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Ho hum, may join this.
"Make an ugly character."

Challenge: IMPOSSIBLE.

Truly, there's something in the water. gonna blow off his jaw
I'd say just include it as part of it. No need to make others wait on my behalf.
It’s k, she hasn’t worn it.

Aaaand done.

//Eastern Village

Round and round, she’ll never stay,
Her fortune changes day by day.
A fleeting kiss, a fleeting life,
No field, no home, no hearth, no wife.

Lyrics matching the quiet tune died out once the floppy, brown-haired man came over, MacKinnon’s focus drawn to more pressing needs. She formed an ‘x’ with her hands when the cloth was offered though, shaking her head at the same time (whether to further emphasize her refusal or just to shake some loose dust out of her hair).

“No worries ‘bout that, bud,” she chirped. “Gonna get dirtier anyways, so you can keep it for yourself.”

Anyways, what was the point of a cloth? What could be done with a handkerchief could be done with her hands too. And what couldn’t be done with either could be done with well water. She sure hoped that others were dealing with that, really. If they could fill the barrel with water, it was big enough to bathe in! Heat up some hot rocks, and wow, that’d be the first wash she’s had since…
Well, if it was just a wash, she had one just a while ago.

Now, back to business!

Carrying the tune of that depressing but catchy song on her lips, MacKinnon continued her treasure hunt throughout the eastern portion of the village, poking her head wherever her head would fit. Mat number two was beaten and rolled up, a fine furnishing for her collection. And wow, in an otherwise completely empty room with nothing else in sight, there laid a single drawer, from which a handful of eating utensils laid! She spat upon one of the spoons, wiping it until she could make out the blurriest bit of a reflection within the concave surface.

It had been a while since she had seen herself too. The indistinct mass that mirrored her movements in the metal looked healthy and charming though, and she flashed a wider grin in response, before moving to pocket the spoon alongside its family. But something stopped her. A curious glint upon its edge.

The sun shone in one direction, but ray of light shone in another.

She raised the spoon once more, rotating and swiveling it before narrowing down where exactly that light came from. She turned around, green eyes narrowed, focused. A glimmer of greed, a shimmer of curiosity, a spark of excitement.

And then, there it was.

Hanging from a ceiling beam, basking in the light, spinning in the wind.

At this distance, MacKinnon couldn’t tell what it was, exactly, but that didn’t stop her from clenching her fists, pumping her arms, and jumping up and down. A deep breath was drawn in, all so that it could empower the triumphant roar that her soul, her spirit, her very essence demanded her to release.



A few minutes later, sporting a couple new splinters, a few new bruises, and a terrifically stupid grin on her face, MacKinnon spun the medallion by the chain as she headed southwards, to complete her expedition of the village.
Jackson gonna turn Khor's bike into a companion cube.
> He cannot create concrete or metal. If he were to, say, be trapped in a material like rubber or glass, without access to concrete or metal within thirty feet, he would essentially be rendered useless.

What kinda absurd hoops do you have to go through to make that happen kekeke
Sooooon. Violenceeeeee.

Anyways, @Estylwen@Herald I do want to eventually reach out to Leo about a friendly collaboration. Should we do a Commissioner collab first, or is Leo's personal contact information easily accessible?
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