Avatar of Estylwen


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current With a heavy heart, I set sail.
4 days ago
First time making samosas from scratch; also making fried pakoras, fruit salad, and daal. I can't wait to try it all~
13 days ago
Okowa, the sister of sushi! I got my chicken, my fish, my mushrooms - I'm gonna drown it all in soy sauce-
1 like
14 days ago
Maybe I'll play Cyberpunk 2077 some more. My brother maxed out my character a year and a half ago. Haven't seen him since. Miss him.
1 mo ago
Mica, my pet snail, passed away today. :(



”Mr. Dawson, why don't you have a seat?” He said, gesturing to the brown leather chair he had his hand resting on.

The men behind Adel stepped forward. They each placed a firm hand around his upper arms, half-guiding, half-dragging Adel to the seat. If Adel struggled in any way, their plan would have been quickly subduing him with a blow to the cheek - but besides tensing up, the man didn’t fight.

They shoved Adel into the seat, twisting it so it faced the mirror. Vincent still had that smirk on his face as he picked up a bowl of shaving cream and an applicator brush on the counter.

Slowly, methodically, Vincent applied shaving cream to Adel's face while speaking.

”Now, my men tell me that you and your spies have decided to make it your home in White Pine. Not that I care too much about that.”

He set down the bowl, picking out a barber's blade instead. He opened it, the fresh gleam of a clean, sharp blade within.

“What I really care about, though, is who set you up to do this.”

The blade pressed against Adel's neck as Vincent leaned over, staring at the man through the mirror.

”So, what'll it be, Canary? You gonna sing?”

Nocturnal Memoirs (2024)

"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Most Recent Posts

Athroyeaux Castle, Throne Room

@Izurich, @LunarParadox, @ERode

"Your Majesty King Lamont DuFairre of Ravenfell, I am Melisande of the Tearmoon Coven, here as invited by your subject."

The Ghost King merely watched as the lights sputtered out. In the semi-darkness, there was a chuckle.

“Ah, the Tearmoon coven. Mages with otherworldly charms that sway the mortal man's heart.”

The hooded visage lifted slightly off his gauntlet, a note of seriousness entering his deep tone.

“But we know a bit better, don't we?”

The Ghost King let his statement hang a bit in the air, before, without looking, he beckoned behind him with two fingers. From the shadows, none other than Valor stepped forward, bowing deeply as she stood by her lord.

Straightening, there was an almost purr in her voice as Valor spoke again. “I'm pleased you heeded my salutations, Lady Tearmoon.”

The King made a gesture to his attendants, and one stepped forward, hand glowing as they cast magelight to hover about the room, illuminating the darkness and bathing it in eerie, pale white.

"My Lord. I come at the behest of your gracious invitation."

The Ghost King nodded as Lord Blackthorne approached the throne. ”The Court Mage of the one they call the Wizard Queen, no less. I've heard rumors of your talents, especially with the Seeds.”

That was when Duke Rhinecliff and his escorts approached, and the Ghost King lifted his hooded visage, gauntlet lowering to his lap.

“King Lamont DuFairre, I have come to answer your summons, and have brought gifts too.”
Duke Rhinecliff

One of the Ghost King's attendants, clothed in a fine robe and gloves, accepted the tome graciously. They then presented it to the King, who looked it over.

“A fine book, I imagine. I have space in my library for a piece such as this. I'll have my attendants see to its placement right away.”

Before he gave a small wave of his hand. The attendant bowed, before retreating, leaving out one of the side doors.

The Ghost King returned his empty gaze to Duke Rhinecliff as they spoke.

“Unfortunately, my changeling companion’s time is far more precious than my own, and as such, I ask for your forgiveness in her absence. As I’m certain you’ll have heard, the province of Arrowfell will soon be missing two of its Dukes, at the hands of one familiar to you.”
Duke Rhinecliff

The Ghost King paused as his head tilted, hung up momentarily. The changeling wouldn't be making it.

A minor set-back.

