The Smiling Monkey, Odonfield, Two Days Ago
@Andre Valias
'First, tell me about this partner of yours. Who is it that accompanies you?'
Ryllae stared for a moment, before picking up the butterfly on her cheeks by the back of a finger. She stared down at it for a moment before her other hand raised.
On the other side of the room, back against the wall by the entrance, was a brooding dark knight, heavy greatsword strapped against his back. His cowled, shadowed face immediately perked up at Ryllae's signal, and he stepped forward. Coming to a stop by Ryllae, he gave a solemn bow to Anton.
”This is Gervese, my partner.” Ryllae said, eyes glancing up at the towering man.
”The only other member of the Order of the Looking Glass. He doesn't speak much. Prefers dealing with issues using his sword and his magic.”Her hand gestured again, and Gervese gave one more small bowl, before returning to his recluse by the door.
'And secondly, you say that you and your partner will accompany me "in my goal". Since you've already displayed such powers of clairvoyance, pray tell what goal of mine is it you wish to help me see through?'
The butterflies fluttered in anticipation as they perched on Ryllae's hand, clothes, and hair. The sudden stirring matched Ryllae's knowing smile. The noise in the tavern died down just slightly, highlighting the next words she spoke.
”Why, your goal to topple the Wizard Queen, of course.”
Present Day, Battle-Blood Minstrel, Above Athius
@The Otter, @Irradiant, @Click This
The Wizard Queen watched with satisfaction as Ingens was overcome, paralyzed as he was. The Seeds were embedded first by her trusted Callum, then the final Seed found its home by Sir Hayworth's blade.
Ingens was subjugated. Now there was just a little finessing to do with the now-planted Seeds, and the Arrowfellian weapon would realize it's true potential.
But before she could act on that, a ghostly glint caught her eye. Callum held
something. Something that caused her insides to freeze.
The sword. The same that had felled her revered DuRant. Its form was different now, but there was no mistaking it. It was the sword rumored to have been touched by divinity. She could detect other magics running through it, namely one that smelled heavily of the perfumed spice of the Shade. But its ghostly appearance… the Little DuFairre had changed it, hadn't he?
The Wizard Queen drifted through the water, coming to a stop in front of Callum. She could get a better look at the sword now.
Indeed, there had been rumours of an artifact in Ravenfell capable of killing a leviathan. She had a strong feeling this was the exact same that DuFairre had enchanted. But, the fact that this sword was touched by divinity, and that it appeared here at this moment.
She felt the eyes of the All-Force on her, and her eyes narrowed.
”Prosser.”The Wizard Queen's voice was surprisingly level. Her chin gestured towards the sword.
”I trust you'll keep that safe in your possession. You have been chosen by it, after all.”Her voice was distorted by the water, however it was still clear to hear the raw emotion of her voice, even as she leaned to whisper so only Callum would hear.
”This sword is a king-slayer, Prosser. Perhaps it is Providence. But I trust that you'll use this sword to put an end to me if I stray too far from the path.”She leaned back, staring at Prosser with cold, determined eyes. She meant every word.
With that, she moved to hover in front of Ingens, who was beginning to recover. The work of her devout subjects would not go to waste. Of that, she would be sure.
She raised a hand, and the Seeds embedded in Ingens head began to reverberate. Ingens grunted, his many eyes growing unfocused. Before, with a sudden snap, his eyes dilated, and he stared at the Wizard Queen with a sudden, intoxicating fondness.
”Ingens… You're not alone anymore. You don't have to guard Athius any longer. Instead, you will serve me, and you will want for nothing.”Ingens stared for a long moment, before he rumbled telekinetically.
”I listen and obey, my Queen.”Satisfied, the Wizard Queen turned back to her companions. As the angler fish shadelings started filtering through the portals set up around the Queen, she addressed the group. Her eyes were alight with… Pride.
”Duchess Agustria and her charge, Sir Hayworth, Prosser, you four have outdone yourselves. As a reward for your efforts…
“Would you care to accompany me to Athius?”***
The distant lights of Athius came into full focus as the group sank deeper down into the water. It was beautiful. Stone towers rose up from the sea bed, framed by all manner of seaweed and aquatic life. Lights of unknown sources, possibly magical, lit up the towers from within. Fish of unknown colors and origins flitted between the towers, their bodies glistening with sparkles.
As they entered the city, they were quickly greeted by the most beautiful mermaids, all bearing similarities to their Princess Keove. The group was applauded and praised. Little necklaces of seashells and pearls were wreathed around their necks. And they were escorted through the streets to the palace.
Within a tall, blue structure with massive archway and coral lights, the group found themselves in a semblance of a throne room, facing a male mermaid with a striking blue tail.
”You have freed my people,” He said.
”How can we ever repay you?”The Wizard Queen floated forward.
”By becoming part of the nation, and joining your brothers and sisters of Arrowfell. I would ensure Athius receives the same securities and protections as the other cities in my province.”There was little hesitation on the mermaid's part.
”We have long desired to be connected with the surface. However, the Beast prevented us. We would be honoured to join your nation.”Then the mermaid turned his gaze to her group.
”And what of your companions? What do they desire? Gold? Pearls? Solid perfumes? Athius-made weapons?”