Athroyeaux Castle, Throne Room
@Izurich, @LunarParadox, @ERode
"Your Majesty King Lamont DuFairre of Ravenfell, I am Melisande of the Tearmoon Coven, here as invited by your subject."
The Ghost King merely watched as the lights sputtered out. In the semi-darkness, there was a chuckle.
“Ah, the Tearmoon coven. Mages with otherworldly charms that sway the mortal man's heart.”
The hooded visage lifted slightly off his gauntlet, a note of seriousness entering his deep tone.
“But we know a bit better, don't we?”
The Ghost King let his statement hang a bit in the air, before, without looking, he beckoned behind him with two fingers. From the shadows, none other than Valor stepped forward, bowing deeply as she stood by her lord.
Straightening, there was an almost purr in her voice as Valor spoke again. “I'm pleased you heeded my salutations, Lady Tearmoon.”
The King made a gesture to his attendants, and one stepped forward, hand glowing as they cast magelight to hover about the room, illuminating the darkness and bathing it in eerie, pale white.
"My Lord. I come at the behest of your gracious invitation."
The Ghost King nodded as Lord Blackthorne approached the throne. ”The Court Mage of the one they call the Wizard Queen, no less. I've heard rumors of your talents, especially with the Seeds.”
That was when Duke Rhinecliff and his escorts approached, and the Ghost King lifted his hooded visage, gauntlet lowering to his lap.
“King Lamont DuFairre, I have come to answer your summons, and have brought gifts too.”
One of the Ghost King's attendants, clothed in a fine robe and gloves, accepted the tome graciously. They then presented it to the King, who looked it over.
“A fine book, I imagine. I have space in my library for a piece such as this. I'll have my attendants see to its placement right away.”
Before he gave a small wave of his hand. The attendant bowed, before retreating, leaving out one of the side doors.
The Ghost King returned his empty gaze to Duke Rhinecliff as they spoke.
“Unfortunately, my changeling companion’s time is far more precious than my own, and as such, I ask for your forgiveness in her absence. As I’m certain you’ll have heard, the province of Arrowfell will soon be missing two of its Dukes, at the hands of one familiar to you.”
The Ghost King paused as his head tilted, hung up momentarily. The changeling wouldn't be making it.
A minor set-back.
“Granted. And I am aware of this… turn of events. Men come and go, on her little stage of a chess board. But she'll find it's possible to be bitten by her chess pieces…”
“What do you require in exchange for your assistance?”
If the King could smile, he would. He leaned a little forward in his seat. “I want her. The one you call the Wizard Queen. Give her to me, and I'll assist you in overthrowing her.”
He looked at the group gathered in front of him. The ‘feyling’, the master of the arcane, and the head of the rebellion. These were the pieces he would use to further his own goals, and wipe that smirk off her face for the final time.
“I have intel that could greatly help you. She means to become the one force to be reckoned with. If she acquires what she wants, then not even the entire Houses of Arrowfell united will be able to stop her.”
A hard edge crept into his voice. “She must be stopped. You must go to Athius and destroy whatever it is she's trying to unearth, make it so she can't use it.”
He nodded to one of his attendants, who took a step forward and unsheathed a translucent, ghostly blade.
The Ghost King nodded to the blade. “This blade has the ability to put down leviathan-class monsters, which is what you'll be up against. And you must be wary, for once she knows you mean to betray her, she will kill you.”
The blade was held out to the group, and the King asked,
“Do you accept?”

Hathforth, Plaza Facing the Pier
@Donut Look Now
“Oh! P-pardon me, my lord and lady.”
The sudden movement had startled Asteria, and she gripped tight to her brother’s arm. When it was just a girl scattering her flowers, both nobles heaved a sigh. They had been collectively on edge, especially after knowing they'd be facing the Wizard Queen in the flesh this time. They were waiting for the tongue-lashing of a lifetime.
So, it was no surprise they were willing to be tardy, looking down at the girl. Asteria left her brother’s hand to help the girl with picking up the remaining flowers, ignoring the girl's frantic frustration.
“Are you alright? What's your name?” Asteria asked, offering the flowers back to the girl.
Both her guard and Mene disliked seeing Asteria crouched doing ‘commoner tasks’, Mene putting a hand on his hip and rolling his eyes, while her guard coughed in his hand.
“My Lady, we should be going.” The guard said.
Asteria glanced back, before offering an apologetic glance to the girl.
Before she turned, and the group began making their way again to the pier.