“Granted. And I am aware of this… turn of events. Men come and go, on her little stage of a chess board. But she'll find it's possible to be bitten by her chess pieces…”

“What do you require in exchange for your assistance?”
Duke Rhinecliff

If the King could smile, he would. He leaned a little forward in his seat. “I want her. The one you call the Wizard Queen. Give her to me, and I'll assist you in overthrowing her.”

He looked at the group gathered in front of him. The ‘feyling’, the master of the arcane, and the head of the rebellion. These were the pieces he would use to further his own goals, and wipe that smirk off her face for the final time.

“I have intel that could greatly help you. She means to become the one force to be reckoned with. If she acquires what she wants, then not even the entire Houses of Arrowfell united will be able to stop her.”

A hard edge crept into his voice. “She must be stopped. You must go to Athius and destroy whatever it is she's trying to unearth, make it so she can't use it.”

He nodded to one of his attendants, who took a step forward and unsheathed a translucent, ghostly blade.

The Ghost King nodded to the blade. “This blade has the ability to put down leviathan-class monsters, which is what you'll be up against. And you must be wary, for once she knows you mean to betray her, she will kill you.”

The blade was held out to the group, and the King asked,

“Do you accept?”

Hathforth, Plaza Facing the Pier

@Donut Look Now

“Oh! P-pardon me, my lord and lady.”
Flower Girl

The sudden movement had startled Asteria, and she gripped tight to her brother’s arm. When it was just a girl scattering her flowers, both nobles heaved a sigh. They had been collectively on edge, especially after knowing they'd be facing the Wizard Queen in the flesh this time. They were waiting for the tongue-lashing of a lifetime.

So, it was no surprise they were willing to be tardy, looking down at the girl. Asteria left her brother’s hand to help the girl with picking up the remaining flowers, ignoring the girl's frantic frustration.

“Are you alright? What's your name?” Asteria asked, offering the flowers back to the girl.

Both her guard and Mene disliked seeing Asteria crouched doing ‘commoner tasks’, Mene putting a hand on his hip and rolling his eyes, while her guard coughed in his hand.

“My Lady, we should be going.” The guard said.

Asteria glanced back, before offering an apologetic glance to the girl.


Before she turned, and the group began making their way again to the pier.

Hathforth, Pier, The Battle-Blood Minstrel

@LunarParadox, @Izurich

The Wizard Queen stood expectantly as the portal opened. “Ah, my faithful mages. What news do you bring? Good, I hope.”

"My Queen. I am delighted to present you the rewards of our long efforts."

Her eyes swept over Mèlisande, before settling on Eirwen, and the box he carried. Her attendant stepped forward and accepted the box from the Court Mage, before passing it to the Queen with a bow.

The Wizard Queen eyed the two mages knowingly, before carefully opening the lid. The light reflecting off the pearl of a gem within cast hues over her face, and her eyes sparkled at the sight.

“Yes… Yes this will do nicely.”

She closed the box and gestured with her hand, and the attendant took it downstairs. Before her gaze returned to her mages.

“I'm very proud of your work, Lord Blackthorne, Lady Tearmoon. You’ve only proven how well of a team you make; I was wise to place you, Lady Tearmoon, in the care of my Court Mage.”

Her eyes glanced up, taking in the sailors loading supplies on her large ship. “There is much to prepare for before we depart this evening. I'll have Lord Urimyar show you to the main deck and your rooms so you can get the lay of the ship. And, of course, I would ask you be present at the execution later this evening, before we leave…”

Her eyes returned to her mages, watching their faces, before turning expectantly to the staircase to the lower deck. As if on cue, the tall Lord Urimyar with his pointed ear gracefully ascended the steps, careful with his elegant robes. He stopped to bow in front of the Queen, before turning to Lord Blackthone and Lady Tearmoon.

“Court Mage Blackthorne, Court Apprentice Tearmoon, it's an honour to see you again. Shall we be off?”

Vulluin would escort the two down to the lower deck, a lavish-looking place that was clearly re-decorated by the Wizard Queen. The wood floors were adorned with carpets, and art hung on the walls. The kitchen nearby had placed a few tables and chairs spread out along the small-windowed walls, and a large buffet table available to any hungry guest. The trio could spot Captain Roderic sitting with a few of his men, enjoying a hearty breakfast of eggs, sweetened bread, and cheese.

