Avatar of Estylwen


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2 mos ago
Current I've gone back to school, so responses are going to be slower than normal for the forseeable future.
2 mos ago
"Show them I'm the judgement call, the one who makes a kingdom fall."
3 mos ago
"But! I should have known better. Nothing ever stays dead..."
1 like
6 mos ago
"There is no one in this room that can stand against me! The Hand of God be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World!"
11 mos ago
Took me 10 years to realize antagonists are way more fun to write.


Your Local Antagonist



"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

Her breath caught when she felt the cold metal of a pistol against her temple.

"Put the heart down, and back the hell up if you want your friend to live," the guard said to Ellie in a rumbling baritone, digging the gun into Dream's head.

Dream squinted at Ellie, vision blurred as she tried to breathe. The heart, glinting in Ellie's hands.

The doctor, his face turning white every time she asked what would happen if they failed. Above all else, he said, they had to keep the heart safe. They had to, even if it meant...

She snarled, her boot stamping down on the guard's foot, a burst of light bruising the bone. He yelped, losing his grip. That's all she needed, and she tore away. But in her haste, she saw his free arm reaching for her, and she slipped on panicked feet as he pushed her off the railing.

She held back a scream, staring straight down into the boiling pit below. The guard wrapped a tight hand around her ankle, and Ellie could see Dream's other foot flailing; she restrained herself poorly from kicking the guard, desperately hoping she wouldn't die.

As her captor supported himself against the railing, his pistol pointed at Ellie.

"I'll drop her, I swear I'll drop her!"

TENEBRAE: The Rebellion of Shadows Roleplay (2021)

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Deep, golden orbs stared back at her from within the cave.

God, she couldn't breathe.

He was monstrous. The ground trembled under her feet as his rippling, massive body exited the cave. Thunderous footsteps left cracks in the dirt, his breath sent waves of heat creeping over her skin. The transformation was slow, but it looked like something from a nightmare with the way his long teeth were bared.

A great and terrible roar sounded from his gaping maw.

She needed to run. Now.

Academy 218 Roleplay (2014)

Most Recent Posts

Very sorry to hear about your pet, Days. :< Thank you for the update! Yes, take your time, we were just worried about you. :>
New post is up! Thank you for some wonderful collaborations!
Pia's Perspective

In collaboration with @Silver Carrot

Pia’s attack caused the shadow to gurgle and groan, especially where some of the bullets met its eyes, effectively blinding the monster.

“Ahh! I- I can’t see!” The Wild shrieked, tendrils groping for something - anything.

VV strapped on a few more translucent tendrils on the beast, “Nice one, Pia!”

With her focus entirely on the beast, trying to wrestle it down to the ground, she didn’t notice when strong, armored hands wrapped around Pia’s mouth, silencing her, and her arms, dragging her back.

The men, who smelled of sweat and death, dragged Pia out of the Archives Room and down the hall, where the rest of their five-man squad waited. Their masked faces and night scope visor helmets gave little in their facial expressions. Pia would notice the skull and crossbones badge on their shoulder sleeve.

They threw her to the ground, standing around her. One stooped down while the others pointed their assault rifles, eyes watching the random floating stuff flying around Pia.

He spoke, his voice low, sharp. “Who the hell are you? Who do you work for?”

Pia’s adrenaline was starting to level out, and she stopped struggling. The floating objects were slowing down as she calmed down both from the removal from supernatural peril, and the more familiar threat of guns pointed at her. She was being restrained by men, who not only could be reasoned with, but should be reasoned with if she wanted to stay alive.

”I-I don’t know yet,” Pia answered truthfully, in a shaky voice with a German accent. ”I woke up in a pod with no memory and I’m still trying to piece everything together.”

The man leaned in, towering over her. His face mask disguised the twist his lips made as they parted into a snarl.

“A likely story.” His hand reached out, placing on Pia's shoulder with firm pressure. Enough to keep her still.

“Do you have any idea what we're dealing with daily hourly basis here? What sort of monsters lurk in this hellhole? For all I know, you could be a new breed of Wild made to look like a human. So, forgive me if I don't believe your story entirely.”

His armored head gestured to the door to the Archives Room behind them. “And? What about your friends? Who are they?”

