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Oh hey, what's the difference between Gyft EMPs and Gyft Negators anyways?
Damn, guess I should be keeping inventory now.
Pssst. Robot Asterion hijinkssssss. Guaranteed to get him up and booted within a post round.

In any case, next round will be pretty funny. Matthias could probably survive two simultaneous attacks, but a third might be a bit difficult. He'd still win though, because he's HIM.
That's gonna be the big thing. The BFC isn't an actual group and one group member is half dead xD So... yeah. This will go lovely.


Like Asterion hasn't physically met Matthias (and their friendship/alliship/whatever the fuck you wanna call it) isn't strong. Bella and Asterion has never met. I don't think Matthias and Bella have ever met either? Asterion is not really about Emily and once he realizes Bella and Emily are in ties together (I don't know if Asterion will be willing to work with a cop even if she's a dirty one). He might get suspicious. Emily and Matthias haven't met yet either. Etc... Etc...

Funny thing is that Emily and Matthias have, in fact, met face to face and everything. Gurl just rolled up to church n everything.
Anyways, the actual funny thing is that the BFC isn’t even all that together yet kekeke.

To All Whom It May Concern,

The Sinners intend to go to War with the the BFC come Dawn (next IC Day). All Who wish to participate are recommended to pick their sides and coordinate with their respective members.

May the best Nocturnian win!

I raise you:

Through the fear, through the heart that's broken
Our world lies in wait for me
Let me tear every scar left open
This is, the taming of the beast
I'll end this war you started
I'll stitch this wound with bloodshed

You are my wicked victory
Oh, whoops. Will edit then.

Well, that certainly did not help her defense.

And here, Otis had figured that Ciara got along better with Hildegunde than with Iraleth. Did the sting of a perceived betrayal cause her to lash out harder? Did knowledge of Hildegunde's Ethos force the shadow-witch's hand, preferring certainty over trusting the unknown? The Strigidae considered it, then discarded it. It simply made Ciara's defense that much harder. She had almost extinguished one classmate, shaved years off the life of another, and then somehow decided to fight against a full-blown Umbralist in order to protect a third. It brought to mind multiple personalities. It brought to mind someone who only made decisions in the heat of the moment, with no consideration to past or future. He glanced towards her, amber eyes like looking at a specimen on the other side of the glass, wondering what she was. Wondering if he could puzzle her out before the executioner's blade fell.

Shame about classes too.

Otis stepped into the carriage after Davil and Chunji, securing himself a seat on the side. It would be a two day trip with no promise of being allowed to utilize their essence during its entirety, but at least he'd have things to keep his hands busy and his mind occupied. While others found their own places inside, the owlkin removed his gloves, rummaged for his sewing kit, and, before the carriage began, threaded a needle with a strand of gold. There was space enough for embroidering details, at least, and he doubted Rio and Chunji were the aggressively space-consuming type.


Kagari's protest sounded from the back of the room.

"Just let Kaiga skip if that's what he wants, Miss. It's not like he needs training."

Not that Kagari herself knew anything at all about her classmate's combat capabilities. It just kinda made sense that an Endeavor stan with fire powers would waste all his time doing bench presses and shitting out fire and all that kinda stuff. She barely blinked either when a malfunction occurred upon their homeroom teacher's holographic interface, only let out a sigh at the incompetence on display here. No wonder she got downgraded into 1B, if she couldn't even be bothered to customize the settings of her camera properly.

Well, the Technocon was exciting, at least. Even if she thought it kinda silly to be hosted in Otheon of all places, a country so small that it was basically only known for its singular 'main city' that didn't even have a standalone name. Like seriously? They couldn't have hosted it at a proper technological superpower? They decided to show off the years hottest startups and inventions in a quaint little European city that probably still operated off of landlines and fax machines?

Ugh, and even if the Technocon was technically exciting, there was still the matter of this whole joint training thing with 2A as well.

"Yeah, question. What's joint training about anyways?"
Just quickly bashed one out.
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