Noises could be heard in the lower deck as sailors filed in supplies from the pier. However, the noises were somewhat drowned out by the lute playing near the banquet table.

While the two took in the sights, Vulluin spoke.

“Her Majesty has employed the Aethera's jewelers to craft your seed into wearable pieces. I imagine they should be done by the time we depart.”

He gestured to the ballroom, “Quite magnificent, isn't it? You're welcome to help yourself to the food, or I can show you to your rooms.”

He stopped, before side-eying them.

“Or… you can tell me what you were doing across the border.”

Tarin, Eagle Inn

@The Otter

As Callum cross the receptionist desk to reach the doorway to the tavern, the old man at the desk waved him down.

“A fellow had this couriered to you, your eyes only. Wouldn't say much more about it…” He said before passing a folded bit of parchment to Callum.

Within the note, written in hastily scrawled cursive, Raiden had wrote,

“Urgent business needs attending. Won't have time for dinner.

See you in Athius.”

And the note ended there, without further explanation. Regardless, as Callum neared the tarven and its bar, a commotion of noise would soon draw his attention.

Baroness was standing toe to toe against a dark, shadowy figure, mask obscuring his features. Anabel stood in the center of the tavern room, all the patron eyes on the duo, concerned for the girl, but afraid to interfere less incur the wrath of the man standing before the wee girl.

The man stood over her, arms crossed as he glared down at her.

“Don't make me repeat myself, Baroness. Tell me the exact date she's planning to reach Athius. I know you know.”

Anabel somehow stood her ground, staring up at the masked man, her little fists clenched.

“You won't get a word from me. I would never betray Her Majesty. I don't care who you are, you won't get anything out of me. Now leave me alone!”

The masked man merely chuckled, looking around at the room full of patrons pointedly avoiding his gaze, before he stared down at the girl again. He stooped down a bit, leaning into her face, speaking low.

“I know ways of making you talk, Miss. Why don't we take a little walk?”
And he grabbed her wrist in an iron grip, about to drag her from the room.

Anabel struggled in his grip, panick evident in her eyes. “Unhand me, you fiend!”
@Lexisheeps Looks great! What happens if you run out cards, though?

Feel free to add them to the CS tab!
It's a lovely post, Days! Well worth the wait. :)

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Britney (@Shin Ghost Note), Linqian/Luca/Anya (@FernStone), Clancy (@Zombiedude101), Lila/Lynn/Jasper (@NoriWasHere)

”You're not our Alizee. Alizee Alteri was shot to death by the Wolfpack, then the Hound took what he needed, and the leftover consciousness, psyche, and memories, formed an entirely new being and, well... Became you.”

Alizée stared at the woman speaking, and just like that, little drops began to fill her well of knowledge. What the woman was saying lined up fairly well with what she remembered, though she had no knowledge of this Hound being, or what they did.

Her gaze dropped, examining her hand briefly, opening and closing the elongated phalanges. She… she had been someone else before this? They knew who she was? Who she had been?

How much of the old self had survived, if what they said was true?

”But what exactly do you remember? Do you remember anyone else other than Voidy? Does the name Britney Williams ring a bell? What about... Jack Hawthorne?

Alizée returned her hands to their surrendering position, looking up at Britney, a pensive look in her eyes.

“Those names…” She shook her head. “I'm sorry, they don't ring a bell.”

”Fuck, you seriously considering this shit, Brit? I know exactly what we should do - fucking seal her. Be done with it. Like you said, we got too many fucking problems right now. I don’t give a fuck if she needs to find him. We need to find Father Wolf before he fucking kills more of us.”

Alizée, if her eyes could go saucer-like wide, like an innocent puppy, they would have in that moment. She had learned from the whispers of voidlings older than her of the ways a voidling suffers, and ‘dies.’ One of those ways was through sealing. Just mentioning the word made Alizée feel uncomfortable, and she shifted a bit as she kneeled.

But who's this Father Wolf?