Pia looked down. All she had to tie her to her own humanity were snippets of a memory where she was a member of society. For all she knew, she could be a new breed of Wild. She wasn’t looking for trust. She was looking to surrender if it came to that. These people haven’t shot her yet, so her humanity must be keeping her alive. She may be safe with them if she complied.

”They all woke up in pods too. We don’t even remember our names, so we referred to each other by letters. We all seem to have different…supernatural abilities. I don’t understand them. Those swirling, floating objects were caused by me, when I’m scared, but I can’t control it.”

The man seemed to consider her words carefully as he knelt there, his massive bulk making him still tower over her. He released her, checked the ammo of his assault rifle, and stood.

“Well, little miss, seems you just earned yourself a one-way ticket to the Iron Fortress. We'll have our higher-ups and our medical team decide your fate. You don't seem like a Wild, but until then, don't make any sudden moves, don't resist, and we will do our best to protect you on our way to our base.” His visored helmet tilted down at her. “Got it?”

A pause. “Name's Lieutenant Riker. What do your friends call you?”

As Pia watched, half the squad headed back into the Archives Room, disappearing from view.

“Pia,” she replied, glancing back to the room she had been dragged out of. Would the others be okay? The powers they’d manifested did seem like they’d be much more useful for subduing that…thing. They should be fine. She’ll hopefully be seeing them again.

D and VV's Perspective

In collaboration with @Wayward

The attacks from the other women caused the entity to howl in pain, its center mass quivering with rage, writhing and thrashing blindly.

VV wrapped another translucent braid on the shadowy creature, yanking hard until the entity was pulled down to ground level. She twisted her head sharply, desperate to keep her feet from skidding as she held on for dear life.

“Do your stuff! Now or never!” She yelled to D.

“Right.” D nodded at VV. The entity sat on the floor, dazed and shocked in the wake of the preceding assault. D advanced on the mass with a chambered fist; he hoped he was as strong as he felt he was. The gap closed, he pushed his weight in a single forward step, aiming for the visibly vulnerable center mass of the entity. Giving a savage yell, he thrust a hard punch with his right hand.

The attack was direct, and the entity shrieked, writhing on the spot. The central mass that included the eyes suddenly became gooey, leaving black substance on D's hand as he pulled back. A soft ”Yes” hissed through D's lips as his knuckles drove into the shadowy mass.

The whole writhing mass went limp for a beat, and VV could hear her own tight breathing, before…

Before the shadow entity, oozing at the seams, let out a scream as it drunkenly struck out with its tendrils, now wet to the touch. The tendrils attempted to constrict around D's legs and arms to pin him, to stop him.

No. No! NO! D shuffled his feet, narrowly evading the tendrils that whipped towards his legs. His arms, however, were wrapped tightly within the entity’s grasp. His right hand, already vulnerable in the wake of his previous strike, had been immediately caught at the wrist; as he frantically danced to avoid his feet being ensnared as well, he neglected his left hand, which was caught up just the same.

Throwing another punch was out of the question. But the hold that the entity had upon D’s hands put itself almost as much at his mercy as he was at its own. D tugged at the tendrils that had taken hold of him, attempting to pull them taught before pulling his arms hard to the right, and then to the left… and then back to the right. There wasn’t much space in the narrow rows of the archives; D was doubtful he could generate the force needed to do much damage. Still, by knocking the thing around against the stacks of servers, keeping it disoriented, preoccupied, and moreover in a state of expending itself in a state of hapless thrashing, was as good a method.

The others could have their way with it while he kept it busy.

The entity struggled, really struggled, as it was smashed against the servers. Each breath the monster took became more and more laboured. Its blinded eyes more furious, but burning with a weaker and weaker glow.

Just as it was about to release D and shrink back from his attack, VV sent forth one last translucent rope, winding around the monster’s center and pulling tight.

“Ahh! Release me this instant!”

VV smirked despite the sweat dripping from her brow. “Heh, not it a million years.”

And then she pulled. The monster, weakened by the combined attacks of the group, and D’s final smash, couldn’t resist VV as she pulled and pulled. She reached a hand out, and the being began to fizzle, dark specks melting into VV’s body. It continued to melt and dissolve until VV had absorbed the entire Wild.

