After hearing Septishock's spiel Blitzwing aimed at his weapon at Wingwraith again, he had no desire end up stranded in space after all. Luckily he once again didn't have to risk angering anyone as the ship's com systems confirmed what the Maximal had juts told them earlier. Not needing to be told to head to the statis pods twice Blitzwing took off as soon as the order was given.
Despite being one of the first Predacons to reach the pods Blitzwing didn't enter one immediately. After all he wouldn't get the chance to take down a Cybertronian again this easily. Before he could choose his victim though the ship entered the atmosphere and part of it exploded. This was enough for Blitzwing to cancel his plans and get in a pod while Wingwraith taunted the Maximals one last time. "Ugh blowhard."
I have seen the original cartoon back in the early 90's, as well the nineties extreme ghostbusters, which was surprisingly good and not extreme in the wrong ways.
The backseat of Zeek's car was a bit crowded but Danny was used to it, after they rode it pretty often. While he wasn't as big as a fan of the music as Zeek was he didn't complain and he had to admit that this Angus McSix at least had some interesting ideas for what he wrote songs about.
As he had expected Danny didn't do too great in most of the games, except for the shooters. He had enough experience there that he won a few matches. Of course he had fun, just hanging out with the others, chatting about stupid stuff and eating snacks.
After a while though Zeek got serious and wanted to talk about something important. At first his claim that he was the Power Ranger seemed like a joke but the way he acted implied he was telling the truth. Danny wondered how he should react before deciding it couldn't be true. Just as he and the others started laughing though Zeek proved him wrong.
Danny still hadn't recovered from the shock of seeing Zeek transform like that when several more bombshells got dropped. Zeek needing help did explain why he told them but it was a big responsibility and if he hadn't fully reprogrammed those Scarabs any of them could end up like that "Dark Ranger". "I don't know, I need some ti..."
Danny never got to never finish his sentence as suddenly Zeek's house was attacked by flying bug monsters and cyber-punk werewolves. One of the bugs nearly hit him with some kind of laser but like the others Danny managed to get to safety in time.
Seeing Zeek fly off talking about the Dark Ranger was trying to kill them he made up his mind. "I hope this works." Danny waited until the monsters were distracted before running towards the coffee table and grabbing the first Scarab he could.
He quickly placed it on the back of his neck, wondering how long it would take to bond. To his surprise the heads-up display and user interface appeared almost immediately and while it was rather expansive he didn't have time to study it. He quickly selected the transformation function as well as the first gun like weapon he could find.
Just like with Zeek he got covered in nanobot which eventually took the form of black and green armor and disappointingly small gun.
After a few seconds Danny ran to the door and did his best to help Zeek out by shooting at as many monsters as he could from the ground and discovering that he could take the bugs down with two or three shots. "Ha,take that."
Ah, shit, I forgot to make my CS(and don't know where you all got its template in the first place)!
Expect me to begin making it after I post another CS to the OOC of another RP here that I'm planning on joining. That one was a monster to write and edit, so I'll probably also want to relax a little before beginning to write mine for here.
I just copied and edited the raw version of CaptainManbeard's CS
Seeing the door start to open Blitzwing prepared to fire as soon as he caught a glimpse of a Maximal. Before that happened though the explosion caused by Nautica threw him off balance and he fell onto his back.
To make matters worse by the time he had gotten back up and had a Maximal in his sights for an easy shot, the ship suddenly turned briefly turned upside down and he fell again towards the ceiling this time, doing his best to ignore the strange voice. He managed to spread his wings and stop himself right as she ship turned itself right side up. "I'm not gonna fall twice." Unfortunately for Blitzwing the ship came to a full stop just as he landed and before he could brace himself in any way so he went down again. ____________________________________________________________
Einhorn noticed Septishock get up presumably to join the fight, it was kinda hard to read him with that single red eye. He tried not to judge the purple Maximal on his appearance though, but at the same time Einhorn hoped Septishock was as strong as that one gun arm made him look.He didn't have long to wonder about the science bot's combat capacities as Nautica set off the charges.