Alizée's eyes returned to ‘Brit’, alarm in the redness, the threat of sealing very much over her head.

”Why should we trust you enough to give you a second chance? Void Heart was a parasite. I understand better than most here what it’s like to have something like that attached to you… By helping you, we let more people get hurt. Maybe people deserve second chances, but…

”You’re not a person.”

Alizée gave a closer look to this person. Immediately, she could smell it coming off him. The scent of another within him, a voidling with a peculiar scent of rotting meat.

She blinked at his accusation. Of course she was a person. Well, a voidling. An apparition. A ghost. Perhaps not technically a person, those were left to describe humans, after all. But she could feel. She could think. That made her at least worthy of the title of ‘person’, did it not?

“I don't know about Void Heart being a parasite. He was kind to me, from what I remember.”

Alizée's gaze dropped, seriously thinking hard about Luca's question. Sealing scared her. It seemed to be a preferred method of this group. What would happen to her if they decided to do what they would with her…?

“I… I don't have any way for you to trust me except for my word. But it's a part of my power, my core: connections. I'll do almost anything to form a new connection, and earn a way into a person's secret world.

“You have to trust me that it's a completely self-serving interest that I cooperate with you.”
Alizée said softly.

"We should allow her to answer Britney’s questions - and anyone else’s - before we decide.”

Alizée couldn't help but feel a bit of discomfort at this woman's sentence. The calm before passing judgment. It felt like she was being sized up, scrutinized. It reminded her of battles where the opposite voidling would stare hard for a long time, before striking.

She hoped this wasn't the same thing…

Alizée thought a bit more, returning back to ‘Brit's question, before she spoke again. “I remember how I died. It was by a gunshot. I remember I was trying to save Void. I remember who shot me, the little group; Leather-wearers, with roaring motorbikes. I remember waking up in darkness. It took… a long time before I learned how to move. A longer time before I learned how to fight.”

Before a boy, no- an apparition, a voidling like her, spoke up.

"Trust me. You don't want this, whatever you're looking for in that parasite isn't worth it. You'll never stop wanting and you'll hate every moment you continue existing. You want purpose? Don't make this harder. Put the chains away. You don't have time for this."

Alizée watched with pained eyes, before her chains receded further, and sank to the floor, unmoving.

“Brother, he is my source, my strength. I have to maintain my good word. Surely he isn't the villain you make him out to be?” She said, hopeful.

But her head perked up as he mentioned purpose.“I will admit I've been… blindly following this. I don't have another purpose besides seeking out the Void Heart. What other purpose could there be, for someone like me?”

“What do we know about the void heart? Was it something that made her do those evil actions, or were those actions truly her own? I also understand what it’s like, which is why I’ll at least humor…. Whatever this is.”

Alizée's red eyes blinked a couple times as the woman with the glorious wings spoke. She could smell a sweet scent off her; she too had a voidling, an apparition.

But her confusion only compounded. Since when has the Void Heart done evil? And I was a part of it?

Alizée felt the concern in her chest growing, but remained quiet. The question wasn't directed at her, after all.

“You could fuck off for all I care, and if you don’t I know someone who could turn you into the most perfect fucking pet.”

Alizée's eyes became wide like saucers again, but not in shock or horror. No, this time was in sadness. She couldn't bring herself to speak.

“If you are what I think you are, you must be the perfect age for that Void Heart, I heard he liked them young,”

Alizée's red eyes bugged out for what was the third time. “It's not like that! At least, I don't think so. It's entirely different!”

If a voidling could become flustered, this was her, right at that moment.

”We weren’t there for her before, when she truly needed us to be, why not give her a moment now while we can. I'm tired of fighting ourselves when there are mother fuckers out there who deserve our collective rage more.”

Immediately, Alizée felt a bit of kinship with Jasper. The words came out on their own, “Who torments you? You knew me before, when I don't know myself. Tell me who torments you, and I will fight them.”
I will aim to have a post up tomorrow or the day after!
Oh I get it now xD
Yuri? :o You mean like Yuri on Ice?