Swooning on her feet, VV stumbled a bit before she moved towards D. “A-are you okay?” Her chin lifted. “You name… I don’t know your name, but you’re one of us, aren’t you?”

As she said ‘us’, she turned her head to look around the Archives Room. “Wait…” Her eyes widened. “Where the hell are A and Pia?”

The room, beyond the smashed servers, was empty. VV turned to see a vent open, but there was no sign of her comrades. Panic setting into her system, VV took a step into the dim blue light of the servers. “A!? Pia!? Where are you?”

Before there was the sound of rushing footsteps. VV whirled around only to be face to face with the point of a rifle. Masked and armored men with a skull and crossbones on their sleeves stormed the room, securing it in seconds flat.

“Get on the ground!” One of the men shouted at VV, and D. VV’s eyes focused on the rifles, slowly falling to her knees, raising her hands in surrender.

Before they knew it, both D and VV were grabbed roughly to their feet and hauled out of the Archives Room.

A's Perspective

In collaboration with @Qia

A’s attack hit true, causing black smoke to leak from the eyes of the entity.

“Y-you… You think you’ll get away with that!?” The shadow entity screeched, trying to reach out with a taloned tendril. VV watched, and launched out another translucent appendage, trying to inhibit the entity’s movement. She was wholly focused on the monster, and didn’t notice when A was assaulted by a different attack entirely.

To call it an attack wasn’t right. But it was definitely forceful… in a…cute way.

Tiny little shadow monsters with large heads, barely making it up to the knee of A. At least ten were pushing and pulling on her, trying to direct her to where they had come from - the opened vent. It seemed large enough for her to fit through if she was on her hands and knees. A way out of the Archives room.

They had chittering, whispery little voices. “Miss, it’s not safe for you here. Please, please come with us!”

A stumbled, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught of tiny, oddly endearing creatures pushing and pulling at her. Their childlike voices and genuine concern for her safety were in stark contrast to the malevolence of the larger shadow entity. She hesitated, torn between assisting her companions and heeding the warnings of the miniature beings.

With a glance at the others, still engaged in their own battles against the massive entity, A made a split-second decision. “I’ll be right back,” she called out to her friends. “Don’t let up on your attacks!”

Allowing the tiny shadow creatures to guide her toward the vent, A dropped to her hands and knees, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension as she prepared to crawl into the unknown. These small beings seemed sincere in their desire to help her, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she might be leaving her companions at a crucial moment in the fight.

The little shadow monsters chittered in relief, some leading into the vent, some bringing up the rear as A entered. The vent soon slanted up, and working one's way up it was a bit of a struggle, but eventually, everyone made it to a light part of the vents, a fan blowing in cool air from above. A would see to her left, through the slits of a vertical grate, the Archives Room. VV breathing heavily in the center of the room, D nearby, black ooze on the floor - but curiously, no entity.

Of course, the peace A saw would shatter at the sound of heavy boots. A small squad of armored men with assault rifles and glowing green night vision goggles raided the room, shouting instructions like “Get on the ground!”

A would see in 4k definition the fear on VV's face as she raised her hands.

The shadowy creatures around A whimpered a bit as they too, watched. One tugged on A gently. “This is what we saw coming.”

The shadowy beings moved past A so they were all in front of her, lit up from the glow overhead.

“We want to show you how we have stayed safe throughout the raid on Umbra Corp Site 11.” One of the shadowy begins wiggling their little arms, puffing out their chest. “Those scientists don't monitor the air vents, we can travel the entire facility like this.”

One tinier shadow patted A's arm. “We think you should escape. We can show you the closest vent to the exit…”

A watched the unfolding scene with a mixture of concern and confusion. The absence of the shadow entity and the arrival of the armed squad left her with more questions than answers. As the small shadow creatures explained their plan, A considered the implications of their offer.

Escape was certainly an enticing option. The thought of evading the danger and uncertainty of the Archives held a strong appeal. But her gaze kept returning to the frightened figure of VV on the floor below, and the knowledge that Pia and D were likely still in harm's way as well.

A hesitated, her hand hovering near the vent opening. The tiny shadow beings had been helpful so far, and their offer of a safe escape route was tempting. Yet, the bond she had begun to form with her newfound companions weighed heavily on her conscience. Could she really leave them behind to face the dangers of the Archives alone?