Hathforth, Pier, The Battle-Blood Minstrel
@LunarParadox, @Izurich
The Wizard Queen stood expectantly as the portal opened. “Ah, my faithful mages. What news do you bring? Good, I hope.”
"My Queen. I am delighted to present you the rewards of our long efforts."
Her eyes swept over Mèlisande, before settling on Eirwen, and the box he carried. Her attendant stepped forward and accepted the box from the Court Mage, before passing it to the Queen with a bow.
The Wizard Queen eyed the two mages knowingly, before carefully opening the lid. The light reflecting off the pearl of a gem within cast hues over her face, and her eyes sparkled at the sight.
“Yes… Yes this will do nicely.”
She closed the box and gestured with her hand, and the attendant took it downstairs. Before her gaze returned to her mages.
“I'm very proud of your work, Lord Blackthorne, Lady Tearmoon. You’ve only proven how well of a team you make; I was wise to place you, Lady Tearmoon, in the care of my Court Mage.”
Her eyes glanced up, taking in the sailors loading supplies on her large ship. “There is much to prepare for before we depart this evening. I'll have Lord Urimyar show you to the main deck and your rooms so you can get the lay of the ship. And, of course, I would ask you be present at the execution later this evening, before we leave…”
Her eyes returned to her mages, watching their faces, before turning expectantly to the staircase to the lower deck. As if on cue, the tall Lord Urimyar with his pointed ear gracefully ascended the steps, careful with his elegant robes. He stopped to bow in front of the Queen, before turning to Lord Blackthone and Lady Tearmoon.
“Court Mage Blackthorne, Court Apprentice Tearmoon, it's an honour to see you again. Shall we be off?”
Vulluin would escort the two down to the lower deck, a lavish-looking place that was clearly re-decorated by the Wizard Queen. The wood floors were adorned with carpets, and art hung on the walls. The kitchen nearby had placed a few tables and chairs spread out along the small-windowed walls, and a large buffet table available to any hungry guest. The trio could spot Captain Roderic sitting with a few of his men, enjoying a hearty breakfast of eggs, sweetened bread, and cheese.
Noises could be heard in the lower deck as sailors filed in supplies from the pier. However, the noises were somewhat drowned out by the lute playing near the banquet table.
While the two took in the sights, Vulluin spoke.
“Her Majesty has employed the Aethera's jewelers to craft your seed into wearable pieces. I imagine they should be done by the time we depart.”
He gestured to the ballroom, “Quite magnificent, isn't it? You're welcome to help yourself to the food, or I can show you to your rooms.”
He stopped, before side-eying them.
“Or… you can tell me what you were doing across the border.”

Tarin, Eagle Inn
@The Otter
As Callum cross the receptionist desk to reach the doorway to the tavern, the old man at the desk waved him down.
“A fellow had this couriered to you, your eyes only. Wouldn't say much more about it…” He said before passing a folded bit of parchment to Callum.
Within the note, written in hastily scrawled cursive, Raiden had wrote,
“Urgent business needs attending. Won't have time for dinner.
See you in Athius.”
And the note ended there, without further explanation. Regardless, as Callum neared the tarven and its bar, a commotion of noise would soon draw his attention.
Baroness was standing toe to toe against a dark, shadowy figure, mask obscuring his features. Anabel stood in the center of the tavern room, all the patron eyes on the duo, concerned for the girl, but afraid to interfere less incur the wrath of the man standing before the wee girl.
The man stood over her, arms crossed as he glared down at her.
“Don't make me repeat myself, Baroness. Tell me the exact date she's planning to reach Athius. I know you know.”
Anabel somehow stood her ground, staring up at the masked man, her little fists clenched.
“You won't get a word from me. I would never betray Her Majesty. I don't care who you are, you won't get anything out of me. Now leave me alone!”
The masked man merely chuckled, looking around at the room full of patrons pointedly avoiding his gaze, before he stared down at the girl again. He stooped down a bit, leaning into her face, speaking low.
“I know ways of making you talk, Miss. Why don't we take a little walk?”
And he grabbed her wrist in an iron grip, about to drag her from the room.
Anabel struggled in his grip, panick evident in her eyes. “Unhand me, you fiend!”