As soon as the shockwave passed Einhorngot ready to shoulder tackle the nearest Pred, only to have to change his plans when the ship started tumbling and a strange alien began talking to them.
Age: 19 Birthday: april 29 Height: 5'9 Body Type: Athletic Eyes: Hazel Hair: Darkblonde Pronouns: He/His Orientation: Asexual
While Danny is more of a follower then a leader he doesn't let people walk over him. He is not a big talker, but that is more out of awkwardness and can change if he feels comfortable around people. Despite his awkwardness he is no coward and he is willing to endanger himself to help his friends.
Talents & Skills
Basic first aid Japanese Jujutsu Markmanship Pyrography
Due to him having had an early birth as well as a still born twin brother Danny's parents were always somewhat protective of him, but never went overboard with it.
While he will never be able to go pro Danny has been playing laser tag since his tenth birthday and has become a decent shot, though he has never used a real gun.
He took up jujutsu and first aid because his parents "pressured" him into doing so, since they didn't like him running around shooting people for fun but they never forced him to quit. He stopped learning first aid after learning just the basics but kept doing jujutsu.
▬▬ Species ▬▬ Human: The most common group on Earth, who fall under the species Homo Sapien. The vast majority of individuals possessing superhuman powers are either humans or mutaforms, with mutaforms making up no more than a tenth of the powered population and a twentieth of the general population. Your fully human physiology makes you more easily relatable to the populace at large, and less readily distinguishable when out of cape. Moreover, you may avoid much of the complications that could come with a drastically different physiology in public places or everyday life. While society has largely adapted to the existence of mutaforms and to a lesser degree nonnatives, it should not be expected that most people wouldn't stare if you were a mutaform, and the same applies for the miniscule portion of the population composed of Earth nonnatives.
~Origin, Archetype, Objective, and Patron~
▬▬ Origin ▬▬ Born Super: You're the descant of a long and pure bloodline of Supers, whose powers may extend back almost a hundred years. The circumstances of your birth, whatever they were, were no accident: your mother was carefully selected for your father and vice versa to make sure not only that you would have powers, but that you would have optimal powers. Because of how powers pass down, you are more likely to have a Type, and if you do posses Aberrant abilities, they're likely similar to your parents'. ▬▬ Archetype ▬▬ Rogue: You aren't enslaved to an overarching ideal other than your own objectives, whatever they may be and however they may shift. Some may call this kind of viewpoint egotistic, but you call it freedom. You may be an altruist if see fit, or a miscreant when you have to, or some combination therein.
▬▬ Objective ▬▬ Endless Escapades. The adventure, is to you, an aim in and of itself. The rush of combat, of intrigue, of victory against all odds, and of unimaginable new voyages is a greater motivation than the objectives that lead you there. With every climatic battle and hard-won victory, you can rest assured a still-greater climax awaits in your story. Clashes in great power aren't the only element in a truly great story: love, mystery, terror, and revelation are all the hallmarks of a legendary tale whose tapestry you will spin by the hour.
~Powers and Mutations~
▬▬ Mutations ▬▬ Concealed (-0) tier 1 If you should change any significant aspect of your appearance, people will be naturally unable to discern a connection between your and your disguised persona.
Morbidity Limit (-0) tier 1 Powers can have a variety of extremely horrifying effects on the internal physiology. While these gruesome realities afflict common men, those with superhuman abilities have developed an adaptive mutation out of necessity and natural selection. Your body can not be targeted from the inside unless the powers involved are designed to only operate on the human body.
Power lock (-0) tier 1 While there are very rare powers which can manipulate and even take powers, powers return to their user the same way a cut blossom will bloom again with time. As is the case with all Supers, if your powers are taken, damaged or otherwise negatively altered, they will return to their original state with time. Polytype (-0,5) tier 1 Most Supers, if they posses a Type at all, can only posses one. This mutation, however, allows you to posses Powers in two different Types.