With a deep breath, A made her decision. "I can't just abandon my… friends," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the armed squad's shouts. "But I appreciate your help in getting me this far. If you can show me a way to reach them without being seen, I'd be grateful."

Her plea hung in the air, a fragile thread of hope. The shadows had proffered sanctuary, yet here she was, seeking passage back into danger’s maw. Despite the odds, A clung to the possibility that their intimate knowledge of the facility’s labyrinthine vents could reunite her with her allies, to confront the Archives’ threats as one.

The shadowy beings murmured to one another in hushed tones, glancing at A occasionally. Finally, they looked at her collectively, and the littlest one spoke up.

“We think it’s dangerous… but we will help you. We’d do anything for someone like you.”

A resounding murmur of “yes” and nods of approval rippled through the group at that. The littlest one continued.

“Follow us, and we will show you where you can intervene before they reach their base.”

It was ten minutes of slowly shuffling through the vents before A found herself at a grate along the ground level, right beside the security room in the main hallway. The hallway itself was dimly lit, decorated with the occasional collapsed solider.

The littlest shadow patted her arm, offering what looked like a black hard candy. “They will pass this vent. If you eat this, you will be invisible for five minutes. They should be here any minute… Good luck.”

And true to the being’s words, A could hear the shuffling of a group coming down the hall from the direction of the Archive’s Room.

A looked at the small, dark candy in her hand, marvelling at the strangeness of her situation. The shadowy beings had shown her kindness and support, and their gift, however unusual, could be the key to saving her friends. With a glance through the vent at the approaching group, A knew she had to act quickly.

“Your generosity will not be forgotten,” A whispered back, her gratitude a tangible thing. With no time to spare, she placed the candy between her lips, its flavour an acrid shock to her senses. As she swallowed, a peculiar chill enveloped her, the world’s colours fading into a monochrome haze. Her hands, once solid, now wavered like a mirage—she was invisible.

With the stealth of a shadow herself, A eased the vent open and slipped into the dim corridor. Crouched low, she advanced towards the sound of the approaching group. Recognition dawned as she identified VV, Pia, and D, as prisoners of the armed escort. Urgency gripped her; she needed to act swiftly to liberate them.

Channelling her newfound invisibility, A concentrated on the soldiers, invoking her power, Hemorrhage, to sow disarray within their ranks. As the effects of her ability took hold, A prepared to move in and help her friends capitalize on the confusion.

@Wayward, @Qia, @Silver Carrot

Lieutenant Riker led the squad through the hallways, Pia, D and VV at its center. The soldiers behind the pod-dwellers had their rifles up and pointed at their backs, making any ‘funny moves’ a bad idea.

As they passed by the security room in the center hallway, the men failed to notice the vent to the right missing its grate.

Then, there was a blood-curdling scream. Lieutenant Riker turned abruptly as several of his men dropped their guns, gloved hands pressed to their visored helmets where they were feeling the effects of Hemorrhage.

“Men! The hell..?” Lieutenant Riker stared at them for a moment before he pulled out a small purple-accented device. Before he could use it, however, he was also caught by Hemorrhage, and grunted in pain.

Some of the men, in response, shot blindly into the hallway, unable to see their assailant, but figuring out they were under attack from something. Other soldiers pushed Pia, D, and VV to their knees to discourage them from running off as the grunts and groans of pain only increased, men gripping their heads.

I could barely handle an hour of transit. Moving might be a better solution if that is possible... Hope everything goes well. :<
It's been a month since we've had any IC posts, how's everyone doing?

I might vote to skip Days and move to Angel for this round...

Outside Kari's House
Direct Interaction: Tayla (@silvermist1116), Auri (@Shin Ghost Note), Sully (@Atrophy)

"Go there. That's where the group is."

Luna followed Tayla’s pointed hand. It was true. 8th Street was… nowhere to be found. Just Sycamore near a burning house. Where were emergency services?

“Alright, aright, I see ‘em!”

With a loose flap of her wings, Luna swirled down in circles until they landed just to the side of the group. Luna put Tayla down as she witnessed all her collection favourites: Luca, Ken, Lila, to name a few. Each was busy - Luca seemed to be especially taking it hard. Lila, as well. Luna remembered the details she had gleaned so many years ago, recounting them in her head in adoring detail.

