Also, a cool idea I have for power ups down the line is the discovery of a second set of Metallic Scarabs that can bond with our colored ones to make us stronger, adding in lines and segments of gold and silver to our suits.

While I know the Metallic thing is most likely a reference to the Metallic Armor, between it and the beetle theme I can't help but think of Big Bad Beetleborgs and Beetleborgs Metallix
I must say you have some interesting powers and abilities I decided to try the choose your own adventure out and ended up with a Red Type character with a fractal morph, conceal tier 1, mental block tier 1, hypermutation tier 4, and the death grip, instant reflex and ageless powers for a total of 15 points
@Forsythe I feel like Nautica and Einhorn will get along decently well, they might technically be on different sides but they both feel factions aren't that important if for different reasons
<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

So potentially five rangers now XD. What color did you want?

Well I'm willing to give @Martian first choice since they posted first, but I'm currently thinking green, yellow or purple
You had my interest at Power Rangers
Name: Einhorn (Art by nickonplanetripple)
Faction: Maximal
Protoform: Battle bot. Einhorn is primarily a melee fighter, relying on his horn and beastmode face plating to both attack and defend. In robot mode he can fire lasers from his beast mode legs but their position behind his back makes them somewhat inaccurate.
Beast Mode: Monocorn
Personality: Einhorn is a simple robot who doesn't see the need for subtlety. He is not stupid but knows he is no strategist so he will happily leave that to others, but he can come with simple but effective tactics from time to time. While he is not aggressive he actually enjoys fighting, as long as it is more along the lines of a brawl or friendly spar than a fight to the death. Einhorn is a loyal Maximal but tends to judge others more on personality than which faction they are on and has no issue befriending Predacons.
Background: Einhorn used to be Cybertron's equivalent of a professional wrestler, though the matches weren't faked. When he heard about the rescue mission and that is would be a bipartisan effort he signed up, both for the challenge and out of belief that Predacons and Maximals can and should work together.
Will we get the transmetal upgrade at some point?
First, I want to thank everyone who applied for the roleplay. You could have dedicated your time and energy somewhere else and you took a chance on this RP, so I am thankful. If you didn't get into this RP, I promise it's not the end! The hope is to expand the Rangerverse into multiple RPs at some point, so there may be an opportunity down the road.

Without further ado, introducing:

Red Crystal Ranger: Aidan Gregor (@BenG85)
Yellow Crystal Ranger: Orville Nicholson (@rocketrobie2)
Green Crystal Ranger: Charlie Fox (@LG)
Blue Crystal Ranger: Jordan Hall (@Akayaofthemoon
Pink Crystal Ranger: Ryan McPhee (@Crimson Flame)

Congrats to those who have made it! When you get a chance, post your CS in the Characters area with a hider. If you have been given a color that is not what you submitted initially, be sure to make that change when you post.

The RP will start some time this week so be on the lookout for that! Any questions, shoot me a PM, post in the OOC, or hit me up on Discord. LG#9189.

Boo, unfair. Seriously though congrats to those made it in
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