Mental Blocks (-0) tier 1 While mental abilities such as telepathy, possession, illusions or mind control can be devastating, anti-super human counterinsurgents have developed effective measures against mental attacks. You are aware of when an attempt is being made to influence your mind, and count the influence by concentrating and avoiding complex though of any kind.
Natural harmony (-0,5) tier 2 Your Powers control far easier than they would normally. You will never have any trouble pushing your Powers to their absolute maximum, nor will distraction, emotion, or exhaustion ever affect their or your own performance. Your Powers will actively avoid incidentally harming yourself or others if you wouldn't wish to harm them. Unlike most you have an encyclopedic knowledge of your power's limitations and the extent of their functions, making creative exercise of your powers much more readily available and increasing your tactical options.
Adaptability (-1) tier 1 Your Powers have drastically enhanced horizontal growth potential. Where most can only grow in scale, your abilities will also grow in versatility over time, giving new beneficial functions to your existing powers and expanding on the existing material you posses. Furthermore, if you have multiple distinct powers, you will develop powers that merge together.
▬▬ Powers ▬▬ Type Violet Tier 1 Kinetic Bolt (Mag.4) (-2) You can shape and fire bolts of kinetic energy which hit force and speed, impacting as if they were a solid, heavy object and dissipating against their target, with the speed of a fastball and concussive force to boot. You may control how hard these bolts hit below this maximum.
Light Shield (Mag.3) (-1) You can create energetic shields that are as tall and as wide as you are, and can endure forces and absorb shock as if they were made of reinforced concrete. These light shields are weightless and will remain until you allow them to dissipate or they are broken.
Heat Touch (Mag.2) (-1) You can manipulate heat convection within a certain magnitude using touch alone. The heat you produce is sufficient to light most objects on fire or weaken the structural integrity of dense metals, giving them a red-hot glow. In general, this ability perform any feat a blowtorch could, or cool object to a similar magnitude.
Energy Field (Mag.4) (-2) Custom violet While this intangible normally invisible field can't protect you from any attacks it still covers the outside of your body with just enough distance that normal everyday clothing won't disturb it. This field is how you use all your powers, so any energy blasts you fire don't actually come from your body. As a result you they aren't restricted to a single body part. Anything thicker than normal clothing is enough to disrupt this field and make the covered body part powerless though any unobstructed parts of the field are unaffected. For the purposes of fully disabling your powers all powers that use the energy field count as one single power, so if something gets rid of the energy field you're powerless until you get it back.
Type Orange Tier 1 Light (Mag.2) (-1) You can control light levels within the visible spectrum with ease, and cancel them to produce darkness similarly. You could make bursts of light like a flashbang to disorient enemies or leave them in total darkness where there would be light.
Fire (Mag.4) (-1) You may control and manipulate flames within a reasonable threshold of heat, intensity, and size that will expand with practice. You may create and snuff fire, or use existing fires for these manipulations.
After hearing Septishock's plans to strand the ship and Wingwraith's refusal to surrender Blitzwing briefly considered to try and take out the so-called Predacon leader instead. However he quickly realized that most of his "allies" wouldn't take kindly to that and they were a much more immediate threat if angered.
So when he was ordered by Wingwraith to simply blast the first Maximal they saw, a plan that fit his tastes very well, he decided to just do as he was told. "Whatever you say, boss." He moved his rifle a bit so that he was aiming at the door instead of Wingwrait prepared to fire at the first sign of a suitable target.
After giving his opinion of the door Einhorn was a little glad to see that at least one Predacon was sensible enough not to mutineer. The fact that several Maximals were willing to go ahead with her plan was even better, he was less happy about Septishock's plan and hoped the Science bot was just bluffing.
He stepped aside so that Nauticaa could plant the detonator and being one of the bulkiest 'bots on the bridge made sure to be on the absolute fore front covering as many of his allies as he could after the door was fully cleared.