Luna sighed, soreness washing over her system as adrenaline fizzled out, feeling exhausted from her fight. She spotted Sully passing around the Claice, but knew she didn’t need it for herself. No.

Her head turned to the bushes, the thick foliage a fair distance away, and whistled. “Aislin, Layla! It’s safe!”

It was a full minute before a brown-haired head stuck itself out from the bushes. Aislin looked seriously worn, struggling to move. Layla was beside her, in between consciousness and being passed out. Their burns had only gotten worse, marring their bodies with visible wounds.

Luna swallowed, before calling out to Sully. “We have an emergency at 7 o’clock!”

Before she slowly turned her head to Auri, cracked a sad grin, and said. “Luna. Present.”

Elys Adair

Oratorio - //A3 - The Plaza at Morning
In collaboration with @ERode

The blacksmith quieted down, setting the sword back upon the counter as he folded his arms. There were always those types, flocking to Oratorio with a heavy past and a paltry inheritance, using an heirloom until it broke and became unsalvageable. He could understand it. Some tools, as they aged, rose rather than fell in value.

But you didn’t trust your life with hammers and tongs the same way you would with sword and shield.

“Look, at this point, you have two options. I can polish it and clean up the edge, but it won’t last long as a weapon. Put it up on a display if you want to remember your father by it. Otherwise, I can take it apart and forge a new blade for it while keeping the hilt and the guard. It won’t be the same, but it’ll be functional.”

A muscle ticked in Elys jaw as she weighed the options. She thought of her father, taken from the world before his time. Her mother. Her only inheritance in front of her.

It was true, the blade had seen a lot. All of her failures as a monster slayer, and all of her successes.

But what if the Crimson-flame decided to pursue her, and make trouble? She needed a blade that would be functional. How on earth would she pursue the Abyss without it?

Was it worth saying goodbye to the blade?

Elys leaned on her staff, jaw clenched, before she slowly nodded. "You're right, you're right. It broke in the Abyss, and I can't have that happen again... Keeping the hilt and the guard sounds fair, I trust your wisdom on this."

The blacksmith nodded. She had some sense in her, at least.

"It'll be ready tomorrow. I'll lend you one of the others off the rack until then."

Tired and bleary-eyed, and her purse a little lighter, Elys wandered back into the plaza. Her lender sword was attached to her hip with a nice weight, and despite the exhaustion and overall disgust with her robes at that moment, she felt fairly well.

She was tempted to turn around and go back to the Bladerights, sleep and spar with the students. Most importantly, sleep. Maybe even take a bit of food.

But despite her exhaustion and hunger pangs, there hung an ominous threat over her head. She could still feel the Crimson-flame somewhere nearby. And that meant one thing, and one thing only - she had to be ready. She needed to make as many preparations as possible.

She was the one with the vision, after all. She had to make the impossible happen. And it could very well happen today.

So, she found herself a place in the center of the plaza, stepped up on a gray mass she assumed was an old crate, stamped down on her staff, and began to speak to the passerbys.

“I’ve had a vision of the future! The Thousand-Face God never died when the Perishing Star extolled a heavy toll. They live on! I have been blessed with a part of the countenance of that very same God. Follow me, and I will lead you to Paradise!”

Ciara Ventura

Wingram, Campus
@Nanaya, @Psyker Landshark

Ciara grimaced as she saw the fizzle of rain, and a sweeping shadow made an umbrella over the group, shielding them from the worst of the bloody spray. “...Gross.”

It intrigued her to see the imp walking on its own two feet. Immediately, she had assumed it needed a host to survive. Yet here it was, talking and breathing - though, she wasn’t sure for how long. She didn’t know what the faculty would do with something like this.

Those tainted with shadows never had easy lives, it seemed. Always misunderstood…

Almost as if reading her expression, the imp turned to her as they walked. ”Were it under different circumstances, a talk between us would serve well."

Ciara bowed her head. “Yeah… under different circumstances.”

Inside, she seethed.

Too soon, they found themselves in the campus of Wingram, and Ciara, swallowing her anger, turned to Iraleth. “...Going back to the attument zone makes the most sense. The principal is there.”
@Days 🫣🫣
I will aim to have a post up either tomorrow or the day after!
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