- Name: Orrian Corfina
Species/Race: Elgafolk
Sex: Male
Age: 220
Court Alignment: Eastern Empire
Role: Emperor
Appearance: 6'2'' - sun bleached hair and brown eyes.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- Skills: Commanding from the front, Orrian is a handsome, inspiring and brave figure as well as a competent tactician who has the trust of the men under his command.
Weaknesses: Does not have much of a head for politics and struggles to understand the flow-on effect of actions.
- Backstory: Orrian Corfina, now aged 190, unlike his older brother was raised in the West on the vast open plains, amongst the nomadic elga tribes who were, even then, beginning to become suspicious of the Easterners abandonment of the ancient nomadic lifestyle in favour of ‘decadent’ styles of human Lordship. His father saw no purpose in sending his younger son, who was not expected to inherit the throne, to learn the ways of the humans in the East.
Over time, a strong resentment grew up between the brothers, with Orrian seeing himself as the better choice for Emperor, the more elga of the two of them.
It isn't clear who assassinated Emperor Voron. Voron, his son, was set to inherit the throne, while the Traditionalist faction saw him as a decadent and increasingly inept ruler. Both brother's blamed each other, though Voron commanded the Imperial guard and sent to arrest Orrian. Orrian, however, had received a tip-off ahead of time and fled the capital and raised his banner in the West, rallying many traditionalist elga Lords behind him.
While commanding, at most 40,000 troops, and enjoying almost no support East of the Morktree, Orrian’s victory at Lysfelt, which he personally commanded, has given momentum to his cause. While many of the Western Empire court believe in abandoning the lands East of the Morktree and some even favour abandoning Maceataby and Elvesland (Mittelvolk cities), Orrian is aware that if his brother is able to deal with the other threats to his rule and bring the full force of the Eastern Empire’s armies to bear, he will undoubtedly be defeated.