It was so COOL!
Otis, despite the massive eyebags he sported, was perhaps the happiest he had been since he entered Wingram Academy. Which was to say, his orange eyes were marginally brighter than before. His joy, truly, dwelt only within his mind. While he still had access to his Adapa, the Strigidae had taken as many recordings and measurements of the nullification ring as he could, noting down the simple yet ingenious multi-layer process of the runic carvings. It was a level of detail that he certainly couldn't replicate himself, at least not at his current level, a peek into another craftsman's masterful work. Concurrent runic enhancements with a dizzying amount of conditional effects and restrictions that also had a built-in thought transfer spell that was caused by the act of merely
reading the runes. Fascinating! It was like the cursed books of old, that could damn a soul for daring to even glance at the contents. And the Sword of Damocles as well, a concentrated mass of
nama essence, killing intent concentrated to such a degree that it became unavoidably lethal in a way that a mere concept could not, a spell that exist separate from the ensorcelled material that birthed it. Ugh, he really wanted to test it on another creature, see how the Sword fell if it was placed upon an individual without a heart, or with multiple hearts. How far did the conditions of such a curse fall?
Yes, in the end, it was worth it solely for the fact that he was allowed to spend a night searching through all this. Double-layered self-sustain mind-contagion runic enchantments. A new technique to master, no doubt.
Of course, Otis wasn't lost in his world to the extent that he was entirely blind to his surroundings. He still nodded at Chloe, still observed how quickly Davil had recovered. He still glanced over towards Michael, still mentally counted the number of bullets he had in his hip pouches. If there was trouble, his firearm would be all he could defend himself with. Which was plenty in one way, and utterly lacking in another way. His gaze settled on Alto.
"How long will the trip be? Will you be teaching during this?"