Iris Record, Arena

Collaboration between @Estylwen and @Psyker Landshark

There was nothing left to say. Negotiations had been attempted already, and they’d broken down. Now all that remained was force of arms. Iraleth raised her sword and settled into her starting stance as the dividing line fell, surveying the field.

More than enough cover to favor Ciara’s ambush tactics on the outskirts. And she wasn’t stupid enough to face Iraleth head-on. That was fine. Iraleth wasn’t the one who had called for this duel. Ciara would no doubt attack first.

The paladin strode into the clearing, raising her sword up level to her head and settling into an ox stance as she extended her senses around her, waiting for Ciara to make a move.

“Really gonna start this without talking to me?”

The brush rustled as Ciara steadily approached, eyes locked on Iraleth. She only took a couple steps into the clearing, one hand on a glass ball at her waist, the other hidden behind her back. And beside her, Otis's sword, held in black.

Ciara studied Iraleth's face, before her eyes tightened. “We don't have to do this, you know.”

”I wasn’t the one that asked for this. I have already requested for you to recant the duel. Anything that happens next is on your head.”

Ciara snorted under her breath.

”Very well, then.”

In one fell swoop, she stepped forward, yanking a ball off its latch and smashing it into the ground at Iraleth's feet. As the ball shattered, smoke enveloped the area, seeded with chilli powder. If Iraleth were to remain where she stood, she would soon come in contact with the smoke, causing burning, watery eyes and blindness.

In the same instance, Ciara pulled a twig free and slammed it into the ground.


A tree quickly sprung up, cracking the earth as its roots spread. Ciara grabbed a branch, catapulting herself into the air, over the smoke. And, as her quickling tree fell over and decayed, Ciara remained sailing in mid-air, hoping to dive down on Iraleth with her sword and surprise her with a mighty downwards blow.

Iraleth saw the glass ball in Ciara’s hand moments before it slammed into the ground, and was already hastily backstepping out of the smoke’s radius. That, however, put her in direct range of the tree crashing down upon her. The half-elf’s eyes narrowed. Ciara wanted her to evade. She wasn’t playing that game.

She raised her sword, glistening with Light.

”Cleave!” Iraleth roared, infusing her blade with the namesake Essence she’d just screamed out loud. A flash of steel, and the armored girl cut through the tree trunk cleanly, just in time to see Ciara crashing down upon her.

The paladin took her left hand off of her sword, raising it to grasp Ciara’s sword by the blade with her gauntleted, barriered hand out of midair and yank, aiming to slam Ciara by her weapon face-first into half of the tree she had tried to use against Iraleth.

Unprepared, Ciara found herself hurtled face-first into the crumbling tree. Her own personal barrier took the edge off, and moments later, the tree disintegrated.

”Is that all?” Iraleth advanced steadily, her left hand uninjured thanks to the Personal Barrier they’d just covered earlier that day. ”If you’d like to stop wasting everyone’s collective time, say the words. Say the damned words. You are not an Umbralist. Now either be one or surrender. This is a farce.”

Ciara only grinned, before taking a deep breath, and uttering “Lotharil.” Before she blew a cloud of pollen towards Iraleth. If impacted, Iraleth would get the seasonal sneezes and watery eyes.

In the next instant, Ciara had stepped into the shadow of her sword, reappearing on the ceiling, one hand holding onto one of the lights, her other hand twirling Otis’ blade. Darkness streaked down the tip, lengthening the sword by at least four times, and she swung it hard, aiming to take out all the overhead lights in one fell swoop.

Iraleth wasn’t able to evade the cloud this time. She burst through it as quickly as she could, her eyes burning and her nose tortured. Nevertheless, she held in a sneeze, refusing to give Ciara the satisfaction.

The lights went out, and that was the first move Ciara made this duel thus far that Iraleth had seen coming with a hundred percent certainty. For someone with the witch’s skill set, she would have had to practically bathe in darkness out to have any hope of victory. Not that Iraleth was going to let her have that uncontested.

