Ethan Smoke
Masked Solaris |
Villain |
23 |
5’9(Explicit) Powers/Abilities: The Summoned Stars
Ethan has the ability to summon miniature suns, little glowing balls of gravity and heat. He is able to change the temperature of the star. Red stars can be touched. Yellow stars burn at the same temperature as fire. Blue stars are able to melt solid steel.
He is able to summon many small stars, or a few large stars. The stars can become as big as about six by six feet. He is able to summon these stars at his hands, feet, or around him, and then shoot them in any direction, straight or curved. If a red star were to be shot forward, it would have the same impact strength as a swinging metal bat.
Weaknesses:He may use the stars as shields, however, electricity can pass through them. Powerful insulators from heat can also render his stars moot. Cold temperatures can make it harder for him to summon and sustain stars. So, placing him in a steel ice box can essentially render him useless.
Personality:Haughty, smooth, aloof. All the traits of a likeable villain. He enjoys getting what he wants with a smile. He enjoys playing cat and mouse. He enjoys gaining and exercising his power. A bit of a negotiator, if there is something he wants, he'll sweet talk for hours to get it. At least, until he gets bored. Then he might try to intimidate. And, in rare cases, inflict enough pain to break someone, and take what he wanted in the first place.
Background:Nova City, with its vast technological advances and pro-corporation ideologies often didn't have enough for government programs like child foster care systems. Ethan grew up in such a system, removed from his abusive biological parents only to end up in neglectful foster homes. He was bumped from one foster home to the next, becoming more dysfunctional and angry with every move.
One night, he was on the rooftops, like he normally was, staring up at the light-polluted sky. That night, he saw a shooting star. He made a wish that he would have the ability to change his destiny, and went to sleep. As he slept, he had a fever dream, and when he awoke, his room was on fire, alight with small stars coalescing about.
Everyone got out of the fire safely, himself included. It was chalked up to a freak accident, and he was moved to a new foster home. But this power started to allow him to push back. To fend for himself.
He ditched his foster home and lived on the streets for a bit. At least, until he did his first successful heist - a jewelry store. After that, he bought a shabby bachelor's apartment. Then, he would take on more daring heists, eventually making the news as the Masked Solaris. He bought a better apartment. He bought some men to work for him. He bought an office floor in a tower as his base of operations.
He continues his heists, his eyes on gaining the attention he was refused as a child.
Affiliations:He runs the Solaris Gang, a small group of hired guns and informants that help Ethan keep his finger on the pulse of the city and the world at large. They also help find and assist in heists. They also identify potential hazards, like cops sniffing around his establishment or work.
Motivations: He is definitely motivated by power and money. Maybe a little notoriety. If he became the top wanted criminal, he'd be okay with that.
Base of Operations:He operates the Solaris Gang on the 48th floor of the Arakana Tower in Nova City.
Public Perception:He is definitely viewed as a menace. The handsome devil that would steal the ring off your finger. So far, he has stayed ahead of the police force. But his luck could change at any time.
Combat Style:He definitely has an aggressive combat style. He tries to overwhelm and overpower, while keeping himself hard to hit.