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Asterion and Matthias can be wheelchair buddies.
Unga bunga'd a quick one out.

//Southern Village > Central Village
After the rush of excitement that accompanied a real treasure of a find, MacKinnon's desire for treasure-hunting had subsided somewhat, as the girl went through the final quadrant of the village with a smidgen less enthusiasm than before. It didn't help, of course, that the buildings themselves had no character, like just rows upon rows of storehouses or stuff like that. She had strode through shantytowns with more character than whatever this was!

Ah, but it wasn't a total waste of time either. She had always wanted a bowl to call her own, after all, and burlap sacks were always useful, either as a mat or as a sleeping cot or as a dress or as, indeed, a sack. MacKinnon climbed into it, setting her boots firmly against its bottom, then grabbed the open sides and pulled up as hard as she could! Her muscles flexed, her veins bulged, and (bad habit as it was) she held her breath as she tried her best to stretch the sack to the point of tearing!

But the point of tearing never came, and thus, she could conclude that it was a good sack indeed.

Still, once she had completed her survey of the area, MacKinnon could definitely conclude one thing: this had to be some kind of temporary shelter. There was actually straight up just no furniture to burn here! Which also meant that she wouldn't be putting holes in any doors or walls. Kinda a pity, that...
Aighto, two collabs done. Now just chilling before some others start.
Iz k. Soon, we shall purge this RP of Est's NPCs and then finally be free to engage in PvP. ;3

I d e n t i t y
Shirakawa Kagari, 17
3 ★ P R O H E R O Japan, Unranked - Eirei College

P e r s o n a l i t y
A creepy mad-scientist otaku type. Though introverted in that she prefers being left to her own devices, Kagari is excessively passionate about military technology and mecha, utilizing her talents and her Quirk to create all sorts of nonsense (that usually gets her in trouble afterwards). In a world where superheroes are a reality that children can actually aspire towards, she nevertheless chases another fantasy.

While not entirely heroic in the same 'protect the weak' way that her fellow peers are, Kagari nevertheless sticks with the profession because there's nowhere else she can test out her gear.

Some found their calling in the real-life heroics of real-life heroes. Maybe they saw All Might drag twenty civilians out of a burning building at once. Maybe they saw Endeavor drop a Prominence Burn on some dastardly villain in 4k. Maybe they just saw the interviews, associated heroes with celebrities, and decided that they wanted to be famous too.

Shirakawa Kagari, however, already had her heart stolen at the age of eight, when she watched her first Gundam movie off of her older brother's tablet PC. Her parents entertained her dreams, then became concerned when it was clear that it wasn't just a childish dream. With outsized passion, a compatible Quirk, and a desire to do whatever was necessary, the girl got to work.

After all, her teachers always told others to follow their dreams. Heroes always told others to reach for their aspirations. Politicians always told others to desire a better tomorrow.

So Kagari...well, Kagari didn't want to make 'customized hero suits' or 'practical gadgets for apprehending criminals'. She wanted to become the pilot of a twenty meter tall mecha!

Q u i r k
Sympathy for the Machine
Gen 5 - Psychokinesis/Emulation - Awakened

Kagari can speak with machines and metals through physical contact. Through this communication, she can learn how they are constructed, understand their current capabilities, and 'ask' them to do things. A computer that's password-locked will open up if she asks nicely. A motorcycle would push past its mechanical limits if she was the one riding it. Metal itself would bend and contort in incomprehensible ways if she told it what to do. Nuts and bolts will loosen or tighten, gears will spin or pop off.

With a touch, Kagari can give machines life.
° Disassemble: Eurmajesty asks an object to take itself apart, causing it to unmake itself. Though exceptionally effective towards high-tech gadgets, even simpler objects can be affected by this, such as a regular sword have the tang slip off the handle.
° Quick Fuse: One object connects with other objects, disassembling and then repurposing their components to create a new machine according to the designs inside Eurmajesty's mind.
° Man-Machine Integration: Eurmajesty dives deeper into a machine, enabling her to move, manipulate, and use something as if it were an extension of her own body, while simultaneously boosting the machine's own capabilities. When utilized upon a computer, she can literally dive her mind into the internet, but this causes greater mental strain than if she only used this ability to drive a car good.

° AWAKEN, MECHANICAL EMPEROR DANTALION! Eurmajesty pushes her Quirk to the maximum, while utilizing a special Support Item to call her magnum opus to her location. Dantalion is a five meter tall mecha that currently is incapable of moving if not for Eurmajesty's own Quirk working to supplement its mechanical capabilities. Armed with a pile bunker, an energy saber, as well as four armored plates strapped upon its back, Dantalion is able to move at speeds rivaling trains and has rocket boosters to enable it to leap thrice its height in a single bound.

Right now, it has a maximum operating limit of three minutes, before it overheats and shuts down in consideration to its pilot.
S k i l l s
Engineering • Data Analysis • Memorizing Pointless Trivia
Support Item - Solomon's Ring - Self Made

A mechanical bracelet that Eurmajesty wears on her right wrist. It serves as a booster for her Quirk, which is primarily based off of her body's bioelectricity, and enables her to communicate with machines and metals within a two-meter radius of herself instead. As well, it serves as the signal beacon that can remotely catapult Dantalion to Eurmajesty's current location.
Support Item - Sony Sight - Patented

Contact lenses produced by Sony Group Corporation. Allows for basic vision-enhancement functions such as vision magnification, night vision, and thermal vision, alongside other functionalities like being able to take pictures, record videos, or set up minimaps with navigation assistance.
Support Item - Trenchcoat of MAJESTY - Self Made

An oversized coat worn by Eurmajesty. Outside of being super cool and having great vibes, its also made up of carbon fibers and the same special metal alloy utilized in the construction of other restraining devices. Works great for protecting against various forms of physical attacks. In conjunction with Eurmajesty's Quirk, however, she is further able to take advantage of this by freely shaping its form to suit her needs, turning this mass of metal into anything from a formal suit to a giant shield to a living rope.
Now now, why would y'all even have beef with Ezra? Matthias would probably only really get involved if Aden asks him for help, due to his current focuses elsewhere.
Ho boi.

Poppy got low-diffed.

That being said, that means Matthias has no reason to avoid pushing eastwards now!
So just to check, how many more post cycles are you projecting before this 'action' round wraps up, Xalt?
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