Without hesitating for a moment, she raised her free hand to the air, an utterance sending an orb of light hovering up towards the ceiling. It shone across the field of battle, emanating a weak light that served to keep the shadows at bay, at the very least. Iraleth could have made the light stronger, but this was as much as she could maintain indefinitely without too much strain on herself.

Now, what advantage had Ciara bought herself with her few seconds in the dark…?

As the light illuminated the dark, it almost appeared like pulsating black feelers rippled all around her. They were thick, blocking out any shapes of trees. One could almost forget they were even in the Iris Record, looking out at this sea of feelers. Every direction looked, where the light grew weak, there were feelers, wriggling in madness, along the floor, in the air, and above, making a canopy of dense, writhing shadow.

Morphing in from the feelers, like pools of goo, forms rose up. They appeared like the shadow of people, or things, with each having different colored, piercing eyes.

“Finally! We see it with our own eyes!” One shadow spoke.

“It looks delicious.” Said another.

Arms morphed into elongated blades, as the shadows stared gleefully.

“It’s mine!” One called out on Iraleth’s far right. In two quick slides, the shadow was upon her, slashing at her side.

The rest of the four shadows followed suit, one swiping for Iraleth’s leg, another at her arm, one at her chest, and one from behind at her neck.

Disgusting. Iraleth sneered in distaste at what she beheld, her sword at the ready. Was this Ciara’s Ethos, then? It wasn’t quite the devastation that had ruined her orphanage, her village, but all the same, this shadowy madness brought up old nightmares that had haunted her for years.

The talking shadows closed in, and Iraleth burst into action in response. Cut. Kick. Punch. Headbutt. She tore through the shadows even as they clawed at her armor, rending gouges in the plate. Her glower intensified as she closed her eyes, relying on sound to try to pinpoint where the witch was hiding. Ciara may be stealthy, but Iraleth’s (half) elven ears still provided her some advantage in this regard.

And so it was. Iraleth would be able to hear the swish of a sword as Ciara crept up behind her and lashed out horizontally, hoping to slash her spine.

Her ears twitched. Of course she knew what a sword sounded like, considering she’d trained half her life thus far with one. Iraleth whirled around, parrying Ciara’s sword with her dominant hand. Her other hand reached out, grabbing Ciara by the throat and lifting her up with one hand in a chokehold. Iraleth began to squeeze. Not too tightly, given she wasn’t aiming to snap her neck. Yet. But enough to cut off air.

The sword fell to the ground with a clunk as Ciara struggled in Iraleth's grasp, hands clawing at the gauntlet.

She couldn't breath, panicked gurgles escaping her mouth.

Her red eyes stared down at Iraleth, a mixture of rage and shock written in them. Before they were all replaced with a growing urge to live, a panicked desire to breathe.

Her lungs burned. There was no lasping off into unconsciousness, no reprieve. Just burning, painful lack of air that drove every instinct to maddening ends.

That madness unhinged something in Ciara. A terrible monster lurking behind the mask.

In a terrible, and swift moment, Ciara opened her mouth, and with all her will, all the force in her mind, she moved essence in a ‘sucking’ motion.

The essence in question?


Pinpoints of light shone radiant in swirls as Ciara tore into Iraleth's prime essence, her soul, absorbing as much as she could. It was like a tidal wave of light leaving Iraleth and ending up in Ciara's mouth.

The taste almost made Ciara forget she was being choked.


Her desire for more food, real food, became blind ravenousness, intent on devouring all of Iraleth's lifeforce, right then, right there.

She felt her soul being sucked away. What was this?! Iraleth’s grip intensified as she channeled Light in panic, purification magics running up her arm. That tore it. She’d finish this now, before Ciara could become a monster in truth.

It was a race against time on both ends. Would Ciara finish devouring Iraleth before the latter purified the former? In the end, the question was academic. The strain on both girls proved to be too much, and they collapsed next to each other in tandem, hitting the ground at the same time, neither rising. Barely breathing. The shadows melted away, leaving the ground marred.
@SporkoBug Perfect, perfect, I'm glad I asked. So Wren is official, and MiMi is kind of like Batman?
@SporkoBug Mhmm! You don't mind if I send your characters on a mission via Ghost Corp, right?
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